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The power of innovation in the real ELT classroom
To be announced soon!
Presentation 1:
“Wake up those Vocabulary lists! Games for vocabulary Acqusition.”
Presentation 2:
”Warm-ups and wrap-ups: Start and end your class with an activity that will leave them smiling!”
Indira Bakshi M.A
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US Embassy
From setting goals to achieving success: Messi’s mindset in SEL lessons!
Prof. Paola Danesi
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Macmillan education
Storytelling games and drama techniques IN ACTION!
Prof. Esp Fabiana Parano
Crafting Dynamic Environments for TODAY’s Learners!
Prof. Eugenia Dell’Osa
Pronunciation tricks at your fingertips!
Lic. Martín Villarreal
From Traditional Correction to Autonomy: AI in Action
Mgter. Marcela Villaverde
The AI revolution in the reak ELT Classroom!
Mgter. Jennifer Verschoor
Tune in to clarity: The postmethod pedagogy in pronunciation teaching!
Lic. Pablo De Marchi
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Path Examinations
The story is just the beginning: Literature as a hands-on experience.
Mgter. Laura Aza
Spill the tea! The power of anecdotes in EFL. Turning our life experiences into stories!
Prof. Alejandra Alliende
Brain-Based Learning: building the bridge between Neurosciences and Education!
Lic. Nylia Monté
Mixing authenticity and imagination in the English Lesson!
Prof. Paula Bernich
Transforming Learning: The power of transmedia in the English Classroom!
Prof. Mirta Pola Rossi
Sandwiching classroom dynamics: engaging students one layer at a time.
Mgter. Cecilia Bonavetti
Creating Impactful Work Stations for Today's Classroom!
Prof. Sofía Ahumada
Small Steps, Big Gains! The science behind microlearning and bite-sized lessons
Mgter. Romina Marazita
Wellbeing and Scocial-emotional Learning in the age of artificial intelligence!
Mgter. Mariana Hidalgo
Tips and tricks to create a neuro-compatible lesson!
Lic. Ricardo Spizzo
The Playful Attitude, the Basis of a Creative Classroom!
Lic. Celeste Grimau
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Carbon Con Patas
Shaping tomorrow: creating a generation of solutionaries!
Prof. Marcela Villán
BEYOND WORDS, Emotional narratives in literature
Prof. Ingrid Landrein
You’ve got the power! How to foster a Growth Mindset in Education
Mgter. Roxana Areán
PBLL: How to Turn Ideas into Memorable Language Projects!
Prof. Laura Más
How to turn your classroom into an escape room
Mgter. Cecilia Ramirez
From VHS to VDH: Rewinding Creativity with a Twist!
Prof. Marcela Danowski
Eight-minute Activities your Students will Appreciate and Never Forget!
Prof. Patricia Zorio
Sponsored by
Carbon Con Patas
Unlocking engaging material for adult Conversation classes!
Prof. Gilda Pinciroli
Become a techie teacher: Hacks to bring the digital world into the classroom!
Lic. Ailén Hanada
A thinking routine toolkit to develop young learners’ thinking skills in the classroom!
Lic. Ana María Barragán
Engage, empower, excel: building a challenging classroom
Prof. Paula Bonadeo
Fostering creative classrooms through critical thinking!
Lic. Brenda Pasarelli
A Journey into Memorable, Meaningful, and Magical Language Acquisition!
Prof. Maria Belén Santucho y Lic. Nadia Belén Nieva
How to best choose and adapt materials to teach older adults
Mgter. Claudia De Martin
Post-Covid classrooms
Principios y Propósitos
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Organizer and Institutional Support
Academic Committee
Executive Committee
Abstracts and Biodata
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Principios y Propósitos
Dates and Venue
Organizer and Institutional Support
Academic Committee
Executive Committee
Abstracts and Biodata
Commercial Sponsors