To provide expertise, insights, advice and concrete tools and help Heads and Administrators to start, manage and grow their educational institutions.
Heads and Administrators of private English language schools. Directors of Studies of bilingual kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Coordinators of English Departments in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.
The speakers will address a variety of topics ranging from the business and marketing plans to the legal aspects and the day-to-day management of educational enterprises.
Two full days with 150 decision makers!
Join the discussion of the future of School Administration in Buenos Aires
Our Speakers
Lic. Juan María Segura
Circus Edu
"Enseñar a la Gen Z en un entorno post-pandémico."
Lic. Martín Villarreal
SHARE Education - Campus Nube
"Powerful pricing: Brilliant selling!"
Lic. María Belén Gonzalez Milbrandt
"5 Keys to Becoming an Amazing Leader."
Lic. Valeria Milchior
Valeria Milchior
"Vender hoy: los pilares de la venta consultiva."
Lic. Natalia Gil de Fainschstein
Excellere Consultora
" Checklist para un plan efectivo de marketing educativo."
Mgter. Laura Szmuch
Modelados Neurolinguisticos
"Resourceful Leaders: managing inner states"
Arq. Vanina Salinas
NeuroArq Argentina - CIL Lenguas
"Escuelas con Cerebro - Claves para convertir nuestras aulas en el tercer profesor."
Prof. & Coach Mariana Bosquet
Activando la Educación
"Neurociencias al rescate: Cómo ser un líder resonante."
Lic. Pablo Demarchi
PATH Examinations - Platinum Sponsor
"How to Approach Social Responsibility in your Institution."
Cdora. Cecilia Monnereau
C&C Estudio Contable
"Encuadre impositivo para el crecimiento de tu institución."
Cdora. Carolina Trujillo
C&C Estudio Contable
"Encuadre impositivo para el crecimiento de tu institución."
Lic. María Eugenia García Cueto
MailUp & Acumba
"¡El e-mail marketing se murió... dijo nunca nadie!"
Lic. Nicolás Melandri
Agencia Wow!
"5 simples trucos para romperla en Instagram"
Lic. Paula Ledesma
"Technology in the ELT classroom: Tools and Tips."
CM. Romina Fuentes
"Claves para crecer en redes sociales y crear contenido de valor!"
The most awaited event of the year!
6th National Congress for Heads and Coordinators