"Lady Windermere´s
Fan" by Oscar Wilde.
Adapted and directed
by Celia Zubiri
every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. during May and June
at Teatro Regina
-Av. Santa
Fé 1235
Cast : Lady
Windermere Alejandra
Windermere Fernando
Maite Nuñez
Sebastián Bottazzini
Willy Ruano
Duchess of
Berwick María Ana
Reservations: (011)
4812-5307 / 4814-5355 - e-mail : thebap@thebsasplayers.com
Special discounts for
groups of ten people or more. Free
Our dear and creative
SHARER, Elisabet Guber from Comahue sends us this brainteaser:
Dear Omar and
I'm sending this
brainteaser for you and your sharers (of course!). The answers? I will be
posting them next week.
1. There is one word
in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?
2. A man gave one son
10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time is it?
3. A boat has a ladder
that has six rungs, each rung is one foot apart. The bottom rung is one foot
from the water. The tide rises at 12 inches every 15 minutes. High tide peaks in
one hour. When the tide is at it's highest, how many rungs are under water?
4. There is a house
with four walls. Each wall faces south. There is a window in each wall. A bear
walks by one of the windows. What colour is the bear?
5. Is half of two plus
two equal to two or three?
6. There is a room.
The shutters are blowing in. There is broken glass on the floor. There is water
on the floor. You find Sloppy dead on the floor. Who is Sloppy? How did Sloppy
7. How much dirt would
be in a hole 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide that has been dug with a square edged
8. If I were in Hawaii
and dropped a bowling ball in a bucket of water which is 45 degrees F, and
dropped another ball of the same weight, mass,and size in a bucket at 30 degrees
F, both of them at the same time, which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket
first? Same question, but the location is in Canada?
9. What is the
significance of the following: The year is 1978, thirty-four minutes past noon
on May 6th.
10. What can go up a
chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up? (hint... chim chimminy)
11. If a farmer has 5
haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks
would he have if he combined them all in the centre field?
12. What is it that
goes up and goes down but does not move?
I will be eagerly
waiting for your answers and as you say, in the meantime, as usual: " Have a
Wonderful Week".
Elisabet Sandra Guber.
Please believe me when
I say that I derive an extreme pleasure when I find the kind of
material that I anticipate it can be useful to some of
you. This is the case of the past
week's issue of the ELT Newsletter <http://www.eltnewsletter.com>, which
brings a really interesting article on Constructivism by
Dimitrios Thanasoulas. In my humble opinion, it
constitutes an excellent summary of the main tenets of Constructivism and how they relate to other theories of learning and
I hope you enjoy
The original article
can be read at:
By Dimitrios
"Only by wrestling
with the conditions of the problem at hand, seeking and finding his
own solution (not in isolation but in correspondence with the
teacher and other
pupils) does one learn. "~ John Dewey, How We Think, 1910
As a philosophy of
learning, constructivism can be traced to the eighteenth century and
the work of the philosopher Giambattista Vico, who maintained
that humans can understand only what they have themselves constructed. A great many philosophers and educationalists have worked
with these ideas, but the
first major contemporaries to develop a clear idea of what
constructivism consists in were Jean Piaget and John Dewey, to name
but a few. Part of the
discussion that ensues grapples with the major
tenets of their
philosophies, with a view to shedding light on constructivism and its
vital contribution to learning. As a revealing gloss on this
issue, it could be said that constructivism takes an interdisciplinary perspective, inasmuch as it draws upon a diversity of
sociological, philosophical, and critical educational theories.
In view of this, constructivism is an overarching theory that
does not intend to
demolish but to reconstruct past and present teaching and
learning theories, its concern lying in shedding light on the learner
as an important agent
in the learning process, rather than in wresting the power from
the teacher.
Within the
constructivist paradigm, the accent is on the learner rather than
the teacher. It is the learner who interacts with his or her environment
and thus gains an understanding of its features and
characteristics. The
learner constructs his own conceptualisations and finds his own
solutions to problems, mastering autonomy and independence.
According to
constructivism, learning is the result of individual
mental construction, whereby
the learner learns by dint of matching new against given
information and establishing meaningful connections, rather than by
internalising mere
factoids to be regurgitated later on. In constructivist
thinking, learning is
inescapably affected by the context and the beliefs and
attitudes of the learner. Here, learners are given more latitude in
becoming effective
problem solvers, identifying and evaluating problems, as well as
deciphering ways in which to transfer their learning to these
If a student is able
to perform in a problem solving situation, a meaningful learning
should then occur because he has constructed an interpretation of how
things work using preexisting structures. This is the theory
behind Constructivism. By creating a personal interpretation of
external ideas and
experiences, constructivism allows students the ability to
understand how ideas can relate to each other and preexisting knowledge
(Janet Drapikowski,
personal communication).
The constructivist
classroom presents the learner with opportunities for
"autopoietic" learning (here, I deploy the meaning of Francisco
Varela's term in a context different to the original one) with a
view to helping
learners to build on prior knowledge and understand how to construct
new knowledge from authentic experience - certainly a view in
keeping with Rogers'
experiential learning (Rogers, 1969, 1994). C. Rogers, one of the
exponents of experiential learning - the tenets of which are
inextricably related
to, and congruent with, those of constructivism - made the
distinction between cognitive learning, which he deemed meretricious,
and experiential
learning, which he considered significant. For him, the qualities
of experiential learning include:
evaluation by learner;
pervasive effects on
Rogers' humanistic
approach to learning is also conducive to personal change and
growth, and can facilitate learning, provided that the student
participates completely in the learning process and has control
over its nature and
direction; it is primarily based upon direct confrontation with
practical, social, personal or research problems; and, self-evaluation is the principal method of assessing progress or success.
contrasting this approach with the typical behaviourist
classroom, where students are merely passive "receptacles" of
information from the
teacher and the textbook, is rather revealing. We will come to
that later on in the study. At this juncture, it is important to
briefly discuss the
theories of John Dewey, Jean Piaget, and Jerome Bruner that have
certainly influenced our stance toward the nature of learning
and, concomitantly,
teaching. For Dewey, knowledge emerges only from situations in which
learners have to draw them out of meaningful experiences (see
Democracy and Education, 1916 and Experience and Education, 1938).
Further, these situations have to be embedded in a social
context, such as a
classroom, where students can take part in manipulating materials
and, thus, forming a community of learners who construct their
knowledge together.
Students cannot learn by means of rote memorisation; they can
only learn by "directed living," whereby concrete activities are
combined with theory.
The obvious implication of Dewey's theory is that students must be
engaged in meaningful activities that induce them to apply the
concepts they are trying to learn.
constructivism is premised on his view of the psychological
development of children. Within his theory, the basis of learning is
discovery: 'To understand is to discover, or reconstruct by rediscovery, and such conditions must be complied with if in the future
individuals are to be
formed who are capable of production and creativity and not
simply repetition" (Piaget, 1973). According to Piaget, children go
through stages in
which they accept ideas they may later discard as wrong.
therefore, is built up step by step through active participation and involvement. However, applying Piaget's theory is not
so straightforward a task
as it may sound. (see
According to Bruner,
learning is a social process, whereby students construct new
concepts based on current knowledge. The student selects information,
constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, with the aim of
integrating new experiences into his existing mental constructs. It
is cognitive
structures that provide meaning and organization to experiences
and allow learners to transcend the boundaries of the information
given. For him, learner independence, fostered through encouraging
students to discover new principles of their own accord, lies
at the heart of
effective education. Moreover, curriculum should be organized
in a spiral manner so that students can build upon what they have
already learned. In
short, the principles that permeate Bruner's theory are the
following (see Bruner, 1973):
- Instruction must be
commensurate with the experiences that make the student willing
and able to learn (readiness).
- Instruction must be
structured so that it can be easily understood by the
student (spiral organization).
- Instruction should
be designed to facilitate extrapolation (going beyond the
information given).
It could be argued
that constructivism emphasizes the importance of the world
knowledge, beliefs, and skills an individual brings to bear on
learning. Viewing the
construction of new knowledge as a combination of prior learning matched
against new information, and readiness to learn, this theory opens up
new perspectives, leading individuals to informed choices about what to
accept and how to fit it into their existing schemata, as well as
what to reject. Recapitulating the main principles of constructivism, we could say that it emphasises learning and not
teaching, encourages learner
autonomy and personal involvement in learning, looks to learners as
incumbents of significant roles and as agents exercising will
and purpose, fosters
learners' natural curiosity, and also takes account of learners'
affect, in terms of their beliefs, attitudes, and
In addition, within
constructivist theory, context is accorded significance, as it
renders situations and events meaningful and relevant, and
provides learners with the opportunity to construct new knowledge from
authentic experience.
After all, "learning is contextual: we do not learn isolated
facts and theories in some abstract ethereal land of the mind
separate from the rest
of our lives: we learn in relationship to what else we know,
what we believe, our prejudices and our fears. On reflection, it
becomes clear that
this point is actually a corollary of the idea that learning is
active and social. We cannot divorce our learning from our lives"
(Hein, 1991, see : www.exploratorium.edu/IFI/resources/constructivistlearning.html
What is more, by
providing opportunities for independent thinking, constructivism allows
students to take responsibility for their own learning, by framing
questions and then analyzing them. Reaching beyond simple
factual information, learners are induced to establish connections
between ideas and thus
to predict, justify, and defend their ideas (adapted from In
Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms by
Jacqueline G. Brooks
and Martin G. Brooks, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development, 1993).
Having expatiated upon
the main tenets of constructivism, let us now content ourselves
with juxtaposing constructivism with other theories, objectivist
theories that is, and, more specifically, contiguity theory.
Byrnes (1996) and
Arseneau and Rodenburg (1998) contrast objectivist and constructivist approaches to teaching and learning.
Objectivist View,
Constructivist View
Knowledge exists
outside of individuals and can be transferred from teachers to
students. Knowledge has personal meaning. It is created by individual
Students learn what
they hear and what they read. If a teacher explains abstract
concepts well, students will learn those
Learners construct
their own knowledge by looking for meaning and order; they interpret
what they hear, read, and see based on their previous learning
and habits. Students who do not have appropriate backgrounds will
be unable to
accurately "hear" or "see" what is before them.
Learning is successful
when students can repeat what was taught.
Learning is successful
when students can demonstrate conceptual
Amongst the din of
shifting paradigms, a theory that used to dominate the field but
is not well-known is contiguity theory, an exponent of which is
E. Guthrie. The classic experimental paradigm for contiguity
theory is cats
learning to escape from a puzzle box (Guthrie & Horton, 1946).
Guthrie used a glass box which allowed him to photograph the movements
of cats. These photographs showed that cats learned to repeat the
same movements
associated with the preceding escape from the box. In this vein,
improvement comes about when irrelevant movements are unlearned or
not included in
successive associations.
Drawing upon
behaviouristic principles, contiguity theory sets out to show
that, in order for conditioning to occur, the organism must actively
respond; inasmuch as learning involves the conditioning of specific
behaviours, instruction boils down to presenting very specific
tasks; exposure to
variations in stimulus patterns is necessary in order to produce a
generalized response; and the last response in a
situation should be correct since it is this one that
Within a positivistic
tradition, so to speak, under which come the theories of
behaviourism, contiguity theory, and many others, the learner
was, and still is,
seen as relatively passive, 'simply absorbing
transmitted by a didactic teacher' (Long, 2000: 6). In the universe
created by these paradigms, the powerless learner is "worlds apart" from
the omniscient and powerful teacher, whose main concern is to
'deliver a standard
curriculum and to evaluate stable underlying differences between
children' (ibid.).
Against this
background, the cognitive paradigm of constructivism has been
instrumental in shifting the locus of responsibility for learning
from the teacher to
the learner, who is no longer seen as passive or
powerless. The student
is viewed as an individual who is active in constructing new
knowledge and understanding, while the teacher is seen as a
facilitator rather than a "dictator" of learning. Yet, despite its
"democratic" nature,
many contemporary philosophers and educationalists have tried
to demolish or vitiate some of its principles. Such a discussion
is outside the remit
of this study, of course. We will only briefly mention George Hein
(1991, see www.exploratorium.edu/IFI/resources/constructivistlearning.html),
who voices some
reservations about constructivist learning.
For Hein,
constructivism, although it appears radical on an everyday level, 'is a
position which has been frequently adopted ever since people
began to ponder epistemology' (ibid.). According to him, if we align
ourselves with
constructivist theory, which means we are willing to follow in the
footsteps of Dewey, Piaget and Vygotsky, among others, then we have
to run counter to
Platonic views of epistemology. We have to recognize that knowledge
is not "out there," independent of the knower, but knowledge is
what we construct for
ourselves as we learn. Besides, we have to concede that
learning is not tantamount to understanding the "true" nature of
things, nor is it (as
Plato suggested) akin to remembering perfect ideas, 'but rather
a personal and social construction of meaning out of the
bewildering array of
sensations which have no order or structure besides the
explanations - which we fabricate for them' (ibid.).
It goes without saying
that learners represent a rich array of different backgrounds
and ways of thinking and feeling. If the classroom can become
a neutral zone where students can exchange their personal views
and critically
evaluate those of others, each student can build understanding based on
empirical evidence. We have no intention of positing methods and
techniques for creating a "constructivist classroom." After all,
classrooms are, and should be, amenable and sensitive to a whole lot
of approaches to
teaching and learning, and a slavish adherence to the letter
rather than the spirit of education is bound to prove
It should be borne in
mind that the theory of constructivism, with which we have been
concerned, is not yet another "educational decree." Like philosophy,
constructivism can lead to its own de-construction, in the sense that
it forges the very structures and associations that could possibly
demolish it. It is a meta-theory, in that it fosters a meta-critical awareness. A constructivist orientation to learning is
unique because at its heart
lies the individual learner in toto, rather than dimly perceived
"apparitions" of her essence. Constructivism is a modern version
of human anatomy, in
the sense that it is based on, and provides insights into, brain
mechanisms, mental structures, and willingness to
- Arseneau, R., &
Rodenburg, D. (1998). The Developmental Perspective: Cultivating
Ways of Thinking. In D. D. Pratt (Ed.). Five Perspectives on Teaching in
Adult and Higher Education. Malabar, FL:
- Brooks, G. J. and
Brooks, G. M. (1993). In Search of Understanding: The Case for
Constructivist Classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.
- Bruner, J. (1973).
Going Beyond the Information Given. New York:
- Byrnes, J. P.
(1996). Cognitive Development and Learning in Instructional Contexts.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
- Dewey, John. (1938).
Experience and Education. New York: Macmillan.
- Dewey, John. (1966).
Democracy and Education. New York: Free Press.
- Drapikowski, J.
personal communication - Francisco Varela,
co-author with Humberto D. Maturana of Autopoiesis and Cognition:
The Realization of the Living (1980)
- Guthrie, E.R. &
Horton, G.P. (1946). Cats in a Puzzle Box. New York: Rinehart.
- Hein, G.
- Long, M. (2000). The
Psychology of Education. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Piaget, Jean.
(1973). To Understand is to Invent. New York:
- Rogers, C.R. (1969).
Freedom to Learn. Columbus, OH: Merrill.
- Rogers, C.R. &
Freiberg, H.J. (1994). Freedom to Learn (3rd Ed). Columbus, OH:
About the
Dimitrios Thanaloulas
BA in English
Literature and Linguistics, Athens University, Athens,
MA in Applied
Linguistics, Sussex University, United Kingdom
2001-onwards PhD
degree in Education and Applied Linguistics,Nottingham University,
United Kingdom
Sunday 8th, Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th of July.
Have already put these dates down in your diary?
Remember it´s the Alianza´s 6thy EFL Conference in Montevideo,
theme of the conference will be Technology and Innovation in
EFL and it will be held at the Alianza downtown.
ELT professionals interested in submitting a presentation should
contact Alianza EFL Conference. Presentations Committee: acueuff@netgate.com.uy.
Our dear friend Dr. Fernando Fleurquin, Academic Director of Alianza Cultural Uruguay Estados Unidos has promised
to send us more information which will be published in our next
Further details can be obtained from ALIANZA Paraguay 1217, Montevideo,
CP: 11100 -
5982-9025160 - Fax:
We have received this
e-mail from Erna Berntz - National Consultant from Trinity, The
International Examinations Board, trinityeb@ba.net with details of their
tour of Argentina to promote their renowned exams::
2001 Teacher Training Seminars
Guest Lecturer: Dr.
John Brown (UK), MEd, PhD , examiner in Spoken English for Speakers of Other
Languages, teacher, teacher trainer and marketing consultant specializing in
business training, young learners and achieving success in
Lecture (A)
Storytelling and the art of the imagination in the English classroom.
John will examine some
research carried out regarding the ethopsychological barriers to English. He
shall explore some of these findings and link them to the Art of Story telling
as a natural means to overcome these barriers in young learners from 5 to 15.
Lecture (B) Examining
oral English: Why-When-How (workshop)
This workshop will
explore the ways in which we can assess our students' speaking skills in such a
way as to provide motivation and a positive learning experience. Different
approaches will discussed and their merits and demerits will be considered.
(C) Guidelines for the
new Integrated Skills Examinations-written assessment
and Grading and
examination preparation guidance for Trinity ESOL spoken
In this practical
session, teachers will be given advice on grading and preparation of candidates
as well as the opportunity to assess students' oral performance according to
TRINITY criteria discussed earlier in the workshop.
Dates and
Nicolás: 2 May, 18:00 to 20:30, at Esc. Normal Sup.
R. Obligado, Plaza 23 de Noviembre. Lectures B-C. Registrations at API
(03461) 43- 3797.
3 May, 18:00 to 21:00, at Col. Ntra. Señora del
Rosario, Oroño 770.Lectures A-C .
Registrations at (0341) 426-
Córdoba: 5 May, 9:00 to 15:30, at Colegio San José,
Independencia 302. Lectures A-B-C.
Registrations at (0351) 423 -6448.
Resistencia: 8 May, 18:00 to 20:30, at Hotel Covadonga,
Guemes 200. Lectures B-C.
Registrations at Casa de Inglés (03772)
10 May, 18:00 to 20:30, at ICI Salta, Av. Belgrano
386. LecturesB-C.
Registrations at (0387)
Tucumán: 12 May, 9:00 to 15:30 at Colegio Nueva Concepción,
Balcarce 655.Lectures A-B-C.
Registrations at (0381)
Bahia Blanca: 17 May, 18:00 to 20:30 at Librería Agencia
Sur, Thompson 250. Lectures B-C.
Registrations at Instituto Oxford, (0291) 451
Ciudad de Buenos Aires: 19 May, 9:00 to 15:30, at Belgrano
Day School Juramento 3035.
A-B-C. Registrations at Trinity (011) 4 798-0983, email: trinityeb@ba.net
Admission is free but
registration is essential because of limited vacancies.
Certificates will be issued.
These seminars have
been organized with the support of Longman/Pearson Education.
Our dear SHARER
Fernando Lerat from Villa Dolores sends us this interesting article which he
" I read and copied
from the Web" . Thanks Fernando for an article that word-lovers like you will
certainly appreciate:
When you hear someone
pronouncing "ask" as "aks" or "pretty" as "purty", do you find
yourself looking down your nose? Not so fast! What you're witnessing
is the English language busy at work, mutating, evolving, and
refurbishing its
wordstock, making things easier to pronounce. Known as metathesis, it is the same process that gave us "dirt"
(from drit) and "curd" (from crud!). If you
ever used the word "flimsy", you did it: the word is the
metathesized form of the word "filmsy". It is somewhat like our friend
spoonerism, except
that here the letters or sounds get transposed within the same
word. Many everyday words appear in a form created by such interchange
of letters: the word "bird" came from Old English "brid", "third"
from "thridda". Going
back to "ask," here is an interesting twist. The word "ask"
itself came from Old English forms "acsian" and "ascian" that
Eventually the former
won over and became standard. So what we are seeing here is
history repeating itself. A few hundred years and who knows, we
may be exhorting, "Aks
not what your country can do for you ..."
Vivian Morghen, ARTESOL Vice
president, sends us information about the 15TH
ARTESOL Convention
Argentina TESOL
(ARTESOL) is pleased to announce the 15th ARTESOL Convention,"Reaching Out for
Knowledge" , to be held on June 15 - 16, 2001 at Universidad Empresarial Siglo
21, Córdoba City
(165 Rondeau
Street). The ARTESOL Convention is open to all members of the English Language
Teaching community.
Argentina TESOL
is an affiliate of a worldwide association of Teachers of English to Speakers of
Other Languages, TESOL, whose mission is to improve the teaching of English all
over the world. TESOL and its 90 affiliates provide information and counsel on
the latest pedagogical advances for the acquisition of the English language
through courses, seminars, conferences, publications, and
Other professional activities during the
Convention include plenaries, concurrent sessions, and exhibition of the latest
publications in ELT.
If you would
like to be a presenter at the Convention, please complete the attached Call for
Participation -Proposal Form and either fax it or email it to ARTESOL by May 31st, 2001. Fax #: 011
4394 2979 E-mail: artesol@bcl.edu.ar
The 15th
ARTESOL Convention, the second one to be
held outside Buenos Aires City,
is an excellent opportunity
for EFL teachers throughout the country to gain insight into the state of
the art of our profession on a national basis. Therefore we ask you all to help
us make this event as enlightening and fruitful as possible. Please contact
ARTESOL , Maipú 672 (1006) Buenos Aires, fax # 011-4394-2979 or by e-mail
artesol@bcl.edu.ar for further details and registration
Let's all meet
in Córdoba, on June 15 at 1pm.
Warmest wishes,
Our very dear
and talented friend, Graciela Gazzanego invites all SHARERS to a unique
presentation that Marina and I are not going to miss and you cannot afford to
miss either.
Thanks to your
weekly issues of SHARE, I have always received information that can improve our
work as teachers and even have some fun. Now it's my turn to try to share my
experience through a lecture which, I hope, can be of some help to my collegues.
You'll find the details below.
Kisses to you
and Marina
* New
Technologies in the English Class
This lecture
will introduce you to the world of technology that can be easily applied to your
own class projects. Internet, e-mails, chats, Power Point presentations and WEB
pages will become part of your daily practices in challenging, cross-curricular
and "globalized" tasks, whether at schools or institutes .
Lic. Graciela Gazzanego de Gabarain
Lecturer in
Methodology and Teacher Educator at UTN College of Education. Teacher and
Educational Consultant specialized in the field of New Technologies of
Information and Communication and Distance
Date: May 5th,
2001 -
Time: 9 to 12:30
Venue: Pasteur 765,
3ºpiso - Capital Federal (Auditorio de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria
Fee: $35
Payment should
be made by Bank deposit at
any branch of Banco Francés Caja de ahorro en pesos :
Nº 1630/9 ( Sucursal 186). Remember to fax
the bank deposit slip to: 4854-4814
Further Information and
enrolment : info@inglesnet.com or
Tel: 4551-6578
10.- A
Our dear SHARER Amelia
Bracamonte from Tucumán sends us this very simple poem to be used as a warm- up
for drama classes with children:
Dancer, dancer, moving
moving, moving,
acting, playing,as you
Dancer, dancer, stand
quite STILL.
Statue, statue,
standing there.
Motionless and light
as air,
Far removed from
thought of men.
Statue, statue, LIVE
Isn´t it it nice?
Thank you. Ame for your contribution and keep on SHARING.
Colega Docente:
En la www.fernandocarlos.com.ar se
acaba de publicar la nueva y reciente reglamentación referida al Ingreso en la Docencia tanto para Pcia. de
Bs.As. como para Capital Federal, a saber:
1) Pcia. de Bs. As: Se publica el texto completo de la Circular Nº 2 del
30/03/2001 de la Dirección de Tribunales de Clasificación de la DGCyE con
las pautas para la inscripción 2001 Listado 2002. Asimismo se publican
algunas recomendaciones a tener en cuenta para la
2) Capital Federal: Se publica el texto completo de la nueva
reglamentación del 29/03/2001 sobre la Inscripción, valoración de Títulos, Valoración de
Cursos, Antecedentes Pedagógicos y Culturales como así también otros
antecedentes. También reforma la confección de los Listados, forma de
designación, duración de los interinatos y suplencias. Por último se
publican algunas recomendaciones a tener en cuenta para la
Se autoriza la distribución de este correo en listas afines, como así
también la impresión del mismo, y publicación en la sala de
Hasta pronto
Fernando Carlos IBAÑEZ
Educación - República Argentina.
Our dear SHARER,
Mercedes Rossetti, Chair of the ESP Interest Section writes to us. Our best
wishes to Mercedes and all the colleagues in her Interest
According to ARTESOL
ESP IS Governing Rules, all members of the Interest Section are entitled not
only to vote but also to fill a vacant position.
Once more, we are
pleased to invite you to participate in the ESP IS group by nominating
yourselves or nominate a colleague to fill the In-coming Chair position. Ballot
counting will take place during the ARTESOL Convention in Córdoba, Córdoba, June
15-16, 2001.
If you are interested in filling one of
these two positions, please send your biodata to the ESP IS Board. Send your biodata to ESP IS with a
statement of purpose describing your interests, why you would like to participate and how you can make a
positive contribution to the group and the organization. All members of the ESP
IS will be informed by electronic
Ballots can be sent
either by print to Sáenz 341 P 1 Lomas de Zamora, (B1832HUG) Buenos Aires
Argentina. or by email to
You can also vote at
the ArTESOL convention in Cordoba. Final results will be announced there and
immediately distributed to the list for those who could not attend. Further
details on ballot procedures will be shared once nominations have been received
by the Nominating Committee.
Nominating Committee