An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac (c)

Year 2          Number 33      August 19th   2000

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED.


This is a very special week. To start with, there will be another posting of SHARE next Wednesday or Thursday with a special piece of news. As a friend of ours says "I cannot say no more" for the time being but wait until mid week. We believe it is worth waiting !
Secondly and perhaps more importantly, we are inaugurating a new SHARE free service : SHARE DOCUMENTS. These will be posted absolutely free of charge to any SHARER who asks for them. We thought this was the most convenient arrangement as we sometimes have articles of special interest to publish and we just do not want to "load" this magazine too much with what might appeal to some
but not to most SHARERS.
The procedure will be very simple : we will announce the topic and contents of the issue of SHARE DOCUMENTS in this magazine and you can send us an e-mail asking for it any time you wish. 
We would like to start this week´s juicy SHARE with a letter and a reflection from one of our very dear SHARERS :
Dear Omar and Marina,

I'm really happy to write to you ( it's true thatI don't write so often.....) but I receive your warmth and love every week.....THANKS A LOT!!

This is my present for you......and for all the people that share such a special feeling for you both, Marina and Omar......Thanks for sharing LIFE......Have a day full of light and love!!

Linked by the Heart

Hearts are linked by God.
The friend in whose fidelity you can count, whose success in life flushes your cheek with honest satisfaction, whose triumphant career you have traced and read with a heart-throbbing almost as if it were a thing alive, for whose honor you would answer as for your own; that friend, given to you by circumstances over which  you have no control, was God's own gift.

All my love, Chris

Cristina Druetta, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba


1.- TESOL Distance Courses.  
2.- Rock ´n Pop at home and abroad
3.- Rebus
4.- News from Pearson : Longman Author Tours.
5.- Calling all Phoneticians and ELT Professionals
6.- Un Lenguaje Universal para comunicarse por Internet  
7.- Social Values and Music in Tucumán.  
8.- New Newsletter for the Teacher of English 
9.- Hear the Wolff ?
10- Implementing Curicular Changes. 
11- If I had my child to raise over again.
12- Visit the Bs As Players Website !  
13- Bernieh´s Corner.
14- Beware of those e-mails !
15- News from the "Wild" West.
16- Definitions and Self-styled Poetry.  
17- Silvia´s Corner  
18.-Lista Universo Internet
19.-Some interesting facts.
20.-SHARE DOCUMENTS : Issue 1.



Our dear friend Susan Hillyard has sent us this information from her CELL @ Itesl (Centre of Life Long Learning). She says :

CELL @ Itesl is committed to presenting quality TESOL courses, at distance, through Eurolink, Sheffield, U.K ( seven graded courses from Preliminary Certificates to Masters).

If you are ready to update your qualifications at a reasonable price, without the necessity of travelling to the U.K. but want a well-designed, exciting, accessible, modular course to suit your personal needs, contact Susan Hillyard, or Alicia Ghiorzi on 4797-2534/2775 or or

After Omar´s feature presentation at Paratesol, an American colleague working in Paraguay, Michael Burns, wrote to us :
Dear Prof. Villarreal,
I spoke to you briefly following your excellent presentation at the
Paratesol Conference. I can safely say it was the highlight of the
entire conference. We didn't want to leave, even when you started singing
yourself !
Not only was your presentation supremely entertaining and informative, but
it was so precisely because you modeled techniques that teachers such as
myself can easily use in the classroom.
I plan on using these activities immediately both at the Universidad
Americana, and at the Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano.
You have my thanks, and that of many teachers who I spoke with after the
Michael Burns
Universidad Americana
Asuncion, Paraguay
Next Saturday 9th September from 9:30 to 13:00 hours Omar will present his successful seminar in the city of Chacabuco . Here are the details :
Venue : Brighton Bookshop - Primera Junta 73 - Chacabuco
Date & Time : Saturday 9th September - 9:30 to 13:00
Registration : at Brighton Bookshop- cell phone : 02352- 15502976 OR
02352- 431235 OR e-mail to  
Fee : $ 10
On Tuesday 19th September ROCK ´N POP will be presented in 9 de Julio
at Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nro 4 .
Registration and Additional Information : personally or by phone at ISFD Nro 4 TE: 02317-422222 from  18.30 a 22.00 hours or whole day by phone
at 011-4244-2798 or 011-4243-1972 or e-mail to :
During the last winter holidays I was teaching my course ROCK ´N POP IN THE CLASSROOM 2000 at Bridge English in Ramos Mejía when the time came to present two activities with two different forms of REBUS .This is  decoding messages in which some words have been replaced by a picture. Do you remember the famous picture of a dog plus a rooster that we read "Cangallo" ? Today we probably would need the picture of a big pear to read the name of that same street downtown in Buenos Aires.
As I always do, I clarified that REBUS is not " un re-omnibus"  when somebody in the audience asked exactly what the word exactly meant. Luckily, a colleague
came to my rescue and gave a very plausible explanation. That lady turned out to be Chabela Rodriguez from Resistencia, Chaco who was spending her holidays in
Buenos Aires. Chabela is a lecturer in History of the English Language at College in Resistencia and is a longtime SHARER.
She writes to us about WRITING SYSTEMS :
"Dear Omar,
I had promised to send you some information about the Rebus writing system and here it is. Sorry for the delay but It took me some time to make a summary.
The vast majority of present-day systems are phonological; the non-phonological systems are mainly found in the early history of writing.
Non-phonological systems:
PICTOGRAPHIC: in this system the graphemes provide a recognizable picture of entities as they exist in the world. (e.g.The Mayas in Mexico used this system). Nowadays it is used for road signs.
IDEOGRAPHIC: it is usually distinguished as a later development of the pictographic. the idiograms have an abstract or conventional meaning, no longer displaying a cear pictorial link with external reality.(e.g. it was used in India). Nowadays modern signs that are ideographic are the ones in which you find a diagonal line used to express prohibition.
CUNEIFORM: it was used to express both nonphonological and phonological writing systems in several languages(e.g.used by the Sumerians)
HIEROGLYPHIC: in Egypt, a from of pictography developed around 3000 BC. The units of the writing system tend to be written from right to left. The scripts give the general impression of being pictorical but in fact they contain three types of symbol that together represent words:
1) Some symbols are used as idiograms representing entities and notions
2) REBUS SYSTEM: some symbols stand for one or more consonants (e.g. in English we might use a picture of a a bee followed by the letter R to represent the word BEER. Nowadays examples of Rebus writing are YYUR: Too wise you are. ICUR: I see you are YY4ME: Too wise for me. H&: hand  XQQ: excuse. You can also use pictures instead of words and mix them with words and letters.
3) Determinative symbols are signs that have no phonetic value but are placed next to other symbols to tell the reader what kind of meaning a word has. E.g. adding the drawing of an "eye" to the concept of "Table" meant that the table was not a piece of furniture but a chart.
LOGOGRAPHIC: the graphemes represent words. (e.g. the best known case is Chinese ) Nowadays we use logograms  in mathematics (+ - =) and logic.
Phonological systems:
SYLLABIC: the graphemes correspond to a spoken syllable, usually consonant-vowel pair. (e.g. Cherokee and Japanese kana)
ALPHABETIC: There is a direct correspondence between graphemes and phonemes. E.g. five modern alphabets: Modern Roman (the one used by English and Spanish) Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Cyrillic (Russian).
The RUNIC alphabet was used in very old times mainly in Scandinavia. The common runic alphabet consisted of 24 letters. The earliest English alphabet was devised by missionaries in Britain who used the Irish forms of the Latin alphabet. But they run into difficulties for certain sounds and they borrowed runic letters to represent them. During the Middle Ages the French discarded these runic symbols and they replaced them by consonants combinations (e.g. th)
My intention with this "long summary" was to clarify your douts about the origin of REBUS (as you can see it was just a part of the Egyptian  system) and the wrong idea you have that runic symbols were part of a pictographic system.
I send you, Marina and the kids all my love.
Maria Isabel Rodriguez (Chabela)
Thank you, Chabela. Now, Could you clarify if a "remis" es una re-señorita ?

Our dear friends and SHARERS from Pearson Education announce :

Author Tour in Argentina - August-November 2000 Prof. Daniel Fernandez  M.A.

Redactor del Documento de Diseño Curricular  de Santa Fe y  Consultor de la Serie Longman For Polimodal

Let's Principle our Teaching !

What does Teaching EGB 3 and Polimodal imply? How can we transfer the theory underpinning the national proposals to our classrooms? Informed teaching not only facilitates our work and gives sense to it but is the basis for creative planning as well. Examples will be taken from Longman for Polimodal and New Let's Go for EGB

San Juan
Saturday 26th August -  9:30hs to 11:30hs and 12:00hs to 13:30hs
Venue to be confirmed
Registration :
Librería Piedra Libre (A.S.J.P.I.) Mendoza 383 Sur - Tel: (0264) 4203413
Librería Florida - Rivadavia 89 Oeste Tel. (0264) 4216310
Cañada de Gómez, Santa Fé 
Saturday 30th  September -   9:30hs to 12:30hs and 14:00hs to 17:00hs
Colegio Florentino Ameghino - Centenario 1075
Registration: Colegio F. Ameghino -Tel: (03471) 422131
Venado Tuerto, Santa Fé
Saturday 11th November -   9:30hs to 12:30hs and 14:00hs to 17:00hs
Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 7 - Estrugamou 250
Registration :
Librería Crocodile -Castelli 670 - Tel: (03462) 426267/426845
Prof. Michael Harris
Speak for Yourself
Without doubt, speaking is the most difficult of the four skills to develop with teenage students. This workshop will look at practical ways in which we can get our students to deal with some of the features of real communication.
Bahía Blanca
Thursday 14th September - 18:00hs to 20:30hs
Colegio Claret - Paraguay 126
Asoc. de  Profesores de Inglés (APIBB) Chiclana 681 Entrepiso -
Tel/Fax: (0291) 456-3166 E-mail:
Librería Don Quijote - Fitz Roy 73
Tel: (0291) 451-7737 - E-mail:
Friday 15th September - 18:00hs to 20:30hs
Universidad de Congreso - Colón 90
Registration :
Centro Internacional del Libro -Lavalle 14 -(0261)-4201266
Rubén Simoncini Libros -San Juan 1108 - (0261) 4202988
All these events are free of charge.


Our great friend and SHARER, Roxana Basso, informs us that ON-SITE registration will be accepted next Tuesday 22nd August at Professor Doctor Héctor Ortiz-Lira´s lecture on  Lexical and Postlexical Accentuation to be held at Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, Bolivar 263 from 9:00 to 12:30 hours.
The organizers : Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades "Dr Gerardo Pages" - Universidad de Buenos Aires , Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires request
all interested parties to arrive at least half an hour earlier ( 8:30 hours) to 
comply with the usual enrolment procedures. Over this long weekend, you can enter your regisdtration form via  e-mail to .
The event is absolutely free of charge. No doubt a golden opportunity to see one of the most renowned figures in the Phonetics and Phonology scene today.


The following is a transcription of an article written by Àlex Barnet and published in "La Vanguardia", the Spanish newspaper on 13th August 2000. We accessed to this interesting piece of news through Ing. Eduardo Cosso, Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria ,Rectorado de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.
" El sistema está concebido como una lengua intermedia para ordenadores que
elimina ambigüedades y su acceso será gratuito.
El UNL es un idioma para ordenadores que reduce las ambigüedades en el
significado de los textos y permite la traducción automática a cualquier lengua. La idea de una máquina de traducir automática ha atraído a muchos investigadores en las últimas décadas, ya que abundan traductores automáticos plagados de errores. Hiro-shi Uchida, director del proyecto UNL de la United Nations University de Japón, es uno de los científicos que lucha por aproximarse a esta herramienta. Su propuesta se llama UNL (Universal Networking Language) y se presentó hace unas semanas en Barcelona.
"El gran problema de los sistemas automáticos de traducción es que no pueden luchar contra la ambigüedad de cada idioma, en el que hay términos que significan una cosa totalmente distinta, según el contexto", explicó. Uchida considera que los sistemas directos de traducción pueden funcionar sólo entre dos idiomas y no se pueden utilizarse universalmente. "Pero el UNL usa un lenguaje que permitirá comunicarse sin barreras", sentenció.
Desarrollado por la United Nations University, que depende de las Naciones
Unidas, el UNL está concebido como una lengua intermedia de uso para los
ordenadores y que tiene la ventaja de eliminar ambigüedades. Su funcionamiento es sencillo. El usuario escribe un texto en su idioma nativo. Por Internet, el sistema UNL lo traduce y lo visualiza mediante el grafismo del inglés (gato será "cat", por ejemplo). Automáticamente, el sistema formula en el idioma nativo del usuario las preguntas necesarias para eliminar las ambigüedades. Esto se traduce en un listado en pantalla en el que aparece gato como animal y como herramienta para cambiar la rueda. El usuario marca la opción correspondiente y a partir de ahí se crea un texto en UNL.
El grafismo en inglés es una convención y no implica que los usuarios sepan este idioma porque aparece por un proceso automático. Y el buen resultado final del sistema de traducción se basa en la existencia de un gran diccionario. El UNL es sólo un intermediario técnico entre la lengua inicial y la traducida. Un traductor universal informático con aspiraciones universales para manejar 100 idiomas necesitaría 10.000 programas, ya que cada idioma necesita una traducción específica para cada lengua. El UNL rebaja este coeficiente exponencial y puede manejar 100 idiomas con sólo 200 programas. "Este año abriremos al público las primeras direcciones de Internet en las que se podrá utilizar el sistema", apunta.
Existen ocho sistemas locales (español, ruso, inglés, japonés, indonesio, tailandés, árabe y portugués) y dentro de poco se espera que se llegue a quince idiomas. Según Uchida, las pruebas realizadas han dado una fiabilidad del 90 % en textos de tipo general. El UNL está concebido como un sistema público que los usuarios podrán usar gratis. El departamento de Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha puesto en marcha el Centro de Lengua Española de UNL y abrirá la primera web en España para su uso."
We would like to remind all SHARERS that the accepted languages for publication in SHARE are English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Our very dear and active SHARERS, Stella Caramutti and Alicia Nasca from
Instituto de Enseñanza Superior "Lola Mora" in Tucumán, write to us to announce
a talk by Ricardo Sampedro on :
"Music and Social Values"
Date:  August 26th, 2000 - From: 09:30a.m. to 01:00p.m.
Venue: Salón de Actos -   Muñecas 219 - Altos.
Fee: $10
Further Information at : I.E.S. "Lola Mora".  Muñecas 219 - Altos . Tel/Fax: (0381) 4342730 Email: lolamo@tucuman, 
We wish Alicia, Stella and Richardo the very best !
On 14th August Pierre Stapley launched his new electronic newsletter for the teacher of English : D & S NEWSLETTER ( after Denis Dunn and Pierre Stapley)This very rewarding publication contains a variety of sections for the ELT professional as well as the language lover at large. It includes language tips ( a
very enlightening  section on "Idioms", for example) and tips on Methodology, as well as film reviews, an enticing "Discussion Junction" and assorted information.
This newsletter is distributed free of charge to subscribers.
How to sign up ? Simply send an e-mail to :  incluiding the
words SUBSCRIBE ME in the subject line.
We wish our dear friend Pierre ( and co-pilot Mr Dunn) the very best of success.
Haven´t you visited Dunnand Stapley´s site yet ?:
Our dear SHARER, the talented Betty Wolff, Executive Director of BEWENGLISH/HYPERMEDIA 2000 writes to us to invite all SHARERS to her
course :
El Negocio del Inglés :
Tecnicas Avanzadas de Creatividad y Marketing para Impulsar tu Instituto.
Says Betty :
Attention all Educators...Sign up for our last Workshop! Sensitive and
Sensible Solutions to make your English Center BOOM. Come to sell more and better. Remember that 2001 is just around the corner, and it won´t be easy, mind you! So let's get all together! It is our ninth work-shop for English teachers.
Saturday 2nd September  from 9 am through 8 pm.
at Juncal 2530.
The lecturers are Betty Wolff and Marcelo Rodeiro. All material will be
provided, snacks are included, and certificates of attendance will be issued.
The fee is $ 100, if you are a newcomer. For all other BEWEnglish suppor-
ters, just $ 90 for almost 11 hours of tuition all included.
We are your competitive advantage. It is the first presentation of this semi-
nar that will make your competition roll, roll in anger, because they have missed it, and all the extra services BEWEnglish/HYPERMEDIA 2000 provides to teachers who with their will and our wide support are sure to succeed. We make your sales increase at least 60%. You have our word.
If you happen to be interested, pay us a visit at:
Or send us a message to:
Phone: 54 11 4 825 0303 - Fax: 54 11 4 821 3572
A dear SHARER, Pablo Toledo, writes to us on behalf of APIBA Committee to announce a forthcoming APIBA / AACI  event: Implementing Curricular Innovation, a workshop to be led by Nora Alvarez, MA. in Applied Linguisticss, University of London on August 30th .
The presentation concerns the implementation of an innovation in a teacher training college. This innovation consists of a co-teaching project within the pre-service training of student teachers in an ELT programme.
Date & Time: Wednesday 30th August, 2000  from 18.30 to 20.00
Venue: ISA 2000, Vidal 1838. Ciudad de Buenos Aires
To register, please call 4811-8743, from 14.30 to 20.00 (Mon.-Thur)
This event is free of charge for APIBA members and teacher trainees .
Non-members pay a small contribution of $10.
Our dear SHARER, Marcela Pena from English Study Centre, writes to us :
Dear Omar and Marina,
Thanks for the wonderful space you have created ! I just wanted to share with you this poem by Diane Loomans, from the book "Full Esteem Ahead".
Lots of love from Campana
Marcela Pena
If I had my child to raise over again
If I had my child to raise over again,
I´d finger-paint more, and point the finger less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I´d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more-
I´d take more hikes and fly more kites.
I´d stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I´d do more hugging and less tugging.
I´d build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I´d teach less about the love of power,
and more about the power of love. 
Thank you, Marce for a beautiful and moving poem !
Our dear friend and SHARER, Celia Zubiri, Director of The Bs. As. Players, writes to us :
"Dear Omar and Marina,
I would like to SHARE with the SHARERS some good news about THE BS AS PLAYERS. We are very happy to announce our WEB SITE as from August. The address is and we invite you all to visit it. You will find useful information about our plays, activities, games, printable material, songs, interesting links, photos and much, much more.
Hope you like it!            
Sincerely yours,
Celia Zubiri
Well done, Celia ! Congratulations on a beutiful website !
Our dear friend and Internet specialist Bernieh Banega,   
has found a site of special interest for Teacher Educators. He says :
Hello, dear Prof. Villarreal!
I´ve found this article very interesting, and perhaps you'll find it
interesting too. What about organizing one-day meetings or seminars with student- teachers, just to exchange experiences and ideas with the rest of their class? Or even... why don't make advanced students who are through their teaching practices have a meeting/seminar with students from lower years, to discuss their experiences? You can find the article written by Sarah Garrecht Gassen and published by the Arizona Daily Star on Thursday, 13 July 2000 at
The name of the article ? " Real-world lessons from the trenches - Future teachers learn what works ". Inviting, don´t you think ?
Our dear SHARER, Berta Menendez from Asunción, Paraguay sends us this
"very true" story from real life and warns SHARERS to beware of
the e-mail technology: .
It's wise to remember how easily email -- this wonderful technology -- can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, with serious consequences.
Consider the case of the Illinois man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.
Unfortunately, when typing her address, he missed one letter, and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher's wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor
in a dead faint.
At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:
Dearest Wife,
Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.
P.S. Sure is hot down here. 
Our dear SHARER Ana María Paonessa, President of the Círculo de Traductores 
Públicos e Intérpretes de la Zona Oeste, announces a number of courses for the next few weeks :
Translation of Medical Texts
By T.P. Claudia Tarazona
August 26 and September 2 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $ 40.-
Portuguese (No previous knowledge necessary)
By T.P. María Dolores Salgado Loureda
Saturdays from 10 to 12 a.m.
Fee: $ 60.- per month
German (no previous knowledge necessary)
By T.P. Margarita Stecher
Saturdays from 10 a 12 a.m.
Fee: $ 60.- per month
French (no previous knowledge necessary)
By T.P. Leticia Scavino
Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m.
Arancel: $ 60.- mensuales
Takeovers, Mergers and Acquisitions
By Prof. Sergio F. Rodríguez
September 2, 9 and 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Fee: $ 50.-
Cultural Issues in Translation
By Prof. Alejandro Parini
September 9 from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $ 35.-
For further information call 4372-0068 or mail to
A dear SHARER from Humberto Primero, Santa Fe, Analía Angeletti de Berrone sent us this beutiful poem. Thank you Ana and keep on SHARING !  
Definition of a Friend
A friend should be radical;
They should love you when you're unlovable,
Hug you when you're unhuggable,
And bear you when you're unbearable.
A friend should be fanatical;
They should cheer when the whole world boos,
Dance when you get good news,
And cry when you cry too.
But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,
They should multiply the joy,
Divide the sorrow,
Subtract the past,
And add to tomorrow, 
Calculate the need deep in your heart,
And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts. 
We always knew that Maria Laura Rossi was woman with multiple talents and now... she is threatening to expand into the realm of poetry. She writes to us :  
" Friends can be like bugs,
they may annoy you, make you laugh or cry
but they're nice and cause no harm.
And most of all,
they're ESSENTIAL for LIFE !
Sorry if it's no that poetic, but it's mine!
María Laura ,
A dear SHARER from Rosario, Silvia Graziani starts her own corner in our publication. Another corner ? Well, yes. After all there are four in every room ! What will Silvia´s be about ? Well, she defines it as " Another contribution to erase sadness from life ".
Charity and the Law
A local charity office realized that it had never received a donation from the town's most successful lawyer.  The director called him, hoping to get a contribution.
"Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn't you like to give back to the community in some way?"
The lawyer replied, "First, did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?"
Embarrassed, the director mumbled, ""
"Or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?"  The stricken director began to stammer out an apology but was interrupted. " . . . or that my sister's husband died in a traffic accident," the lawyer's voice rising in indignation, "leaving her penniless with three children?!"
The humiliated director said simply, "I had no idea . . ."
"So if I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?"
Not very Bright
This psychiatrist walks into his waiting room and sees two men.  One is hanging upside down from the ceiling.  The other is sawing an imaginary piece of wood. The doctor approaches the man who is sawing and asks him what he is doing.
"I'm sawing wood," the man replies. 
"And what's your friend doing?" the doctor asks.
"Oh, he thinks he's a light bulb."
"Well, don't you think you should tell him to get down?  The blood is rushing to his head."
"What, and work in the dark?" 
Lic. Carlos Neri from Facultad de Filosofia y Letras U.B.A, invites all SHARERS with an interest in the INTERNET to join his List in Spanish
"El Universo Internet".  Professor Neri is the Chair of "Edicion Electronica y Multimedia" ( other members of his team are, among many others, : Graciela Caplan and Viviana Fidanza.
Here are the aims of the List : 
" Estudiar las transformaciones de la producción de bienes culturales digitales en el entorno de Internet y su incidencia sobre los sujetos como productores, lectores o distribuidores de contenidos.".
Here is a summary of the topics it includes :
"El teletrabajo utilizando Internet. Producción, distribución y comercialización de productos digitales en la red. Nuevos usuarios. Nuevos lectores y nuevas formas de narrar con la red. Comportamientos sociales y psicológicos de los actores. Del mail a las cámaras en la web. Mundos reales / mundos virtuales.Estéticas que surgen de la web.  Periodismo digital.
Libro electrónico.".
To Suscribe, send an e-mail to and in the body of the
message include the words : subscribe universo .
A dear SHARER from Lincoln, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Andrea Ferreyra sends us this list of "very scientific" facts you can use with your students :
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. No one in Greece has
memorised all 158 verses.
The average secretary's left hand does 56% of the typing.
A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
There are more chickens than people in the world.
Two-thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in New Jersey.
The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."
On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament
Building is an American flag.
All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.
No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or
“Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
Almonds are members of the peach family.
Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.
There are only four words in the English language which end in "-
dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.
Los Angeles's full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de
los Angeles de Porciuncula".
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
In most advertisements, including newspapers, the time displayed on
a watch is 10:10.
A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.
A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.
In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube
and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
“Stewardesses' is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
*Typewriter is the only ten letter word you can type on the top of
your keyboard.
Thank you for your contribution, Andre ! 
As from today, you can request absolutely free of charge  issue 1 of our publication THE SHARE DOCUMENTS. 
The title of this very first issue is : El Pacto Federal Educativo II
And it contains :
1.- Texto de la Propuesta Completa del Ministro de Educacíón de la Nación Dr.
     Juan José LLach
2.- Texto del artículo "Secundario de Mejor Calidad" (Clarín -10/8/00) de la
     Dra Inés Aguerrondo, ex Subsecretaria de Programación y Gestión del 
     Ministerio de Educación de la Nación.  
3.- Texto de 2 entrevistas a Daniel Filmus (Página 12 y Clarín), Secretario de
     Educación del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. 
4.- Texto del mensaje de mail de Adriana Sirna "Cuidado con el Pacto Federal
     II" a la Lista

We thought it was necessary to start our series of documents with this topic
as it impinges on many of our dearest practices like : day schools (escuelas de
doble escolaridad) and bilingual education, titularizaciones, concentración de
horas cátedra, sueldo docente y bonificaciones,etc.
The whole document is in Spanish and be requested now or at any time in the
It´s  goodbye time again. As usual we leave you in good company, that of your family, friends and colleagues.
We would like to say goodbye with a mail that a dear SHARER, Graciela Marchetti sent to us. The true spirit of SHARE is these words :
Dear Marina and Omar,
First of all,thanks for your warm, shiny ,powerful light that brightens up our screen every weekend, providing us with the message,the answer,the word we were needing ,even without our being aware of this need.These things only happen when there's a net of common interests and shared passion.Thanks indeed!
My very best wishes for you and your family!
Graciela Marchetti 
Omar and Marina
E-maiI addresses will be withheld, unless the people or institutions concerned explicitly express in their postings to us their wish to have their electronic address published.
If a friend wishes to receive this page tell him or her to send an e-mail to us with his or her details. We love to hear from the people wih whom we SHARE but for subscription purposes NAME and CITY are enough. All other details are welcome. 
SHARE is distributed free of charge. All announcements in this electronic magazine are also absolutely free of charge. We do not endorse any of the services announced.