The main aim of the Congress is to expose teachers to the largest possible number of trends and help them face the different challenges the classroom situation poses (interaction between teachers, students and their peers in diverse social, cultural, and technological realities) - ranging from kindergarten to teacher training levels. The Congress will consider all areas of ELT, but will give higher priority to:
academic program includes: plenary sessions, semi-plenaries, workshops,
presentation of papers and "in-progress" sessions. Please refer to SHARE 20 for
a list of speakers that have already confirmed their
The social program will include: the Opening Ceremony, a Welcome Lunch, with the performance of local groups and the F.A.A.P.I. Farewell Dinner Party, with the traditional raffles of free courses to the U.K., U.S.A., and other destinations ; City Tours; Art exhibitions and talks about Patagonia.
those wishing to tour round Patagonia and visit some of the most beautiful
places in the world, such as “The Petrified Forest”, “The Glaciers” National
Park, or even Ushuaia or the Antarctica, special tours can be arranged on
Many prestigious schools and publishing companies have already confirmed their participation with their exhibits in the Congress and are sponsoring international speakers as well as highly reputed Argentinean lecturers. The call for papers is out (deadline 31st May 2000) and can be consulted in the last issue of SHARE.
In a special effort to encourage participants from all the provinces in our country to take part in the 26th FAAPI Congress and visit our enchanting Patagonia, Aerolíneas Argentinas / Austral Líneas Aéreas are offering special fares for flights to Comodoro Rivadavia and back home.
Registration is in process (first deadline 28th July) at $ 70 for Members of FAAPI Associations and students and $120 for non-mebers ( in both cases payable in two instalments). More details in SHARE 22.
If you need additional information do not hesitate to contact Adriana L. Marcos,9na Avenida 1950 - (9001) Rada Tilly, Chubut, Argentina Fax number: 54 297 4472191 E-mail:
You can now visit FAAPI 2000 WEB PAGE !!! :
Our friend and very active SHARER from Montevideo, Juan Carlos Lozano, says "I simply loved this joke" . I say " Me, too" . Why not sharing it them ?
received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot was fully grown,
with a very
bad attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was an expletive; those that
weren't expletives were,
to say the least, rude. Jimmy tried to change the bird's attitude by constantly
saying polite words, playing soft music... anything he could think of. Nothing
He yelled at the bird, and the bird got worse. He shook the bird,
and the bird got madder and more rude. Finally, in a moment of desperation,
Jimmy put the parrot in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird
swearing, squawking, kicking and screaming and then, suddenly, there was
absolute quiet.
Jimmy was frightened that he might have actually hurt the
bird, and quickly opened the freezer door. The parrot calmly stepped out onto
Jimmy's extended arm and said, "I'm sorry that I offended you with my language
and my actions, and I ask your forgiveness. I will endeavour to correct my
Jimmy was astounded at the changes in the bird's attitude and
was about to ask what had changed him, when the parrot continued :
"May I
ask what the Chicken did?" ."
In her last posting to us our sourthernmost SHARER , Norma Colaiutta (see SHARE 20) wrote : "... and just when it was beginning to get cold, there it was, your message, which warmed the cockles of my heart ! We all know the expression , but :
What the heck is something doing when it "warms the cockles" of your
of you may recognize the word "cockle" as derived from the Old French,
"coquille", or shell, as in the French scallop dish, Coquille Saint-Jacques. You
would know as well that coquille also gave us "the cockles and mussels" that
Sweet Molly Malone sold in an old song.
Now those who jumped up to
raise their hand with that answer, please sit down. That ain't it. These cockles
come from the Latin "cochleae cordis" , the
ventricles in your heart. The
implication is that something that warms you that internally is really, deeply
Source: Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins.
On Holy Thursday our family visited the Book Fair at La Rural. We came across the F.E.B stand ( the FEB is a teacher´s union in the province of Buenos Aires) and as I equiped myself with the latest edition of "Estatuto del Docente" for a very moderate price, one of the ladies in the stand gave my son Martin a copy of this poem. In this technological age, the tiny photocopy was illustrated with two flowers somebody had drawn and painted by hand ! I thought it was more beuatiful than the best of the printed books on display... simply because it was much more human.
Tiempo de Otoño
More than ten years ago when I travelled to Uruguay to lecture at an ALIANZA Conference, I met two young and enthusiastic teachers Eduardo Fasano and Gabriel Lanzaro who told me about their passion for music and how they used it to teach English. Today they are two fellow SHARERS and their passion has evolved into what they call MBL (Music Based Learning). But let us read what they have to say about MBL :
" We are two Secondary
School teachers and our
specialization is teaching the language
through MUSIC ( vocal or instrumental) and VIDEO
CLIPS. But this is not simply listening to songs and watching video
clips. We promote the creation of a
Complete Contextualized Unit. Music is only
one part in this process where we also
introduce all the necessary elements to
achieve an overall effect that leads to
the comprehension of the unit.
Elements such as texts, poems, images, pictures,
drama, real life situations, videos and even
other songs related to the same
Using MUSIC may help to make the
students feel relaxed and to
open up
their minds to the language and makes the
process of learning a more holistic
experience. Through sounds, music and images
students not only develop the language arts but
most importantly their higher thinking capacities."
Dear Omar,
SHARES are a wonderful idea
to link teachers from different
places and we are proud of being
part of this great network. And what a better way to say
"thank you" than using the lyrics of a
song Here it goes (please replace "music" by SHARES)
Thank you for the music
songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the
joy they're bringing
Who can live without
it ?
I ask in all honesty
What would
life be without a song or
what are we ?
So I say, Thank
you for the music,
for giving it to
(Andersson- Ulvaeus - 1977 )
Fasano & Gabriel Lanzaro edumbl@adinet,
Stella Caramutti and Alicia Nasca from the Instituto Superior "Lola Mora" in Tucumán write to us with details about the "Primeras Jornadas Internacionales para Profesores de Inglés del NOA" which will be held in San Miguel de Tucumán from 16th to 18th of June 2000.
The list of Lecturers includes :
The topics of the Congress will be : Language, Linguistics, and Teacher Development. There will be Plenary Sessions and Commercial Presentations in a packed up and solid programme which comprises 3 days.
The fees are $ 50 if paid before May 26th and $ 60 if paid before June 16th.
information can be requested from I.E.S. “Lola
Mora” – Muñecas 219 - San Miguel de Tucumán - E-Mail: Tel/
Fax (0381) 4305316 from 19:30 to 23:00 hours
Joice graduated as a teacher of English from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul in 1972 as a teacher of English and has been teaching at Instituto Cultural Brasileiro Norte-Americano since 1974. She is also an actress and theater director and has participated in 20 plays as an actress and in 11 plays as a theater director. She has been awarded two prizes, one for poetry in 1978 "Apesul Revelação Literária" and the other one the "Tibicuera" prize for the best actress for children plays in 1980. She is also a "puppeteer" and worked in programs for children in two local TV stations (TV Guaíba and TV Educativa).
And now she has become another SHARER and has sent us her first contribution : a message she is not the author of but which she wanted to SHARE with us :
Propósito :
programa de la Maestría tiene como propósito principal posibilitar a graduados
universitarios de las Carreras de Francés, Inglés y Letras una formación
académica superior en el campo de la didáctica de las lenguas respectivas,
fundada en la investigación científica, lingüística y pedagógica. Esta
formación se llevará a cabo a través de la participación activa en la
realización de los cursos previstos, talleres y seminarios, trabajos de campo e
investigación, y la elaboración de una tesis en la especialidad elegida del
de Admisión
a- Poseer
el título de profesor o licenciado en Francés, Inglés o Letras, otorgado por una
universidad argentina o extranjera, con no menos de cuatro años de estudios
b- Tener
un promedio general no menor de 7 (siete) en la escala de 0-10 en los últimos
dos años del correspondiente plan de estudio.
c- Presentar
solicitud y formulario de admisión acompañada de la documentación pertinente.
d- Mantener
una entrevista con la Comisión de admisión.
e- Aprobar
los exámenes de lecto/comprensión de idiomas. Los graduados en Francés deben
aprobar obligatoriamente Inglés y los egresados de Inglés aprobarán el examen de
Francés obligatorio. Los egresado de Letras deberán aprobar los dos
de Graduación - Dedicación
realizar estudios y trabajos de investigación en la Facultad de Filosofía y
Letras durante por lo menos doce (12) meses con dedicación exclusiva, o
dieciocho (18) con dedicación parcial. Se admite el cursado con evaluación de
cursos o seminarios en el Doctorado en Letras, en otras unidades académicas de
la UNT u otras universidades o centros nacionales o internacionales.
de Estudios
plan de estudios de la Maestría en Didáctica de las Lenguas se organiza en tres
áreas curriculares: general, disciplinaria y didáctica. Cada área presenta una
oferta de cursos, de los cuales se establece un número mínimo de horas
obligatorias. Se debe cursar y
aprobar 600 horas de clases teórico-prácticas, correspondientes a las tres áreas
de Grado
Aprobados por lo menos el 75% de los cursos y seminarios, el postgraduando propondrá, bajo la supervisión de un Director, un proyecto de tesis, que se presentará como un informe escrito, el cual deberá satisfacer los siguientes requisitos:
a- Contener
un relevamiento y análisis crítico de los trabajos publicados sobre el
tema seleccionado.
b- Evidenciar
la capacidad del maestrando en el uso de métodos y técnicas de la
investigación científica .
c- Constituir
un aporte al tema elegido.
de Grado
Es la Defensa Jurídica de la tesis y otros temas relevantes y asociados con la misma ante el correspondiente Tribunal Examinador.
In our next issue of SHARE we will publish the names ofmembers the Academic Committee of Studies and the list of lecturers, as well as the courses planned for this year, In the meantime, we encourage colleagues to get in touch with Fanny Diaz Cancelleri for further information.
Omar and Marina