An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 4                    Number 86               November 2nd 2002


           4349 SHARERS are reading this issue of SHARE this week


Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED





Have you looked at the date line above? Look again. Today we are staring our 4th year of publication. Our official birthday was on October 30th but we are celebrating today

with this issue of SHARE. Quietly and in the family as all really important events in life should be celebrated. Only that our family is also you and you are 4349 people. But you understand what we mean by “quietly and in the family”. You will not find any special feature in this issue, only a few lines from one of the founding members of SHARE, Elida Messina ( again to teach us about life not about SHARE) and this short special acknowledgement to our dear friend Oriel Villagarcía who always believed in us.

Quietly and in the family: we would like to thank our two sons Martin and Sebas who have often seen some of the time they rightfully deserve “stolen” to finish an issue and who have always been willing to lend a hand , to our dear trouble shooter Bernieh for his unfailing technological ( and other) support, to our contributors and to all of you for the pleasure of your company week after week.   



Omar and Marina






1.-   Taboo English in the ESL/EFL Classroom.

2.-    E-Learning & Distance Learning: An On-line Course.

3.-       Marketing for Teachers and Translators.

4.-       Patriotism? : The Caesar´s quote.

5.-   Call for Articles.      

6.-       Jornadas sobre Español para Extranjeros.

7.-   My Wish for my grandchildren.   

8.-       Websites Recommended.

9.-       Language and Literature Workshops in Banfield.

10.-  School Year 2003 in Buenos Aires.






We are very proud to be able reproduce the part of the thesis entitled “Taboo English in the ESL/EFL Classroom: An Action Research Approach” that our talented and generous colleague  Anthony Crooks wrote for his M.A.(TESOL) degree in 1998. 




This chapter defines taboo language, and discusses its role and growing acceptance in everyday English. It then addresses the absence of Taboo English from the curriculum of most ESL/EFL language centres, and the reason for its inclusion in a responsible instruction program. Considering the high profile of these words and phrases in English, questions are raised as to why taboo forms are officially absent from language centre programs. However, some examples of the presence of Taboo English in the ESL/EFL classroom are given, and movements towards its formalisation in the form of texts detailing and explaining these words and phrases to non-native speakers of the language are examined. Student interest in Taboo English classes is focused upon, and the purpose and objectives of the research conducted into learner reaction to such classes is outlined, accompanied by predicted outcomes of the study.


– What language is addressed in language schools?


The general goal of language schools and teachers is to raise their students to a level of communicative competence that allows the learners to interact successfully in the target language. Whilst courses at these schools endeavour to present the students with a wide range of useful language, there is often a missing dimension in what these learners are offered. This is noted by Wajnryb (1997, p. 8) who, returning to the ESL classroom after an extended absence, was surprised by:


the artificiality of the language of textbooks and of much of the language that was being used to teach English.


She goes on to add that:


The world from which ESOL texts draw their inspiration and prototypes is a very particular one. Predicated on safety, harmony and benevolence, it is governed by interactions of high social distance and symmetrical power restrictions, bearing zero-to-minimal face threat and zero-to-minimal negotiation, with meaning explicitly and baldly encoded in text rather than retrievable from implicature or context. It is a very narrow stratum of the social world and offers a highly restricted range of encoding (p. 16).


Wajnryb states that certain topics (and their associated language) are absent from the textbooks, among them "sex, sexuality or issues of sexual preference", "period pain or menopause", "sexually transmitted diseases", and "miscarriage, abortion" (pp. 9-10). She also notes that there is an absence of "jeopardy" and conflict in most textbook conversational exchanges, with "harmony" being the common tone of the materials.

Just as these issues are not addressed in many materials and classes, neither is the class of language which often accompanies the topics and interactions detailed above. This class of language exists and is active in contemporary English, but, in general, is not supposed to be used. This is the area of taboo language.


– What is taboo language?


There are a variety of interpretations as to what is embraced by the term 'taboo language'. Swan (1995, p. 573) defines taboo words as those:


which are considered dangerous, holy, magic or shocking, and which are only used in certain situations or by certain people.


Andersson and Trudgill (1990, p. 55) simply state that:


There are things we are not supposed to do and words we are not supposed to say. Incest is taboo and so are words like motherfucker.


Crystal (1995) dedicates a page to taboo (p. 172) in his text and writes that:


A few dozen lexemes compromise the special category of taboo language - items which people avoid using in polite society, either because they believe them harmful or feel them embarrassing or offensive.


However, in the subsequent section, "Swearing", (Crystal 1995, p. 173) the author goes on to note that:


We need to draw a clear distinction between the language of taboo, the language of abuse (invective), and the language of swearing. The three may overlap or coincide.


This is also noted by Burgen (1996, pp. 16-17) who states that:


Cursing and swearing in essence a small set of words orbiting around in even smaller set of taboos surrounding God, family, sex, and some bodily functions.


Crystal (1995, p. 173) observes there is a degree of distinction involved, namely obscenity, blasphemy, and profanity, but "despite these discriminations, the term swearing is often used as a general label for all kinds of 'foul-mouthed' language, whatever its purpose". He adds that "in a narrower sense, swearing refers to the strongly emotive use of a taboo word or phrase" (Crystal 1995, p.173).

Whilst these writers make these important distinctions, it can be said that all of these categories can be gathered under the general umbrella of 'taboo', especially when addressing this language with non-native speakers. For such individuals, these words and phrases all have the same taboo impact. Most learners do not have the knowledge to discriminate between the relative strength of different aspects of this language, and such a linguistic area needs to be addressed with them as a collective whole. However, discrimination between these categories needs to be discussed and established in the classroom, where non-taboo language forms need to be offered as alternatives to the taboo language that is discussed.

Another crucial factor is that a great deal of relativity surrounds taboo language. The 'taboo-ness' that is carried by the language itself shifts both over time and between the groups in which the language is used (Allan and Burridge 1991, pp. 4-5). What might be perceived as a taboo word or phrase in one group might be considered innocent or innocuous in another, this being dependent on the values of the particular group. In terms of time, a word or phrase that might have carried a high taboo value in the past might not hold the same impact if used today. Conversely, words and phrases that may have been acceptable in the past can take on taboo value as the social dimension shifts. In the US, this can be seen in the move in acceptability/unacceptability of the term Coloured, to Negro, to Black, to the currently acceptable African-American (Burridge 1996, p. 49). These factors of change add to the importance of addressing this language with non-native speaking students of English to allow them to discover these critical nuances.


– Taboo English: its acceptance and integration in the vernacular


Whilst there is clear acknowledgement of the taboo power of these lexemes, there is a general acceptance that such words and phrases are a valid and essential feature of language. Moreover, there is the view that an understanding of such a lexical area is essential to a complete comprehension of most languages and their host cultures:


'bad language' - both its quantity and quality - is very revealing of cultural attitudes. (Burgen 1996, p. 19)


This is also emphasised by Jay (1994) who states:


taboo language is an integral part of popular culture, and one cannot understand popular culture without knowledge about unconventional language.


In addition, taboo language has an increasing presence (especially in English) in films, TV programs, music, books and magazines. Claire (1998a, p. 1) notes:

In the past thirty years, there have been many social changes in the United States. Taboo words are now often accepted where they were never heard before - in many social groups, among women, and in the media.

Burke (1993, p. vii) states:


Although some would prefer not to acknowledge this fact, obscenities are a living part of the American-English language. They are heard in movies, television and radio shows, news broadcasts, seen in books, newspapers, magazines and generally used in everyday life.


Swan (1995, p. 574) points out:


Linguistic taboos in English-speaking countries are less strong than they used to be. Most taboo words and swearwords shock less than they did, say, twenty years ago. And increasingly, people are using informal taboo words which are felt to be amusingly 'naughty' rather than shocking, such as bonk instead of fuck, or willy instead of prick (='penis') (p. 574)


Burgen (1997, p. 18), writing primarily about Europe, states that:


Since the turn of the century, and especially since the 1960s, swearing has become increasingly widespread and acceptable, commonplace in the street and at work as well as on television. It's almost de rigueur in serious literature, while the cinema subtitlers and dubbers grapple with the foul-mouthed véritiés of modern dialogue.


This shift in attitude holds good right across Europe - not that swearing has an equal place in every European country. One can only conjecture as to why, although it's plainly another manifestation of a general easing of social constraints.

The changes in acceptance and usage that Claire, Burke, Swan and Burgen address suggest that Taboo English is something which most people will come into contact with in their use of the language, including non-native speaking students of English.


– Taboo English: its role in the language centre and classroom


This contention provides somewhat of a pedagogical dilemma for the individuals and institutions that prepare and present English language courses. If it is taken that this linguistic area is a core element of English, and an understanding of these taboo words and phrases is necessary to fully comprehend the host culture, then it seems that an educational institution, such as an ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) centre, preparing their students to cope with the target language and culture, must address Taboo English in some capacity.

However, even with the rise in public use and acceptance of these words and phrases, they are not usually part of language programs. Such language, especially swearing and invective, is perceived as being inappropriate for general use, and therefore is perceived as not being suitable in the classroom, and certainly not language that needs to be taught. Its taboo nature ensures that it is not taught in classes for native speakers (especially swearing and invective) and for them is acquired rather than formally taught. It would follow, then, that such language need not be taught in ESL/EFL classes. It is also possibly considered that this language is not useful for the students, as it is not employed in the regular conversational transactions that most educators see as part of day-to-day English, and which appear in the primary textbooks for ESL/EFL students (for example, Swan and Walter's The Cambridge English Course (1985), Hartley and Viney's Streamline English series (1978), and Jones and von Baeyer's Functions of American English (1983)). However, as Wajnryb (1997) comments, the materials that are currently used with these students are not particularly representative of the range of authentic language, which she sees as ultimately disadvantaging learners.

Moreover, with the increasing prevalence of taboo words and phrases, students in English courses, in particular those programs in countries where English is the primary mode of communication, will undoubtedly come into contact with such language through their exposure to day-to-day conversations and the media also states:


No doubt, students do hear a variety of taboo words and phrases on the street as well as on television, movies and on certain types of popular music albums and videos. They may also see them displayed on travel souvenirs, bumper stickers and T-shirts or liberally scribbled amidst public graffiti or splashed over the internet (sic).


Even non-native speaking students of English studying in their home countries receive varying degrees of exposure to such language through the pervasiveness of English language movies, music and TV in their own nations' media. The international popularity of recent 'high swear count' movies such as Good Will Hunting, Reservoir Dogs and Trainspotting would ensure that. In short, there is adequate opportunity for students to become aware of such language both in English-speaking and non-English speaking countries. However, as it currently stands in ESL/EFL classes, there is little opportunity for students of English to receive information as to the meaning behind, the power of, and the appropriate (and inappropriate) use of such language (Claire 1990, p. 1).

Swan acknowledges that the taboos surrounding such language have diminished somewhat over time, yet he understands that employing taboo language is still fraught with danger, especially for the learners of English (Swan 1995, p. 574). He states that:


None the less, students should be very careful about using taboo words and swearwords (Swan 1995, p. 574).


He also indicates that for students of ESL/EFL:


it is not easy to know the exact the strength of these expressions in a foreign language, or to know what kind of people are shocked by them, and in what circumstances. One may easily say something that is meant as a joke, but which seriously upsets the people one is talking to (Swan 1995, p. 574).


Register (1996, p. 45) feels that as a result of this:


many learners...wind up lumping slang words, swearwords, informal idioms and items of similar poor taste like "puke" or "stink" into one big off-limits category and eschewing them all.


Crystal (1995, p.173) notes that the prohibition of taboo words and phrases "may be explicit, as in the law courts..., Houses of Parliament..., and the broadcasting media...". However, he points out that:


More commonly, it is a tacit understanding between people, which occasionally becomes explicit in the form of a comment, correction, or sanction (such as a parental rebuke. (Crystal 1995, p.173)


For non-native speakers, especially new arrivals to an English-speaking country, the implicit and explicit forms of sanction may not be obvious, and there is not usually a system of family and peer support and advice as exists for native speakers (Claire 1990, p. 1). Non-native speaking students of the language may not have these mechanisms available to them, except from native speaker friends they may be close to, or fellow non-native speakers who have a more sophisticated knowledge of the target language. However, without these 'sanction mechanisms' in place, and considering the dangers surrounding the use of this vocabulary, there is clearly a need to make students aware of this language and the implications associated with its integration into their communication.

Acknowledging this need, there is support for the addressing of Taboo English in a formal educational environment. Andersson and Trudgill (1990, p. 8) write that:


It must be the duty of the school to point out that certain types of language use are not very appropriate in some situations of life.


Cooke (1994, p. 48), Fraser (1981, pp. 440-441) and Sinnreich-Levi (1994) feel that it is the ESL/EFL teacher's role to help students understand the power of the language, to help them to avoid learning these words and phrases by "trial and error"(Sinnreich-Levi 1994), and as a result:


I think it's very important to work on rude language with students for two reasons. One, people pick up "bad" language quickly as part of second language acquisition, but my (sic) not pick up the strength of its power. Four letter words are common in many areas, but native speakers know their flavors and shadings. Some curses are mild, some mild situationally, and others never to be used in public by polite people. Unless we address this vocabulary, students will only learn by trial and error, insulting others along the way and losing opportunities for communication with others because they will be perceived to be other than they intend.
(Sinnreich-Levi 1994)


Therefore, a knowledge of this language will avert the "interactional dysfunction" of which Wajnryb (1997, p. 16) writes. Wajnryb's concerns about empowerment through language are also reinforced by Register (1996, pp. 44-45) who states that:


For the teaching industry to make no provisions for the address of "dirty words" whatsoever may do learners more communicative harm than good, as it puts them at a disadvantage when dealing with native speakers who use them as a matter of course.


Furthermore, if the language learner decides to remain in the country indefinitely and raise a family, the children may be also.

Jay (1994) also states that "It is essential to teach non-native speakers about cursing language" due to its close connection with individuals' emotions, and how an under-standing of this language aids in the comprehension of "what emotions are being felt and expressed". It is essential to teach non-native speakers about cursing language because this type of language (taboo etc.) is the way most people express their emotions. Understanding taboo and cursing is essential to comprehending what emotions are being felt and expressed. There is no way around that...

cursing is like the horn on an automobile. You can drive without the horn, but when you need to express yourself and get attention you use the horn.

I would suggest that understanding cursing and slang is essential to understand popular culture. I would use recordings, film, music, television, print advertisements and radio language to demonstrate the extensive and pervasive use of this language.

Sinnreich-Levi (1994) also echoes Burke's (1994) contention that teachers must address Taboo English to allow the students to defend themselves when this often aggressive language is being used around them or is aimed towards them. To that end, I discuss the foulest of language--racial epithets, body parts, curses--with the caveat that I am not endorsing their use; just their comprehension. Sexist language has a place in this discussion, too.

The overall contention is that, whilst there is no overt need to have the students learn this language in order for them to use it, simply being aware of the words and phrases, and understanding their place in the linguistic milieu is essential for them to become empowered in their new language environment. This is echoed by Fraser (1981, pp. 440-441):


Let me emphasize that I am not suggesting that a principal effort of ESL classes ought to be to develop effective English insulters. Rather, I am suggesting that knowledge of the frequent terms and techniques of insulting in English provides the ESL student with the capability of recognizing when he (sic) is being insulted, of avoiding being an ineffective insulter, or even worse, being an inadvertent one.


Whether it is to actually use the language or simply understand it, there is clear support for formal instruction in the awareness of the use and appropriacy of such words and phrases.

The authors of texts on Taboo English for non-native speakers also reinforce the need for student instruction in this linguistic area. Burke (1994) states:


It is essential for ESL/EFL students to learn slang and obscenities for survival.

I feel that it's extremely important for non-native speakers to learn to understand our obscenities...not to speak them. You can see how important it would be for a non-native speaker to defend him/herself in the event of a verbal attack. A non-native speaker must able to say "Calling me that name is inappropriate" for example. It also helps non-native speakers to avoid certain types of people that they may not want to associate with.


Burke (1993, p. vii) emphasises these contentions in the preface to Bleep! where he states that his text serves three purposes: "1) to avoid embarrassment; 2) to fully understand American entertainment; and 3) survival". Non-native students of English can experience "awkward or embarrassing situations" (p. vii) as a result of misunderstanding the language or using it inappropriately, or may find themselves getting "involved with the 'wrong element' due to unfamiliarity with certain slang terms" (p.vii). Therefore, he contends that "A knowledge of obscenities...can also be vital as a means of survival" and that such knowledge "is an essential tool in self-defense" (Burke 1993, p.vii).In her text, Dangerous English!, Claire (1990, pp. 1-2) writes of the importance of student knowledge of ""dangerous" words" and the difficulty in gaining a comprehensive understanding of their place and usage:


Teachers do not use dangerous words in English classes; textbooks and bilingual dictionaries do not explain them; it is embarrassing, or even dangerous, to ask your neighbors about them.


She considers Dangerous English! to be a "good American friend" (Claire 1990, p. 1) which can provide essential knowledge and advice:


It will save you from many embarrassing situations and help you understand a very interesting part of American culture. Whether you want to learn to use this colorful language, or learn to avoid it, you need this book. (Claire 1990, pp. 1-2)


This thesis argues that it is important to address the language for the reason that it is necessary to arm the students with knowledge that will empower them. As the writers have stated above, there is a definite need for students to have access to explanation and discussion about this language to allow them to learn appropriacy, and to allow them to be aware of register when people are using it to them or around them. Claire and Burke's books are designed primarily to be used by students by themselves, but going beyond this and providing classes where students can engage in a dialogue about the material would certainly be of even more value to them. The texts are highly useful in themselves, but students will undoubtedly have questions that can only be dealt with in an interactive environment.

Therefore, considering the implications an ignorance of this language has for the students, it is curious why taboo English is not addressed in the ESL/EFL classroom. In this respect, not equipping the students with the knowledge surrounding such language would be almost derelict in the duties and responsibilities of an ESL/EFL program. As Wajnryb (1997, p. 16) states:


If we send learners out into a world where the rules are in fact very different from those rehearsed in the classroom, then it must come as no surprise to uncover instances of interactional dysfunction.

It is time they [textbooks writers] broadened and deepened the slice of life to which they expose learners between the covers of their books so as to include a kind of social reality and the kinds of language uses that would constitute and promote empowerment.


In short, it is important to provide students with an understanding of Taboo English not only to assist them in better understanding the host culture, but also to fully empower them as competent users of the language.


(to be continued in our next issue)


© A.P. Crook, 1998






Our dear friend and SHARER Susana Trabaldo sends us all this invitation:


Hello Omar, Marina  and Sharers !!!!


El mensaje va en español porque puede interesar a personas que se dediquen a educación aunque no solo a idioma inglés.

Gracias a la aplicación de la nuevas tecnologías (Internet) la educación a distancia y el e-learning han adquirido hoy creciente y significativa relevancia en los ámbitos más heterogéneos: la educación de grado, el posgrado, la capacitación empresarial y la enseñanza no formal.

Debido a esta importante demanda, este año la consultora ha atendido y atiende a varias instituciones pertenecientes a distintos niveles de la educación formal, no formal, capacitación empresarial, etc.  Para ofrecer una capacitación introducatoria al tema y que al mismo tiempo permita atravesar la experiencia del campus virtual, Net-Learning ( ) creó este curso en línea, cuya última versión se describe a continuación.  Pueden enviar sus consultas al teléfono o correos electrónicos que abajo se detallan:




Curso online con orientación práctica  -  Dirigido a profesionales de toda la Argentina



- Instituciones de educación que hayan adoptado la modalidad del campus virtual y deseen capacitar a su personal.

- Responsables de áreas de capacitación o recursos humanos.

- Profesores que deban desempeñarse como tutores.

- Profesionales involucrados en el desarrollo de cursos y elaboración de contenidos.

- Toda persona interesada en conocer sobre educación a distancia.



Módulo 1: Porqué educación a distancia

Módulo 2: Enseñar y aprender en un campus virtual

Módulo 3: Diseño de la enseñanza. Materiales y recursos para la EAD.

Módulo 4: El profesor / tutor.

Módulo 5: Tecnología al servicio del aprendizaje.

Módulo 6: Evaluación y control de calidad del proyecto.



Lic. Nancy Piriz - Lic.  Susana Trabaldo - Lic.  Gisela Schwartzman –

Ing.  Patricio Rey - Lic.  Daniel Nuñez


Fecha de inicio:  11 de noviembre

Duración:  6 semanas

Costo: $120 - Descuentos institucionales

Inscripción:  (011) 4654 – 8945 /  /






Our dear SHARER Martha Ortigueira from Centro de Graduados en Lenguas Vivas de la UCA sends us this announcement:


Profesores & Traductores

¿Cómo ofrecer servicios profesionales hoy?


Taller de Marketing de Servicios para Profesionales del Idioma (en español)

Disertante: Trad. Públ. Graciela Bruno

Traductora Pública de Inglés U.C.A.

Profesora de Inglés (Trinity College London)


Dictado en español y dirigido a  Profesores, Traductores y Alumnos de las

Carreras de Profesorado y Traductorado.




Qué es el Marketing? – Qué es un Servicio? - Qué es Mercado? - Quién es el Cliente?

Proyectos & Comunicaciones - Carpeta de Presentación – Presupuestos - La Globalización

Cómo me preparo para el 2003?


Sábados 23 y 30 de noviembre de 10:00 a 13:00 hs.


Aranceles: $ 45 para graduados asociados - $50 para estudiantes y graduados UCA

$55 para estudiantes no UCA - $60 para graduados no UCA

Sede: Universidad Católica Argentina, A. M. de Justo 1500.

Edificio San Alberto Magno, Aula 106

Consultas e Inscripciones: Centro de Graduados en Lenguas Vivas de la UCA,

Edificio San Alberto Magno - PB. Puerta 'Graduados', Lunes a Viernes de 12:00 a 18:00







Our dear SHARER Jill Robbins wrote to us:


Dear Omar:

I am sorry to see that your magazine has fallen victim to another internet hoax - the "Caesar" quote you included in this week's issue is bogus. has an article about it here:


I realize it's hard to check every piece that comes into your inbox - so it may be useful for you to occasionally read the site, which indexes recent stories - both true and false. For example, the internet item about the woman sentenced to being stoned to death in Nigeria is covered: the site says as outrageous as this sounds, it is, unfortunately, true. Here is the main URL:



Jill Robbins



After receiving Jill´s mail we checked the site and are reproducing its contents below. We sincerely thank our respected American friend Jill for her cooperation in the search for truth and apologize for any inconvenience this involuntary mistake might have caused to our SHARERS. 




The article at


Origins: We've been seeing this "quote" on the Internet since December 2001, sometimes attributed to Julius Caesar, sometimes to William Shakespeare (presumably lifted from his play, Julius Caesar). Throughout the summer of 2002 it gained popularity, appearing in countless posts to newsgroups and even surfacing in various letters to editors in a handful of newspapers.


Its popularity is not hard to understand: The USA has been embroiled in a war against terrorism far across the world and is contemplating war with Iraq, and the latter action, especially, has been the subject of much debate and dissension within America. This telling observation from Caesar appears to offer yet another valid reason for not yelling "Our leader; right or wrong!" and blindly following the President into war. It is therefore a favorite of those who'd rather sit this dance out, thankyouverymuch.


Yet as popular as the quote is, it's not real. These words are not anything Julius Caesar ever wrote or said. No biographies of Caesar or histories of Rome contain these lines, and scholars who have made it their business to know everything about the man draw a blank on this quote. Likewise, Shakespeare did not stuff this soliloquy into the mouth of the title character in his play Julius Caesar, nor did any of the Bard's other characters utter it. No record of this quote has been found prior to its appearance on the Internet in late 2001.


So what's going on here, then?


As Ralph Keyes explains in Nice Guys Finish Seventh, his compendium of misattributed and false quotes, "Famous dead people make excellent commentators on current events." The dead do not reappear to challenge words assigned to them, an attribute much prized by those looking for convenient spokesmen to lend authority to their convictions. This "quote" called for a strong and respected military leader and statesman, hence Caesar was resurrected to give it voice.


Barbara "great Caesar's ghost!" Mikkelson


Sightings: On 29 September 2002, Barbra Streisand used the spurious quote during a speech she gave at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Gala given in Hollywood. Political cartoonist Paul Conrad also used it as the basis for his cartoon of 29 September 2002.






Taiwan Journal of TESOL


Taiwan Journal of TESOL publishes one volume per year, with a Spring issue and a Fall issue. The deadlines for submissions to the spring issue and the fall issue are Feb. 1 and August 1. However, we welcome papers all year round.


Notes for Contributors

Manuscripts must be typed in Word (6.0 or above) and should not exceed 30 pages single-spaced. Manuscripts will be sent to two reviewers immediately. The author(s) of each paper will receive five copies of the journal issue when the paper is published.


E-mail submissions are accepted at and hardcopy submissions should be sent, in triplicate and a soft copy on disk, to:

Editors, Taiwan Journal of TESOL

The Department of English

National Chengchi University

Wenshan, Taipei, Taiwan 116, ROC


For more information please go to:


Kenneth J. Dickson

Chinese Culture University

Taipei, Taiwan





Our dear SHARERS from Alpha centro de comunicación y cultura announce:  


Segundas Jornadas Alpha de Español para Extranjeros

22 y 23 de noviembre de 2002




Dirigidas a docentes de español y de lenguas extranjeras, a traductores y todo aquel que quiera ponerse en contacto con el área de enseñanza y difusión de nuestra lengua y cultura.

Las Jornadas están organizadas en forma de talleres, cursillos y conferencias. Serán dos días de capacitación, en actividades coordinadas por especialistas en el área.




Conferencia inaugural: Español para extranjeros: una mirada detrás de la escena, a cargo de Patricia H. Franzoni (IES en Lenguas Vivas "J. R. Fernández", Universidad de Buenos Aires)


Taller de discusión: Lenguas en contacto. Una mirada desde el portugués, a cargo de Marco A. Rodríguez (IES en Lenguas Vivas "J. R. Fernández", Universidad de Buenos Aires, Alpha)


Taller: La enseñanza del español en situación endolingüe y en situación exolingüe, a cargo de Ana María Pacagnini y Mariel Soriente (Laboratorio de Idiomas, Universidad de Buenos Aires)


Taller: El trabajo con la producción de textos en la clase de E/LE, a cargo de Paula Galdeano (Centro Universitario de Idiomas)


Taller: ¿Lo cultural o lo pragmático?, a cargo de Sonia Bierbrauer, miembro del equipo de E/LE de la Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Taller: Material didáctico en la clase de ELE: criterios, posibilidades y (de)limitaciones, coordinado por María Gabriela Gutiérrez (IES en Lenguas Vivas "J. R. Fernández", CEPA)


Conferencia: Propuestas de trabajo con el componente cultural: sus alcances y limitaciones, a cargo de María José Bravo (Alpha, IES en Lenguas Vivas "J. R. Fernández", Universidad de Buenos Aires)


Para más información, consulte nuestra página web


Inscripción: El 15 de noviembre vence el plazo para la inscripción .

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E-mail:  - Av. Córdoba 991 2º A (1054) Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Our dear friend and founding SHARER Elida Messina (our fairy godmother) could not miss this anniversary issue. Here she is back again to delight us all with one of her unmistakable pieces of advice (written by Paul Harvey):


We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse.

For my grandchildren, I'd like better.


I'd really like for them to know about hand-me-down clothes and homemade ice cream and leftover meat loaf sandwiches, I really would.


I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being cheated.


I hope you learn to make your own bed and mow the lawn, and wash the car.. And I really hope nobody gives you a brand new car when you are sixteen.


It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and your old dog put to sleep.


I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in.


I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother. And it's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he wants to crawl under the covers with you because he's scared, I hope you let him.


When you want to see a movie and your little brother wants to tag along, I hope you'll let him.


I hope you have to walk uphill to school with your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely.


On rainy days when you have to catch a ride, I hope you don't ask your driver to drop you two blocks away so you won't be seen riding with someone as uncool as your Mom.


If you want a slingshot, I hope your Dad teaches you how to make one instead of buying one.


I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books.


When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head.


I hope you get teased by your friends when you have your  first crush on a girl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn what ivory soap tastes like.


I don't care if you try a beer once, but I hope you don't like it. And if a friend offers you dope or a joint, I hope  you realize he is not your friend.


I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your Grandpa and go fishing with your Uncle.


These things I wish for you -- tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, it's the only way to appreciate life.


Paul Harvey







(1) I've just created a new web page about Word Grammar. This one is specifically for graduate students (and others) who are familiar with other theories. It's at:

Richard (=Dick) Hudson -
Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London,

(2) My very favorite dictionary website is:
 It has a huge number of links not only to a wide range of all kinds of dictionaries, but also to  corpora, concordancers, thesauruses, etc.
Karen Stanley <>
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

(3) I would like to share this website I found, run by George Mason University.  It's called "Speech Accent Archive"

It contains 196 different language samples- all reading the same short paragraph.  It has Appletime sound files, and highlights potential trouble areas, as well as explaining linguistic terms for them (for example "vowel shortening").  I do private accent reduction lessons, and was able to find not only one, but two different Bulgarian dialects speaking English.  Helps me predict problem areas for those language groups I don't have much experience with.

Maria Spelleri

Literacy Council of Sarasota,






Our dear SHARER Laura Renart sends an invitation to two workshops T.S.Eliot Bilingual Studies will be offering as a part of the Language Schools Week organised by Schools of English Association.


Language and literature sessions for teachers and advanced students of English


Friday, November 8 –


5.30 - 7 .00 p.m.

"Chick lang. Twig?"

What kind of English do women speak?

Exploring video-based samples of  the English actually spoken today.


Co-ordinator: Laura Renart

Master of Arts in Education and Professional Development, University of East Anglia

Teacher trainer at the Instituto Superior del Profesorado "Pbro. Dr Antonio Sáenz",  Universidad Virtual de Quilmes, UADE and NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education), UK

Co-director of the T.S.ELIOT Bilingual Studies Centre


7.15 - 8.45 p.m.

Reading short stories with teenage students

Exploring creative approaches to the reading and interpretation of  texts

written in English by writers from different cultures


Co-ordinator: Claudia Ferradas Moi

Master of Arts in Education and Professional Development, University of East Anglia - PhD candidate, University of Nottingham

Teacher trainer at the Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández" , Universidad Virtual de Quilmes and NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education), UK

Literature consultant for the British Council

Co-director of the T.S.ELIOT Bilingual Studies Centre


Venue: Alem 1380 - (1828) Banfield

Enrolment: Free (but please bring storable food for the SEA charity campaign)

Vacancies: 35 -  Please book by phone or e-mail in advance

Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 3.00 -  9.00 p.m. - Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30  - 11.00 a.m. / Tel/Fax: 011 4202-3672 / /






Las clases comenzarán el 3 de marzo de 2003


Los alumnos de la provincia de Buenos Aires -de todos los niveles educativos- deberán volver a clase el 3 de marzo próximo, fecha fijada para el comienzo del año escolar 2003, según anunció ayer el director General de Educación bonaerense, Mario Oporto. "Este año la provincia de Buenos Aires no tuvo problemas de pérdida de días de clase; estamos cumpliendo nuestro calendario escolar", dijo el funcionario. Oporto descartó así las versiones de un posible adelantamiento de las clases en 2003.




Today we will say goodbye with a very short quotation from Martin Luther King Jr. that our dear friend and SHARER Dr. Viviana Cortés Ph.D. uses in all her mails.

Vivi was our classmate at INSPT-UTN and is now a Professor in Applied Linguistics at the Iowa State University in the American mid-west and will soon visiting us in our house in Lomas. It will be such a sweet reunion after so many years!


"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." Martin Luther King Jr.


Dear Vivi, Dear SHARERS : This is the reason why we keep on making SHARE.




Omar and Marina.


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VISIT OUR WEBSITE : There you can read all past  issues of SHARE in the section SHARE ARCHIVES.