An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 3                    Number 84               October 19th   2002


           4323 SHARERS are reading this issue of SHARE this week


Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED





It´s beginning to drizzle. I will have to hurry to get this issue of SHARE into your mail boxes before awful thunder starts (basically because I love you but also because in these tight budget days I do not wish to risk my modem!). I am alone at home with a bad cold. It is sports day at the boys´school today and Marina has gone with them and I promised to stay in bed (don´t tell her I didn´t).

I have to be perfectly fit by the afternoon. Marina is going to be a godmother to a cute little baby called Facundo (his mommy is a great friend and a teacher of English too!).The ceremony starts at 6:00. I will wear my one and only multi-purpose black suit and Marina will be gorgeous as ever, especially because she loves this little boy so much. I´m sure she will shed a tear or two. She often gets emotional in these ceremonies. Me, too (but let´s make that a secret between you and me)   

The drizzle has stopped now and the sports must be finishing. Will our boys´house have won this year? After 7 uncontested years of glory, we have been consistently losing for the last three years. I will keep my fingers crossed till they come back.  

I have a sore throat and a dripping nose but I´m happy. Very cozy at home and happy.

Let us all find this week a reason to be happy, very happy. Just do it! © Nike



Omar and Marina






1.-    Homographs.

2.-    Palindromes.

3.-    Workshop on Teaching Business English at UTN.

4.-    Drama, Creative Play and the Internet: A Call for participation.      

5.-    Planning an outing with your students?

6.-    Workshops: An invitation.   

7.-    Authentic Material for Advanced Students.

8.-    Listen to me.

9.-    APIBA SIGS: October and November.

10.    NLP for the Teaching of English.

11.    The Suburban Players announce: Flicker



1.-       HOMOGRAPHS


Our dear SHARER Blanca Perez Cazón from Córdoba wants to share this article with all of us. We are quite well aware you will not be able to see the phonetic characters correctly (as our programme does not carry the Lucida Sans Unicode font) but the stress pattern of each word (an important point in the article) will be, we hope, discernible anyway.




Homographs are those words which have one spelling but two pronunciations and two distinct meanings or usages. A classic case would be a word like wound, which as a noun means injury and with a different pronunciation is the past tense of the verb wind, itself a homograph. The term is contrasted with homophones, words with two spellings and two meanings but only one pronunciation such as fair/fare, and with homonyms, words with one spelling, one pronunciation, but two unrelated meanings, such as bear or just or left. The fact that the meanings are unrelated is what distinguishes homonyms from polysemes, words with varied meanings or usages, such as course or table or paper, where all the meanings can be traced back to the same source. English has an enormous number of polysemes, but only a relatively small set of true homonyms.

The ultimate source of this list is the Roger Mitton machine-readable version of the 1974 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. The dictionary contained 537 words which had more than one pronunciation listed. Some of these were simply words with varying pronunciations and no shift of meaning, such as breeches, derby, dowsing, and piano or varying stress patterns such as bow-wow, bye-bye, and fricassee, and these were discarded. There were also four strong-form/weak-form pairs, a, an, to and 'cos (it is not clear why these were the only such pairs to emerge), three cases of abbreviations matching ordinary words, am (before noon), in (inch), and no (number), and one case of a recent loan word overlapping with an established English word, real (presumably referring to the old Spanish coin rather than the football team).

The remaining 488 words plus about fifty more which were not in the dictionary have been classified into relevant groupings and are listed below. The spellings and transcriptions are as they appear in the dictionary.


Double stress


A number of double-stress words showed up. These are words whose pronunciation varies with their position in the phrase, front-stressed before a noun and end-stressed when final in the phrase, though without substantial change of meaning. (Compare "an overnight bag" with "Are you staying overnight?")


(schwa is shown as ? here)



inland        '?nl?nd       ,?n'lænd

outside      'a?tsa?d      ,a?t'sa?d

overall       '??v?r?l       ,??v?'r?l

overhead    '??v?hed       ,??v?'hed

overnight    '??v?na?t      ,??v?'na?t

overweight  '??v?we?t      ,??v?'we?t


There are a number of other English words which behave in the same way, such as afternoon, bamboo, downhill, downstairs, inside, overseas, princess, routine, sardine, underground, upstairs, , together with many compound adjectives (easy-going, home-made), all nationality adjectives ending in -ese, numbers from 13 to 99 (apart from multiples of 10), and many place names. In these other cases, presumably, the dictionary did not record both stress patterns. Probably only the word overall (with its secondary meaning of an item of clothing) should be counted as a homograph, since in the other cases the change of pronunciation signals only a syntactic feature rather than a shift of meaning.


Stress homographs


The next distinct group, which was by far the largest, was the noun (or adjective) with front-stress against verb (or adjective) with end-stress set with 287 words. One suspects that in a good many cases the distinction is unnecessary for intelligibility; the set of -port words (export, import, transport) for instance are often heard with front stress even when being used as verbs, and I have heard on air the word increase stressed both ways as noun and both ways as verb. In twenty-eight cases (listed in the table below) there is a large difference in meaning and use between the two spoken forms while in other cases the difference is more syntactic than lexical.

In most cases any adjective senses ally themselves with the noun and exhibit front stress, but in one case, content, the adjective sense is end-stressed and relates more closely to the verb than to the noun. The adjective compact seems to occur both front-stressed and end-stressed with no change of meaning, although the noun is always front-stressed and the verb always end-stressed. All the other adjectives in the full list, absent, abstract, compound, converse, frequent, perfect, present, quadruple and second, were front-stressed.


There are three cases needing further comment.


* The word entrance, while looking like a stress homograph, should perhaps be counted as a true homograph, since the noun sense derives from the verb enter while the verb sense derives from the noun trance.


* The word deserts exists as two different nouns, one front-stressed meaning 'dry places', and the other end-stressed meaning 'what one deserves' and occurring usually in the fixed phrase 'get one's just deserts'. This second use has a homophone in the word desserts meaning 'sweet courses', which gives rise to many spelling errors and headline puns.


* The word process exists as a noun with front-stress and as two different verbs, one with front-stress with a meaning linked to the noun process and one with end-stress with a meaning linked to the noun procession.


The meanings of the twenty-eight special cases are as follows:


abstract :  (noun) summary, (adjective) not concrete, (verb)to steal

collect :    (noun) prayer of the day, (verb)to gather

compact :   (noun) container for make-up, (adjective) occupying a small space, (verb)to compress

compound   (noun) (1) substance combining chemical elements, (noun) (2) enclosed group of                                        buildings,(adjective) not linear in progression, (verb)to make more complex

concert     (noun)musical performance, (verb)to combine,

console:    (noun)control desk, (verb)to comfort

content:    (noun)what is contained, (verb) to make happy, (adjective) happy

contract:   (noun)formal agreement, (verb)to become smaller

converse:   (noun)opposite, (verb)to talk to another person

defile:      (noun)path between cliffs, (verb)to make dirty

desert :    (noun)dry place, (verb)to run away from

deserts:    (noun) (1) dry places (front-stressed), (noun) (2) what one deserves (end-stressed)

             (verb)runs away from

entrance :  (noun)way in, (verb)to give delight

essay :      (noun)piece of writing, (verb)to attempt

exploit :    (noun)brave deed, (verb)to take advantage

frequent :   (noun)often occurring, (verb)to visit regularly

incense:     (noun)aromatic smoke, (verb)to enrage

intern:      (noun)US trainee doctor, (verb)to imprison

object :     (noun)thing, purpose, (verb)to be against

present:     (noun)gift, time now, (adjective) in this place, (verb)to hand over

process:     (noun)method, (verb) (1) to modify (front-stressed), (verb) (2) to move in procession (end-stressed)

proceeds:   (noun)money earned by selling something, (verb)moves forwards

produce :   (noun)what is grown or made on a farm, (verb)to make

project :    (noun)plan, (verb)to stick out

record:      (noun) (1) music on disc or a written log of events, (noun) (2) best ever performance or result,                   (verb) to write down

refuse :     (noun)rubbish, (verb)not to agree

second:      (noun)part of a minute, (noun)number two in sequence, (verb)to send away on temporary duty

subject:     (noun)topic, (verb)to force a person to accept




This is the full list of 287 words:


(schwa is shown as ? here)


Example : absent  'æbs?nt  / ?b'sent 

abstract, abstracts, accent, accents, addict, addicts, advert, adverts, affix, affixes, allies, alloy, alloys, ally, annex, annexes, attribute, attributes, co-star, co-stars, collect, collects, combine, combines, commune, communes, compact, compacts, compound, compounds, compress, compresses, concert, concerts, conduct, confines, conflict, conflicts, conscript, conscripts, console, consoles, consort, consorts, content, contents, contest, contests, contract, contracts, contrast,contrasts, converse, convert, converts convict, convicts, counterbalance, counterbalances, decoy, decoys, decrease, decreases, defect, defects, defile, defiles, descant, descants, desert, deserts, dictate, dictates, digest, digests, discard, discards, discharge, discharges, discount, discounts, discourse, discourses, entrance, entrances, escort, escorts, essay, essays, excess, excise, exploit, exploits, export, exports, extract, extracts, ferment, ferments, filtrate, filtrates, fragment, fragments, frequent, impact, impacts, implant, implants, import, imports, impress, impresses, imprint, imprints, incense, incline, inclines, increase, increases, indent, indents, inlay, inlays, insert, inserts, inset, insets, instinct, insult, insults, interchange, interchanges, interdict, interdicts, intern, interns, introvert, introverts, inverse

invite, invites, mandate, misconduct, misprint, misprints, object, objects, overbid, overbids, overcharge, overcharges, overflow, overflows, overhang, overhangs, overhaul, overhauls, overlap, overlaps, overlay, overlays, overprint, overprints, overstrain, overthrow, overthrows, overwork, perfect, perfume, perfumes, permit, permits, pervert, perverts, prefix, prefixes, presage, presages, present, presents, proceeds, process, processed, processes, processing, produce, progress, progresses, project, projects, prolapse, prolapses, prospect, prospects, prostrate, protest, protests, purport, quadruple, quadruples, rampage, rampages, rebel, rebels, rebound

rebounds, recap, recapped, recapping, recaps, record, records, re-count, re-counts, refill, refills, refit, refits, refund, refunds, refuse, rehash, rehashes, reject, rejects, rejoin, rejoined, rejoining, rejoins, relay, relaying, relays, relays, remake, remakes, remount, remounts, replay, replays, reprint, reprints, retake, retakes, rethink, rethinks, retread, retreads, rewrite, rewrites, second, seconded, seconding, seconds, segment, segments, subcontract, subcontracts, subject, subjects, surmise, surmises, survey, surveys, suspect, suspects, torment, torments, transfer, transfers, transplant, transplants, transport, transports, undercharge, undercharges, undercut, underlay, underline, underlines, undertaking, undertakings, upgrade, upgrades, uplift, upset, upsets.



There were two interesting words which reversed the trend of this set, words where the front-stressed form was the (3rd person singular) verb and a form with stress later in the word was the (plural) noun:


(schwa is shown as ? here)


analyses                 '&n?laIzIz               ?'n&l?siz              

diagnoses                'daI?gn?UzIz            ,daI?g'n?Usiz         



-ATE words


Another large group was the set of words ending with -ate where the noun/adjective sense uses a schwa  while the verb sense uses a full vowel. There were 42 of these (or 69 counting the inflectional variants). All of them retain the same stress pattern whether noun/adjective or verb except for “alternate” and “consummate” which, like “analyses” and “diagnoses” and unlike the other stress homographs, puts the stress at the front for the verb and later for the noun/adjective. (See Higgins 1984 for a discussion of the phenomenon.)


(schwa is shown as ? here)


Example : advocate        (noun)'&dv?k?t      (verb)'&dv?keIt             


advocates,  agglomerate, aggregate, aggregates, animate, appropriate, approximate, articulate, aspirate, aspirates, associate, associates, certificate, certificates,            

confederate, confederates, conglomerate, conglomerates, coordinate, coordinates,          

degenerate, degenerates,  delegate, delegates, deliberate, desolate, duplicate,  duplicates, elaborate,  estimate, estimates, expatriate, expatriates, graduate,           

graduates, incarnate, incorporate, inebriate,  inebriates, initiate, initiates, intimate, intimates, moderate, moderates, pontificate, pontificates, precipitate, predicate,                 predicates, quadruplicate, quadruplicates, regenerate, reincarnate, reticulate, separate, separates subordinate subordinates, syndicate, syndicates, triplicate,  triplicates underestimate, underestimates


But:          alternate               (verb) 'Olt?neIt          noun)  Ol't3n?t              

       consummate            (verb) 'k0ns?meIt        (noun)  k?n'sVm?t             



-MENT words


A similar but smaller group was the set of words ending with -ment where the noun sense uses a schwa while the verb sense uses a full vowel. There were five of these (ten including the inflectional variants).


Example : compliment      (noun)  'k0mplIm?nt         (verb)  'k0mplIment            

compliments, document, documents, implement, implements, ornament, ornaments               

supplement, supplements.            





A fifth set was that in which the noun/verb or adjective/verb distinction was made by voicing a final consonant. There were seventeen of these:


Example abuse (noun) ?'bjus   (verb) ?'bjuz                

abuses, baths, close, closes, diffuse, excuse, excuses, house, misuse, misuses,           

mouth, mouths, unused, use, used, uses.              



-ED adjectives



Two more small groups could also be identified and separated. The first was the nine -ed adjectives with matching verb past tenses:


Examples : aged         (adjective)'eIdZId          (verb in the past tense) eIdZd                 

            blessed       (adjective)'blesId           (verb in the past tense) blest                 


crabbed, crooked, cursed, dogged, jagged, learned, ragged.


Not in the dictionary with both pronunciations but behaving similarly is the word beloved, which has three syllables as a noun or attributive adjective, but only two as a passive participle. ("I loved and was beloved again": Byron.) This dictionary listed wicked only as a two-syllable adjective, but the full OED also lists a one-syllable pronunciation, meaning "having a wick".



French loan words


The other group was the set of French loan words whose Anglicised plural is not represented in the spelling. Only three were recorded in the lists, but one expects there must be more.


corps                    kOR                      kOz                   

patois                   'p&twA                  'p&twAz               

rendezvous              'r0ndIvu                 'r0ndIvuz             


To be continued in our next issue


Reference: Higgins, J (1984). "It or ate; a note on the pronunciation of words ending in -ate.", ELT Journal 38, 1, p. 50-51.



© John Higgins, 2002





Our dear SHARER Tomás Militerno sends us most interesting piece for our word loving SHARERS:


palindrome (noun) :  A word (such as "level"), a compound (such as "race car"), a sentence , or a longer statement that communicates the same message when the letters of which it is composed are read in reverse order.
[From Greek palindromos (running again, recurring), from palin (again) +  dromos (running)]
Palindromes make you exult Ah ha! Oh, ho! Hey, yeh!, Yo boy!, Yay!, Wow!, Tut-Tut!, Har-har! Rah-rah!, Heh-heh!, and Hoorah! Har! Ooh! and “Ahem! It's time. Ha!”
The most famous palindrome is MADAM, IM ADAM (Adam's introduction of himself, in English, of course how convenient to Eve, the mother of all palindromes), but my personal favorite is the wiggy, loopy, lunatic




And let's tip our collective hat to the  astonishingly long yet coherent

I hope you're enjoying this palindromic -- or shall we say, calendromic – year (2002), the last one you'll ever see! You remember 1991, and MIM and MM --  possible Roman numeral representations of 1999 and 2000 and the last time  that Arabic or Roman palindromic years will ever again occur consecutively.
Don't hold your breath until the next calendrome. 2112 won't be here for another hundred and ten years.
Close kin to the palindrome is the semordnilap, which is a reverse spelling of palindromes. While a palindromic word (such as civic) conveys the same  message left to right and right to left, a semordnilap becomes a new word  when spelled in reverse. Examples include decaf/faced, deliver/reviled.
In a semordnilap may repose a hidden message:
* War is raw.
* Boss is spelled b-o-s-s because your boss is a backward double s.o.b.
* When you are stressed, you may reach for desserts.
© Richard Lederer & Wordsmith, 2002


No, We are not forgetting we used to have one of the few palindromic presidents in world history (!)





Our dear friend and SHARER María Fernanda del Río from Unidad de Gestión INSPT- UTN sends us this announcement:


Universidad Tecnológica Nacional- Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico invites you to the following workshop:


Teaching Business English – A theoretical and practical workshop

by Gabriela Adi and Alfredo Bilopolsky


Do we understand what the differences between teaching Business and General English are?

Are we aware of what working in companies imply? Do we know how to interview a student?

Can we analyse information and use it effectively to put together a course?

Have we considered the teacher's role and responsibilities?              


Topics of the workshop:

Differences between General English and Business English

Starting a course: Gathering information

Interviewing a student, needs analysis, business checklist, oral interviews

Placement testing

Planning course objectives - performance areas

Teacher's attitude and role


Saturday, November 9th  9:30 - 12:45

Venue: INSPT-UTN - Av. Triunvirato 3174 - 2do piso - Auditorio- Ciudad de Buenos Aires



Further information and Registration:

INSPT-UTN: Av. Triunvirato 3174 - 2do piso - Unidad de Gestión

4552-60-27 / 4552-4176 -

Vacancies are limited so please register in advance


Fee: $10 for UTN students (if paid before October 31st)  $15 for general public and for later enrolment - Pack of materials included

Certificates of attendance will be issued.





C&T are a Theatre-in-Education company mixing drama, learning and digital media. We are currently planning a new project for pre-school children and we are interested in talking to potential partners, particularly in the university sector.
The project will create an interactive online learning environment that will draw on participatory drama techniques, creative play and puppetry.  The aim is  through play to create characters, contexts and stories and then develop these as learning tools through puppets, digital and flash animation and online.
Although we are based at University College Worcester in the West Midlands our work with children happens across the UK and in collaboration with partner Universities across Europe.  We're funded by the Arts Council, DfES, and  European Commission.
If you would like to know more please get in touch!
Best wishes,
Paul Sutton
Artistic Director C&T
University College Worcester
Henwick Grove - Worcester WR2 6AJ - UK
T  0(+44)1905 855436 / F  0(+44)1905 855132 / 





In  a lesson I was teaching to my students of Didactics II at UTN a few weeks ago, the issue of “responsabilidad civil” (legal liability?) was raised. Unfortunately this is a topic many teachers do not give enough attention to. Today as a small contribution to the question of organizing group outings ( the technical term in Spanish being “lección paseo”), we are publishing this communiqué from the Secretariat of Education.   


Comunicación de la Subsecretaría de Educación. Las misma deben ajustarse a:


1. El estricto cumplimiento de la normativa aplicable: Circular 50/78; 71/78; 118/79, Comunicación 13/80, 54/82; 161/86 y Resolución 19099/90.


2. Medios de transporte: Deberán acreditar contar con la siguiente documentación vigente: Cédula Verde, póliza de seguro de responsabilidad civil (paga, vigente y que cubra a las personas transportadas), habilitación para el transporte de personas, verificación técnica vehicular. En cuanto al Chofer: registro de conducir profesional vigente y DNI.


3. Lección Paseo: Estas actividades son exclusivas para alumnos y personal directivo y docente, solamente en aquellos viajes costeados por los educandos podrán concurrir padres, previa identificación y comunicación a la superioridad.


Además, deber verificarse lo siguiente:


1. Cumplimentación de los formularios de solicitud y actividades previas a fin de solicitar la autorización y aprobación de la lección paseo, por parte del directivo dentro de la provincia y Capital Federal, y por parte del inspector cuando se desarrolle fuera de la provincia, las que contendrán: nómina de alumnos, con DNI, ciclo y sección, con la cantidad de docentes acompañantes, en proporción a la cantidad de alumnos a acompañar.


2. Plazo de duración de la lección paseo, con horario de salida y llegada.


3. Clara identificación de los lugares que se visitarán.


4. Objetivo de la misma.


5. Autorización por escrito de los padres con fecha exacta del día de otorgamiento.


A los alumnos que no concurrieran se les deberá garantizar la asistencia a clases en forma habitual.



Originally published in Boletín de Educación of Dr Fernando Carlos Ibañez. 11-10-02






Our dear friend and SHARER Susan Hillyard wants to invite our SHARERS to the following workshops:



Workshop on Harry Potter in the classroom

Aimed at Primary and Intermediate teachers of English


The Workshop provides both insight into Rowling´s literary richness and motivating teaching ideas for the implementation of school reading projects, including:

Themes and motifs that make this book series a page-turner.

An appealing construction of character: a boy-like wizard or a wizard-like boy?

Strategies to exploit Rowling's effective use of mind pictures and magic poetry.

Design of activity pages to integrate the Internet to Harry Potter´s literary projects.

Magic-themed ideas to extend the spell to classroom skill-building tasks

Bringing Harry Potter to very young readers .


The contents in the second part of the session can also be adapted to literary projects on other books.

An atmosphere of "wholeness" will be created during the workshop with suitable music and stimulating texts to make this event a rich and fruitful experience.


Hosted by Maria Teresa Manteo

Post-graduate course in English Literature INSP Lenguas Vivas.

Practitioner's Certificate in Neurolinguistic Programming Applied to Education.


Saturday, October 26th – 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Fee: $18-.


Venue and Registration at "The Playhouse" - Moreno 80 - San Isidro

4747.4470 /



Workshop : If Music be the Food of Love, Play on!


An interactive workshop, exploring pathways through Music and Song to find our own and our students' creative selves.

Topics:   The importance of music in our lives

The relationship between music and well-being

Lots of exercises to develop other creative faculties using music and song as a stimulus


We'll work on changing perceptions, raising awareness of "well-being", finding our creative selves, playing with creativity, having fun together, inspiring each other and laughing together in a safe and unthreatening atmosphere. Participants will leave with lots of ideas and techniques to use at home and in the classroom the following week.


Hosted  by Susan Hillyard

Bachelor of Arts. University of Warwick.


Saturday, October 26th  - 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon

Fee $10 – Registration on: 02320-470448/473069

Venue: The Auditorium - Wellspring School -Las Camelias 3883 - Del Viso



Workshop: One Day Directing Workshop

6 hours, includes lunch.

If you want to direct a play, or put on a show, or create a theatre event you will have to deal with challenges common to all live performances, be they school, amateur or professional.

This workshop is aimed at giving people with no previous training and/or experience in directing an overview and the first contacts with the basic tools with which to face the sometimes daunting task of putting on a play.

The approach is hands-on and you will be involved in:

-what a director does

-Basic concepts of direction, with practical examples from scenes and from your own ideas

-approaches to play analysis (theatrical, not literary)

-the use and abuse of sets, lights, costumes

-actors and -the staging of a short one act play

Participation limited to 20.  

Conducted by Hugo Halbrich

BA in Theatre Arts,California State University, San Diego and MA, University of Connecticut.


Saturday, November 2nd

Time: Part 1: 10am to 1:00 pm. Lunch: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm. Part 2: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Promotional Fee: $15 per person. Lunch: $5-.


Venue and Registration at "The Playhouse" - Moreno 80 - San Isidro

4747.4470 /







Looking for more authentic materials for your students? Below is  a website where you can learn about and subscribe to a mailing  list featuring new and interesting books.

When you (or your students subscribe) you will receive a chapter Monday through Friday of a book. (ie: the first five chapters, you  won't get the whole book, unfortunately.)
Additionally, you can subscribe to the audio book and get a link  to the recording of the first five chapters.
This is authentic material and not designed for ESL so it is probably suitable for advanced learners.

Dave Kees - Guangzhou, China



8.-       LISTEN TO ME.


Our dear friend and SHARER Marcela Santafé y Soriano sends us this message that we hope will move us all, parents and teachers to reflection.





Understand that I am growing up and changing very fast. It must be very difficult to keep pace with me, but please try.

Listen to me and give me brief, clear answers to my questions. Then I will keep sharing my thoughts and feelings.

Reward me for telling the truth. Then I am not frightened into lying.

Tell me when you made mistakes and what you learnt from them. Then I can accept that I am OK, even when I blunder.

Pay attention to me and spend time with me. Then I can believe that I am important and worthwhile.

Do the things you want me to do. Then I have a good positive model.

Trust and respect me. Even though I am smaller than you, I have needs and feelings just like you.

Compliment and appreciate me. Then I'll feel good, and I'll want to continue to please you.

Help me explore my unique interests, talents and potential. In order for me to be happy, I need to be me, and not you or someone you want me to be.

Be an individual and create your own happiness. Then you can teach me the same and then I can live happy, successful and fulfilling life.

Thanks for listening to me!







Our dear SHARER Analía Kandel, Coordinadora General de Grupos de Estudio de APIBA  sends us some news: 


SIGS in October - November


Phonology SIG 

Coordinators: Roxana Basso - Maria Isabel Santa

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- Time: 9 - 11

Venue: Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 1475, Buenos Aires


Language SIG

Coordinators: Maria Luisa Ghisalberti - Myriam Sosa Belenky

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- Time: 11.15 - 13.15

Venue: Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 1475, Buenos Aires


Applied Linguistics SIG

Coordinators: Martha Crespo - Sandra Revale

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- Time: 11 - 13

Venue: Feedback School of English, Gu:emes 3915, Buenos Aires

Agenda: Adult Learners: The Neglected Species? Discussion of articles on adult learners / heutagogy / affect in language learning.


Literature SIG

Coordinators: Maria Valeria Artigue - Susana Groisman

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- Time: 11 - 13

Venue: SBS Palermo, Av. Coronel Diaz 1745, Buenos Aires

Agenda: Jorge Luis Borges. "El Aleph" and "Funes el memorioso". Magic realism and the "uncertainty" effect.


Professional Development SIG (Olavarria, Prov. of BA)

Coordinators: Melina Barbero - Karina Elbey - Silvana Riccio de Bottino

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- Time: 11 to 12.30

Venue: ISFD Nº 22 "A. Alsina", Ayacucho 2418 , Olavarria, Prov. of B.A.


1. Debate on our daily teaching tasks by Lidia Bravo.

2. "Motivating our students" by Melina Barbero, Karina Elbey and Silvana Riccio de Bottino


SLT (Second Language Teaching) SIG (Bernal, Prov. of BA)

Coordinators: Monica Gandolfo - Silvia Rettaroli

Date: Saturday, November 9, 2002 -- Time: 10 - 12

Venue: ISFD No. 24 -  Avellaneda 177, Bernal, Prov. of B.A.

Agenda: Exploration of interest areas to be dealt with in 2003 sessions



APIBA Publications

APIBA members who do not yet have their free copies of APIBA SIGs Handbook 2002, by Analia Kandel, M.A. and Thirty Years of Teaching English: A History of the Asociacion de Profesores de Ingles de Buenos Aires, 1971-2001, by Dr. Raymond Day, are reminded that they can collect them from the APIBA office during office hours.






Our dear SHARE Patricia Groeting sends us all this invitation:


Curso para docentes de idiomas con recursos de la Programación Neuro-Lingüística

Objetivos Generales

Aplicar herramientas prácticas tomadas de la Programación Neuro-lingüística a la enseñanza de idiomas y a la comunicación en general.

Observar y aplicar la herramienta más conveniente de acuerdo a la situación y a las características del alumno.


Dictado por: Silvina Cragnolino

Profesora de Inglés - Facultade de Lenguas U.N.C.

NLP Practitioner y Master Practioner. Master Trainer in NLP



Certificado con puntaje en trámite en la Dirección de Enseñanza Media y Superior (DEMES)

Duración: 26 hs cátedra

Fecha y horario: viernes 8, 15, 22, 29 de noviembre y 6 de diciembre, de 16 a 20 hs.

Lugar:  Centro de Cultura Inglesa OXFORD.- Fragueiro 2186, Alta Córdoba, Córdoba.

         TE: 4736041

Costo:  $70 ó 2 cuotas de $40 - Inscripciones hasta el 5 de noviembre


Más información: or     






Our dear SHARER Ximena Faralla invites all SHARES to enjoy a very good show:


The Suburban Players




“Seven actors and twelve short films trapped in a black box ...what memory would you change if you could edit your own life?"


Written and directed by Matt Quinn

With Ronald Jacobs, Anne Henry, Vi Dekker, Chris Longo, Rita Carou,

Victor Taylor  and Veronica Taylor


October 18th through November 10th

Fridays & Saturdays at 9:00 PM

Sundays at 7:00 PM


At: "The Playhouse" - Moreno 80 - San Isidro

Tickets $ 10.- Students under 18 (or on presentation of student card) $6.-

Fridays 50% OFF!

Consult us on group discounts - Members Free-






Today we will say goodbye with a small piece for reflection that our dear SHARER Vicky Montalvo sent us (she says she in turn received it from Ligia Rodriguez).


No se puede decir que la esperanza

o no exista,

porque es como los caminos

que recorren la Tierra.


Al principio no hay caminos,

pero cuando muchos hombres

marchan en la misma dirección

surge el camino.


Lu  Shin                                


Let us all keep on walking together and make new ways.




Omar and Marina.


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VISIT OUR WEBSITE : There you can read all past  issues of SHARE in the section SHARE ARCHIVES.