An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 3                                   Number 77                   August 30th    2002


Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED





You will be surprised to find this issue of SHARE in your mailbox on a Friday rather than on Saturday or Sunday. Reasons: just because and also (on a more serious note) because I am on a leave of absence from work fighting to control my blood pressure.  

Now that I have regained control of my computer : I was barred from it for almost a week. Doctor´s orders? No, Marina´s orders. They all wanted me to rest and up to a certain extent I did (this did not prevent me from re-reading a pair of books I always keep coming back too). Well, now back to my computer I surfed and surfed and surfed. Here´s a little jewel I found. Do you remember the old serial “Zorro” by Disney Studios and Guy Williams racing into our old black and white TV screens to the music of “En su corcel cuando sale la luna…”?  You know what I found on the Web? The lyrics of that opening song! Nothing to write home about? Maybe, but I´m a always a bit nostalgic … or maybe it´s the effects of my high blood pressure. Who knows?


Out of the night
When the full moon is bright,
Comes a horseman known as Zorro.

This bold renegade
Carves a 'Z' with his blade
A 'Z' that stands for Zorro

Zorro --
The Fox so cunning and free
Zorro --
Who makes the sign of the 'Z'



Omar and Marina






1.-    To be, and to be not.

2.-    A Message from the Herald Education News.

3.-    Icebreakers : Facilitating Introductions.

4.-    Seminar in Lanús.  

5.-    Book Review : Discourse Intonation in L2.

6.-    Good News from Longman.

7.-    Interpersonalities.

8.-    "Aim high and stay focused”.

9.-    E- teaching on line !

10-    Using “Friends” for Register Analysis.

11.-    CUP Seminars for Primary Teachers.

12.-   Butterflies are free.

13.-   Seminar at Universidad Tecnológica.

14.-    From TESOL Greece




1.-      TO BE, AND TO BE NOT


The following is a reproduction of an article published in the Gacetilla del Círculo de Traductores Públicos de Zona Norte – Agosto 2002 that our dear friend and SHARER Alejandra Cacciabue has forwarded us. It was written by T.P. Pablo Sosa, Asistente de Lengua II en el Traductorado y Lengua III en el Profesorado UCA..


To Be, and to be not.


The verb To Be, which is of most common use is the least common in all other senses. Semantically, it seems to overlap with many other verbs; syntactically, it is not a modal verb, it is not accompanied by empty carriers (though it may be in the imperative); morphologically, it is the only verb with three forms in the simple present and two forms in the simple past tense; and in translation, it often poses great difficulty. The scope of this article is brief and the reader will surely excuse the omission of several interesting cases which have been left out.

What is peculiar about To Be when it appears in a language other than the reader’s native language is that it is usually quite simple to recognize, but the production is not always so. For instance; for those who have ever studied Latin, you may recall the headaches that the possessive dative use of Sum would cause, although it seemed very easy to identify. In such sentences as: Cerva sacra Dianae est, the verb Sum was easy to spot, but the translation was: “Diana has a sacred deer”, and in Spanish: “Diana tiene una cierva sagrada”. Another sentence of this type is: Timor Greacis est; the English translation of which would be: “The Greeks are afraid”, and in Spanish: “Los Griegos tienen miedo”. The reader will of course identify the various problems that these sentences possess; in both Spanish versions there is a change in the verb used and, in the second case, “The Greeks are afraid”, although the English translation maintains the verb To Be, the number is changed.

Another interesting case that Latin provides is: Inter eas arbor scientiae boni et mali, which translated means, “The tree of knowledge of good and bad was among them.” Or, what would be an even better translation: “Among them, the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” We notice that in the Latin version there is a complete omission of the verb To Be. In the second translation we may hope to establish a similar structure, but the comma must be inserted. The rule in Latin is that where there is no verb we must place the verb To Be; for example: Ave Maria gratia plena. Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus. There is an ellipsis of the verbs es, est, and es, respectively. What’s even more curious is that the verb To Be is usually omitted. There may be in Spanish some cases of ellipsis of the verb Ser as for example in: “Cansado el caballo.” Where “Cansado” is a non-verbal predicate. But said ellipsis is usually marked: “El caballo, cansado.” Thank goodness most of us don’t usually translate from the Latin very often, at least not to make a living, anyway. Most of us are, however, concerned with language. Let us go then some of the difficulties we may encounter when translating form English into Spanish or vice-versa.

Firstly, we find that Spanish offers two verbs which may be translated into To Be, namely, “Ser” and “Estar”, whether we wish to speak of permanent or temporary qualities. We know the examples of the sentence:  I am happy, which may be translated, according to context as, “Soy feliz” or “Estoy feliz”. Other examples in English make this distinction by using different forms of the adjective so that I am bored and I am boring would be translated as: “Estoy aburrido” and “Soy aburrido”, respectively. In other cases the complement may take the form of an adverb or an adjective to show this difference, for example: I am good and I am well, would be translated as “Soy bueno” and “Estoy bien”. In English, however, a native speaker would be unaware of the subtle changes in the meaning of To Be. That is he would not feel the need to explain the differences in these sentences, because to him the verb To Be is simply the verb To Be.

Secondly, we can all relate to the obvious examples of: I am 36 years old, and I am cold; which translated into Spanish are “Tengo 36 años” and “Tengo frío”, respectively. The funny thing here is that the Spanish-speaking learner of English identifies both structures with great ease and might not even find that an explanation is needed. In spite of that, when that same student has to produce the sentence in transfer activities, he will almost always say “*I have 36 years old” or “*I have cold”.

Thirdly, in expressions such as: “She was gone” the Spanish-speaking student of English will hesitate when he is asked to interpret, but he will usually get the meaning. If he is asked to produce a similar utterance, it will be nearly impossible. Likewise, if we provide the Spanish: “Se había ido”, and request a translation, the student will say “She had left” or “She had gone”. There are many other examples of phrases with To Be that can be understood within a context, but are unlikely to be produced spontaneously by learners of English as a second language. Shakespeare’s famous phrase “To be, or not to be,…” sheds even more light on this subject: The verb here represents the character’s hesitation whether to act or not to act, which would synthesise in one phrase those verbs which denote action and those which express a state of being. What’s more, if we examine the phrase a bit further, we’ll see that it brings together both active and passive meaning as regards the semantic role of the subject (Whether to suffer the slings… or to take arms against…).The main point is that the verb to be may substitute other verbs when the meaning may be misunderstood, or, better yet, that other verbs or structures substitute the verb To Be when there is a possibility of misinterpretation. The question is, why? Martin Heidegger speaks of the verb To Be in his book “Fundamental Concepts.” He says that “To Be is what is most said and at the same time it means being silent… that in every verb of the language we name Being.” In the same way, “wherever we lack the word, it is precisely there, that we say To Be”, and finally, “that Being would be the very origin of language itself.” The whole purpose of this article is to provide some examples where this becomes a bit clearer. In short, the verb To Be seems to stand for many things which we often regard as opposites, it brings together meanings of several different other verbs, it is present where no other verb can be placed, it is absent where its presence is understood. It implies both action and rest, it contains both passive and active implications, and, in one word, it seems to represent every known category of language just as Heidegger has pointed out. Might it be that we are always trying to communicate Being, or different aspects of Being and that we struggle to find ways to express these aspects with greater precision. Language, that is, the whole group of either utterances or propositions, as I see it, begins with our Being trying to expand while struggling through the limitations of speech.




Heidegger, Martin: “Conceptos Fundamentales. Curso de semestre de verano, Friburgo, 1941.” Ediciones Altaya,S.A., 1994.  Pgs 101-103

Shakespeare, William: “Hamlet – III. i. 64-67.” Simon & Schuster, 1959


Note: *marks ungrammatical structures







Our dear SHARER Fernanda Page sends us all this message:


Hello everyone,


I would like to make an open invitation to all the teachers in Argentina to subscribe free of charge, to the Herald Education News: the Buenos Aires Herald monthly newspaper for teachers.

The Herald Education News is a printed newspaper which offers feature articles, inside the news, the newspaper in education, activities, lesson plans, debates, current events and much more.

We welcome your letters, queries, suggestions, stories, jokes, and anything that may contribute to teaching.


If you wish to subscribe to the Herald Education News please contact :

Fernanda Gonzalez at  


Thank you


Fernanda Page - Azopardo 455 C1107 ADE - Buenos Aires

Tel: 54-11-4342-8476
Fax: 54-11-4334-7917




Our dear SHARER Romina Sainz from  Chubut sends us these tips for those opening meetings in which participants need to relax and get to know each other


When participants are meeting for the first time, start with an icebreaker that helps everyone to learn names and personal/professional information.  If you are facilitating more than one session, choose a few icebreakers -- you can use one to get people chatting and exchanging personal information, another to help memorize or review names, and another at a stretch break.

The icebreakers "Everyone´s a Liar” and "What´s the Question” are fun games for exchanging personal information.  Both can be used even if participants already know each other.  "Alliterative Introductions” and "Name Chain " help participants to memorize names.  "Seating Plan” requires movement and can be used to enliven a tired group. I hope you find them useful and enjoyable.


Everyone's a Liar


1.  Facilitator writes three statements on the board.  Two statements are true, and one is a lie.  Example:

I have been teaching for 10 years.
I have a pet newt called, "Isaac Newt."
I lived in Switzerland for a year.


2.  Participants ask "lie detector" questions to get further information, in order to determine which statement is false.

Teaching - Where have you taught?  What have you taught?  What year did you start?

Pet - How old is Isaac Newt?  What does Isaac eat?  Where do you keep Isaac?

Switzerland - Where did you live in Switzerland?  What language was spoken in that part of Switzerland?


3.  Participants vote on which statement is a lie.  Reveal which are truths and which are lies.

4.  Place participants in small groups (3 or 4 works well).Small groups repeat steps 1-3 

5.  Have participants introduce each other to the large group.


What's the Question?


1.  Facilitator writes some facts on the board.  Example:


16 months


2.  Participants try to find the question that matches each fact.


purple - What's your favourite colour?  What colour is your car?  What colour are your toenails?

16 months - How long have you lived in this city?  How old is your child?  How long have you been married?

Japan - Where were you born?  Where have you worked?  Where are you going on vacation?


3.  When participants have discovered all of the questions, place them in small groups (3 - 4).  Repeat 1 and 2.

4.  Have participants introduce each other to the large group.


Alliterative Introductions


1.  Introduce yourself to the group with an alliterative sentence based upon the first letter of your name.  Example:


"I'm kooky Katherine.  I like kissing kittens."
(Pattern:  I'm ADJECTIVE NAME.  I like ACTION-ing NOUN)


2.  Participants introduce themselves to the group with alliterative sentences.


"I'm vivacious Vesna.  I like volunteering vodka."
"I'm generous George.  I like giving gifts."


Name Chain


You can play "Name Chain" as a follow-up to "Alliterative Introductions."


1.  Introduce yourself, and the person to your right.

I'm kooky Katherine.  This is vivacious Vesna.


2.  The person to your right repeats previous introductions, and introduces the person to their right.

She's kooky Katherine.  I'm vivacious Vesna.  He's generous George.


3.  Continue with the next person to the right, until all names have been repeated.


4.  Challenge volunteers to rhyme off all names quickly!


This game can be repeated for a few days, moving around the group to the left, or in random order, until participants have memorized each other's names.


Seating Plan


1.  Ask participants to arrange their seats:

alphabetically, according to first name, or sequentially, in order of birthday month and date

This icebreaker encourages participants to circulate and share knowledge about each other. .


4.-         SEMINAR IN LANUS


Our dear SHARER Christian Kunz sends us this announcement:


Anglia Examination Syndicate, English and Fun and Universidad Nacional de Lanús announce the following seminar for ELT professionals:


"ELT Recipeland"

Saturday, September 7th  -  1.45 - 6.00 p.m


Fancy joining an afternoon session for EFL teachers ? Don't miss any of the following lectures, then !!!


1.45 - 2.00  p.m.- Registration

2.00 - 3.30 p.m. -


Preparing Teenage Students for moves towards Learner Autonomy


One of the most important spin-offs of more communicatively oriented language learning and teaching has been the premium placed on the role of the learner in the language learning process.  In this session, we will take a closer look at the key concepts of learner autonomy as a goal for learners, and  learner training, or the teacher's encouragement of their efforts towards that goal.


By Paula Coudannes Landa

Paula is a teacher of English and has taught in private bilingual schools.

In 1998, she joined  Oxford University Press as an Educational Consultant.

She was also Marketing Assistant with OUP and is now responsible for coordinating the ELT team.


3.30 - 4.00 p.m. - Break


4.00 - 5.30 p.m. -


Educating Robustiana - An Unauthorized Story of ELT in Argentina


Is the Teaching of English in our country over the last 30 years a story of failure, faded glory and broken dreams?  Have we teachers learnt anything from the lessons of the past? Are the illusions and promises of the present just another mirage?

Can anyone predict what the future might have in store for us... and our students?


By Omar Villarreal

Omar has taught English at all levels : Kindergarten through University for 29  years. He was Secondary School Head for more than 10 years. He was also Head of the School of English at Universidad Austral and Principal of Instituto Superior del Profesorado Modelo.

At present he is a University Lecturer in the area of Applied Linguistics at INSPT of Universidad Tecnológica Nacional and Head of Department at Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nro 41- Adrogué.

His post-graduate studies include: Applied Linguistics (INSPLV), Educational Research (UN Córdoba). and two Licenciaturas:  Ciencias de la Educación (UCALP) and Educational Technology (FRA- UTN).

He was the Project-Director and co-author of the best-seller series  "POLIMODAL ENGLISH" (Macmillan Heinemann). He is also the author of "GRAMMAR EXPLORER", "TOURISM" and "HOTEL AND CATERING SERVICES" (Macmillan Publishers) and of a number of other books, papers and articles in the field of Pedagogy and ELT. He has lectured extensively in all Argentine provinces as well as in Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Peru.


5.30 - 6.00 p.m -

Raffles / Certificates of Attendance

Venue: Universidad  Nacional de Lanús - 29 de Septiembre 3901, Remedios de Escalada - Aula Nro 3 - Nave: Scalabrini Ortiz

Fee : - Anglia Members   $ 3 (handouts)  - Others  $ 6 (including handouts)



Kensington  School of English:    4243-3589

English and Fun:                          4957-5285






Our dear SHARER Federico Ripol sends us this book review which was originally published in the LINGUIST List:  Vol-13-2167. ISSN: 1068-4875.


Chun, Dorothy M. (2002) Discourse Intonation in L2: From Theory and Research to Practice. John Benjamins Publishing Company, xii+285 pp, hardback ISBN




Overall description


Chun's monograph aims at presenting the language teacher with research in the field of phonology, specifically with theories of intonation. Chun discusses the development of the field from an initial focus on segmental phonology to the current emphasis on prosody, or intonation that goes beyond word and sentence boundaries to larger pieces of discourse. This work on discourse intonation is organized into three parts. First, Chun presents linguistic theory related to intonation in a detailed review of the literature. The second part outlines applied linguistic research in the field, spanning the past sixty years and details areas for future research. One of the main focuses in this section is what technology can bring to both the research and teaching of discourse intonation. The third part takes the ideas developed in parts one and two and presents practical solutions for the implementation of theory. The book comes with a CD-ROM, also created by Chun, which includes the sound bits as well as their graphical representations as presented in part three of the book.


Part I: Linguistic Theory: Intonation in L1


Chapter 1: Intonation, Suprasegmentals, Prosody


In this chapter, Chun provides a definition of basic terms -- intonation, segmentals, suprasegmentals and prosody -- associated with phonology and intonation research. At the end she includes a discussion of perception, an essential, yet often neglected, part of intonation.  Perception of fundamental frequency and pitch, she concludes, should be systematically studied in order to find out "which properties of the acoustic signal are relevant for our perception of speech melody." Chun goes on to provide exercises for the development of intonation perception in part three of the book.


Chapter 2: Phonological Organization of Prosody: Theories of Intonation


This chapter provides a detailed review of the literature on intonation theory. Included are discussions of contours, Bolinger's theory of pitch accent, phonemic and levels approaches, generative approaches and discourse intonation. She concludes the chapter with a synthesis of the theories that will form the framework for the

discussions to follow in the rest of the monograph.


Chapter 3: Meaning and Function of Intonation


After presenting the various theories of intonation, Chun turns to the various functions of intonation. Introduced in this chapter and revisited throughout the book as the fundamental functions of intonation are the grammatical, attitudinal/ emotional, discourse and sociolinguistic functions. Each is detailed according to its structure and according to the way in which it is perceived by the learner.


Part II: Applied Linguistic Research: Intonation in L2


Chapter 4: Research Agenda of the Past: Structuralism and the First Attempts to Teach Intonation

Chapter four focuses on the history of pronunciation teaching, on both how it was taught and what the goals for such teaching were. Included is a discussion of the factors involved in L2 phonological acquisition, such as transfer from L1, critical age, and issues of perception and feedback. Aids designed to help students acquire correct intonation, such as language laboratories equipped with tape recorders that allow a student to compare their output with utterances taped by a native speaker, are addressed. Chun concurs with Leather (1983), who contends that exercises of that type require students to self-monitor, which is, ironically, the skill that the exercise is designed to develop, which can leave students feeling frustrated.


Chapter 5: Research Agenda for the Present and Future: Communicative

Proficiency and Discourse Intonation

This chapter begins with a thorough review of current research in second language acquisition and applied linguistics. The fields of English as a foreign language (EFL) and English as a second language (ESL) have been leading the way in the revival of pronunciation teaching, due in part to the more immediate needs of their learners as

compared to learners of foreign languages. Chun then turns to a discussion of the various proficiency models and national proficiency guidelines, and examines the emphasis in the models on pronunciation and intonation. Such an emphasis is found to be quite lacking overall, but it is hoped that this important feature of second language acquisition will soon be better represented in the literature surrounding each model and in the guidelines. Finally, in this chapter, Chun outlines the potential uses of technology as an aid in the acquisition of intonation, citing studies that have found positive results from the use of software that includes graphic waveforms and

frequency curves. Certain technological advances have the potential to gather data as they are used by the student, which is another advantage of their implementation.


Part III: From Theory to Practice: Teaching Discourse Intonation


Part III begins with a discussion of the teaching of intonation, including a look at the representation of intonation in teaching materials, the challenges inherent in teaching intonation and ideas about how to structure intonation teaching in the classroom. The focus of the book then turns from one of theory to one of practice.


Chapter 6: Teaching Stress and Rhythm

In chapters six and seven, Chun takes the theory presented in the first five chapters and applies it to classroom teaching, providing ideas for practical and concrete activities that the language teacher can implement directly into her syllabus. Chapter six begins with a definition of terms and ideas of how to incorporate listening and speaking practice. A progression of stress and rhythm exercises are provided that take the learner from intonation practice at the word

level to the sentence level and on to the discourse level. The accompanying CD-ROM provides acoustic and graphic representations of the examples given in the chapter.


Chapter 7: Teaching Discourse Intonation

Chapter seven, like chapter six, has a pragmatic focus. Examples of exercises that focus the learner's attention on the four functions of discourse intonation -- grammatical, attitudinal/emotional, discourse, and sociolinguistic -- are provided, again with acoustic and graphical representations of the examples on the CD-ROM. In addition to the wealth of activities that is provided is a section on the adaptation

of existing materials. Suggestions for adaptation are given for each of the four intonation functions. The chapter ends with ideas for the development of software to aid the teaching of intonation as well as calls for additional research.


Critical Commentary


This is a very impressive monograph for several reasons. First, it is a highly readable text. The challenging material is presented in a manner that is easy to digest, and concepts are clarified with good examples.  The readability of this text has both pros and cons; the excellent transitions from section to section and from chapter to

chapter may seem to the reader who is reading straight through to be redundant.  However, for the researcher who chooses to use the book in chunks, it can be seen as an advantage. By repeating important concepts in the various chapters, Chun leaves the monograph open to be used either in its entirety or sectioned off in somewhat independent chapters.

The book is very thorough, covering the topic of intonation from a variety of disciplines. Chun synthesizes the literature well, and the reader is left with a comprehensive idea of the state of the field. The monograph follows a logical progression from theory to practice. Ideas presented in the first two parts of the book are not forgotten, but woven into the practical application section of the text. It is clear not only that theory is the basis for the proposed exercises, but also how that theory is used as the driving force for each exercise.


The book is well written for its intended audience. While some prior knowledge of the basics of language learning and teaching is assumed, no detailed knowledge of phonology or intonation studies is necessary to begin this book. The practical application of theory and the clear transition from theory to practice is appropriate. The CD-ROM is a nice bonus, as it provides examples of how the software that Chun

advocates looks and sounds.

The only thing that I feel would improve this monograph is a more detailed description of what is represented by each of the computer images, i.e., what properties are contained in the waveforms as opposed to the fundamental frequency curves, and what information can be gleaned from each.


Reviewer: Lisa DeWaard Dykstra, University of Iowa





Our dear friends and SHARER Augusto Di Marco from Pearson Education wants to SHARE these news with all of us:


8th Longman Annual Conference

Buenos Aires, September 14th, 2002

Longman celebrates Teacher´s Day with Jeremy Harmer


Saturday, 14th September 8:30 to 16:00


Venue : Facultad de Derecho - Universidad de Buenos Aires

Av. Figueroa Alcorta 2263, Capital Federal

Fee: $ 8 individual - $ 6 party


Humanistic Approaches to Teaching

Sociological and Psychological Perspectives in Language Learning

Latest developments in Language Teaching Theory and Methodology  

Practical Teaching Ideas on Lesson Planning


Jeremy Harmer


Jeremy Harmer is a teacher, teacher trainer and author. Among his many books are the classics, “The Practice of English Language Teaching” (now in its third edition) and “How to Teach English”, both published by Longman.

He is the general editor of the Longman methodology series and hosts the popular teacher development site


Registración: 12 de Agosto al 6 de Septiembre (o hasta agotar vacantes)


Informes e inscripción únicamente en:

NCS Pearson - Callao 316 - Buenos Aires

Tel: (011) 4124-1099 / Fax: (011) 4124-1072 - E-Mail:


No hay inscripción ni reserva telefónica. Para obtener el formulario de inscripción, contáctese con NCS Pearson.


Jeremy Harmer Tour in Argentina


Jeremy will be visiting numerous cities in Argentina, presenting:

"What language is really for".

All presentations are admission free



Tue 17th September 18:00hs to 20:30hs.

Venue: Hotel "Carlos V" 25 de Mayo 330 S.M. de Tucumán

Registration at:

La Feria del Libro - (0381) 421-7600/0381 -

Librería San Francisco - (0381) 422-8822 -



Wed 18th September 18:00hs to 20:30hs.

Registration at: Librería Ameghino - (0341) 447-1147 -

Librería Ross - (0341) 440-4820 / 421-7639 -

SBS - (0341) 426-1276 -



Thu 19th September - 18:00hs to 20:30hs.

Venue: Centro Universitario (frente a Facultad de Ciencias Económicas)

Registration: Centro Int, del Libro - (0261) 4201266/5049 - 







Our dear SHARER Ximena Faralla sends us this invitation:


The Suburban Players presents Interpersonalities, an interactive comedy written and directed by Mara Santucci.


The play has been produced with an original technique in which the actor works on the character and his relationship with the outside world before the script is created. A series of improvisations and specific exercises give shape to the script which will be rehearsed with an innovative system.


Violet is a strong and sensual actress who works at the Lava Bar with her friends Olivia and Iago. She has one weakness which disturbs her motley circle of friends who find her loft their perfect reunion centre, until several events shake their everyday routine.


The play features a sitcom style that blends humour and drama while the characters and situations subtly develop.


Fridays & Saturdays : 9:00 p.m. – Sundays 7:00 p.m.

Closing: Sunday 8th of September

Tickets $ 10

Reservations : 4747-4470






Our dear SHARER Lidia Schliesinger <> sends us a story to SHARE:


Shotgun & 3 bullets
There once was a man who had nothing for his family to eat. He had an old shotgun and three bullets. So, he decided that he would go out and kill something for dinner.
As he went down the road, he saw a rabbit and he shot at the rabbit and missed it. Then he saw a squirrel and fired a shot at the squirrel and missed it. As he went further, he saw a wild turkey in the tree and he had only one bullet, but a voice came to him and said "pray first, aim high and stay focused."
However, at the same time, he saw deer which was a better kill. He brought the gun down and aimed at the deer. But, then he saw a rattle snake between his legs about to bite him, so he naturally brought the gun down further to shoot the rattle snake.
Still, the voice said again to him, "I said 'pray, aim high and stay focused."
So, the man decided to listen to the voice. He prayed, then aimed the  gun high up in the tree and shot the wild turkey. The bullet bounced  off the turkey and killed the deer. The handle fell off the gun and hit the snake in the head and killed it. And, when the gun had gone off, it knocked him into a pond.
When he stood to look around, he had fish in all his pockets, a dead  deer and a turkey to eat. The snake (satan) was dead simply because the man listened to God.
Moral of the story: Pray first before you do anything, aim and shoot high in your goals, and stay focused on God.




Our dear friend and SHARER Patricia Salvador has a very important announcement to make:

Good news for English teachers ! We go on line!

In spite of all the currect difficulties English Teaching in Action is bringing out E-teachingonline .

Our mission is to help English teachers encrease their potential.

Our aim: to reach English teachers everywhere in the country.

In the mag on line we will be offering the usual sections, providing hints and tips, as well as all the other material that has made our magazine teachers' favourite. We will offer useful links and supply updated ELT resources for classwork. Plus, we will mail our full size posters to teachers' homes.

Have a look. Go through all the sections, you are certain to find what meets your needs at :






Two tips our dear SHARER Maria Graciela Alvarez from Santa Fé wants to SHARE:


(1)      For scripts for the famous serial “Friends” and many other TV shows go to:

(2)     A reflection on  "language analysis" based on TV tapes, that Dr Mert Bland from Virginia prefers to call “variety in register”

” I hope you are aware that if we count from most formal to least formal with most formal taking a 5 and least formal taking a 1 (this is called "register"), most classroom teaching is at level 3.  TV sitcoms are usually at level 2.  Now since we try to prepare our students to comprehend English in the greatest variety of situations, it is necessary to introduce a little level 2 (and even level 1, 4, and 5) from time to
Perhaps I can be more explicit with some examples.  If you don't have an answer to someone's question, and that person was the Queen of England (level 5), you might answer:
I doubt if I have sufficient data to respond adequately to your query.
If the person was your boss (level 4):    I do not know.
A peer (level 3):   I don't know.
Afriend (level 2):  Ah dunno.
An intimate (wife, parent, sibling) (level 1):  Ahuhoh.”





Our dear SHARER Paula Gelemur from CUP sends us this invitation:


The Cambridge Primary Seminar for Teachers and Coordinators

Laura Campagnoli, our guest speaker, will be speaking about


The A-Z of Teaching Young Learners. The 3 E's and the 3 M's.


There are many myths about the way young learners acquire foreign languages. Let's debunk those myths and face facts. Teaching doesn't always produce learning. However, a well-balanced grammatical syllabus, which revolves round meaningful everyday situations, together with a parallel content-based syllabus, which is both varied and experience-rich, can do the trick. Shall we get together for about two hours and imagine we are young children learning English through different

strategies? We can then put on our teacher thinking cap and weigh the pros and cons of this approach.


Laura is a lecturer at IES Lenguas Vivas J. R. Fernández and at St Catherine's

Teacher Training College. She is Co-director of Studies at Leeds School of English, where she conducts a yearly seminar on The Approach to English in the Early Stages. She has coauthored Lift Off Books 1, 2 and 3, a course for young learners. She has conducted courses, seminars and workshops all over the country.



We will be presenting ...


Primary Colours: the new series for 6 to 9 year-olds based on adventure stories!


Would you like to implement story and theme-based learning with younger learners? If so, do get acquainted with Primary Colours, the new series by the authors of the acclaimed Cambridge English for Schools and Worldwide. Primary Colours encourages

younger learners to think about the world around them through the use of stories, drama and craft activities, puzzles, games, stickers, picture dictionaries and a clear grammatical syllabus. Join Nick, Jess and Kip in their adventures around the world in

a hot air balloon!

This presentation will be given by Paula Gelemur


Paula is a graduate teacher and translator from Universidad Nacional de La Plata and has seven years' experience teaching children, adolescents and adults at private language schools and also at Instituto Cultural Argentino Británico .She is currently doing a two-year specialisation course in Phonetics II at ISP Joaquín V. González. She is  Senior Educational Representative for Cambridge University Press.


Please choose the most suitable option for you:

Capital: Saturday September 7th - from 9 am to 1 pm

Colegio Champagnat - Montevideo 1046/50


San Isidro: Saturday September 14th - from 9 am to 1 pm

Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Unidad - Belgrano 685


Lomas de Zamora: Saturday October 5th - from 9 am to 1 pm

Colegio Modelo Lomas - Belgrano 50/55


Free of charge - Certificates of attendance will be issued.

Enrolment: 4322-5040 / 4328-7648,





Our dear friend and SHARER Celia Zubiri sends us an invitation to Bs As Players´ new play:



Butterflies are Free

BY Leonard Gershe


Tuesdays 8:00 p.m

September 3, 10, 17, 24 - October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Teatro Santamaría - Montevideo 842


Ticket $10 (for groups of ten people or more $8, for groups of 20 people or more $5) - Reservas: (011) 4812-5307 / 4814-5455



Don Baker                     Rodrigo Grabarino

Jill Tanner                    Nani Ruiz

Mrs. Baker                   Maite Nuñez

Ralph Austin                 Marcelo Andino






Our dear SHARER M. Fernanda del Rio from Unidad de Gestión del INSPT – UTN sends us this announcement:


Using newspapers,magazines, catalogs and dictionaries... creatively

by Patricia Gómez

Lecturer in Language and Children´s Literature.Leisure Time Coordinator. Storyteller. Actress.


How can we use a newspaper or a dictionary in class to learn ... and have fun?

How can we use material from magazines and catalogs to do instant activities

 ... and develop skills?

Join this workshop and get a collection of game-like activities to have fun while learning!


Participants should bring:

Magazines and catalogs ( English and Spanish), English newspapers, Dictionaries (different levels), scissors, glue, markers, sheets of paper.


Saturday, September 7th - 9:00 - 13:00


Venue: INSPT - UTN : Av. Triunvirato  3174-2º floor-Auditorium

Fee: $20.- (INSPT Students: $15.-)

Registration: INSPT - UTN : Av. Triunvirato 3174-2ºpiso- Unidad de gestión

Information: - 4552-6027 / 4176






A short notice from Peter Beech from TESOL Greece:

We're planning to hold the 2003 TESOL Greece convention at the Hellenic-American Union in Athens. The call for papers will be published in the autumn. In the meantime, you can get an idea of the format by looking at



Today we will say goodbye with a message that our dearest friend and SHARER from Resistencia, Chaco, Maria Silvia Ortega sent us. It´s called “Tater People”


Tater People

Some people never seem motivated to participate, but are just content
to watch while others do the work. 

They are called  "Speck Taters".  


Some people never do anything to help, but are gifted at  finding
fault with the way others do the work. 

They are called "Comment  Taters".


Some people are very bossy and like to tell others what to do, but
don't want to soil their own hands. 
They are called "Dick  Taters".  


Some people are always looking to cause problems by asking  others to
agree  with them.  It is too hot or too cold, too sour or too  sweet.
They  are  called "Agie Taters".


There are those who say they will help, but somehow just  never get
around  to  actually doing the promised help. 
They are called  "Hezzie Taters". 


Then there are those who love others and do what they say they will.
They  are always prepared to stop whatever they are doing and  lend a helping hand.  They bring real sunshine into the lives of others.
They are  called  "Sweet  Taters". 





Omar and Marina.


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VISIT OUR WEBSITE : There you can read all past  issues of SHARE in the section SHARE ARCHIVES.