An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 3                                   Number 71                    June 21st    2002



Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED





The first day of winter and God is it cold!

Omar spent most of the week in bed with the most awful lumbago in his “young years”. A most upsetting ailment, especially because, as all men, he requires (demands ?) very special care in the face of the slightest indisposition (and all because he knows that from time to time we love to spoil him).   

Shall we start this issue with a poem? We chose one that our dear SHARER  Elisabet Sandra Guber sent us. It´s very simple. Perhaps too naive but very true. And most befitting the weather, the lumbago and in a most serious tone the present situation of our country:


Healing  Rain


When I go walking in the rain

it always seems to heal my pain.

The raindrops little pitter patter

say to me "it doesn't matter.

Let go of hurt that's in the past

the pain will then no longer last".

Just as the sun comes after rain

so will joy come after pain.


We pray we soon see the rainbow of hope in the skies of our country.




Omar and Marina







1.-    Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: A Self Test.

2.-    Bedroom? Shakespeare invented it!

3.-    Murphy´s Laws for Teachers.

4.-    Macmillan Heinemann Back on the Road again.

5.-    Metodología de la Investigación Lingüística.

6.-    Using Newspapers in the Classroom.

7.-    Español como Lengua Extranjera : Curso para Profesores.

8.-    Collective Nouns (Second Round).

9.-    Jornadas Nacionales para Traductores. 

10-    The Group : Blowing their first ten candles.

11-    Laurels Conference: Special Offer.

12-    Stop Press: The Bs As Players in Lomas.






Our dear friend and SHARER Marisa Lopez sends us this challenging self test to assess how we know about the way we learn and teach vocabulary. Let´s have a go!


Learning Vocabulary in Another Language:

A Test of Teachers' Knowledge


1        How many word families does an average adult native speaker of English          know?


A        150,000

B         100,000

C         50,000

D        20,000

E        don't know


2       If learners know the most frequent 2000 words of English, what percentage of

          running words in an academic text will be known to them?


A      60%

B       80%

C       90%

D      98%

E       don't know


3       What is the most important factor in formal measures of readability?


A         background knowledge

B         vocabulary knowledge

C         reading skill in L1

D         grammatical knowledge

E         don't know


4       The most effective way of beginning to learn the meaning of a word is by


A       the use of a picture

B        translation into the first language

C       a dictionary definition

D       seeing a word in context

E       don't know


5       How many words does an average learner of English as a foreign language know

          after five or six years of four 50 minute English classes per week?


A       1,000

B       3,000

C       5,000

D       10,000

E       don't know


6         Initially opposites like hot and cold should be learned


A       at the same time

B       in quick succession

C       as part of a bigger lexical set

D       at widely separated times

E       don't know


7         Complex words like inventiveness and uncontrollably are usually stored in the

brain as


A       stems and affixes that are combined when needed

B       both as whole units and word parts

C         complete analyzed words

D         complete unanalyzed words

E       don't know


8         Learners most often have problems in guessing the meaning of a word in helpful contexts because they


A       give too much attention to the form of the word

B       do not use their background knowledge of the topic

C       do not draw on clues from neighbouring sentences or paragraphs

D       do not give attention to the immediate context of the word

E       don't know


9       In order to have a good chance of guessing the meaning of an unknown word from context clues, what percentage of the running words in the text does the learner need to know?


A       78%

B       80%

C       90%

D       98%

E       don't know


10      When learners know the most common 2000 words of English, the words that they have most difficulty with in academic texts in their specialist area are


A         general purpose academic words like assume, concept, diverse

B         function words like because, although, hence

C         proper nouns like Darwin, Menlo Park, Edgebaston

D         technical words like anode, impedance, galvanometer

E         don't know


11       The 'lexical bar' is


A       the Graeco-Latin words of English

B       the high frequency words of English

C       the function words of English

D       the discourse markers of English

E       don't know


12         Teachers should deal with low frequency words by


A        breaking them into prefixes, stems and suffixes

B        letting learners guess them from context

C        teaching the learners strategies to deal with them

D        providing varied and repeated opportunities to give attention to those words

E        don't know


13      Which of these most helps vocabulary learning?


A         meeting or using the word in a new way

B         having its meaning explained

C         meeting the word in context

D         searching for the word in a dictionary

E         don't know


14         Definitions of unknown words are most effective if


A       they are short

B       they contain plenty of useful detail

C       they are written as complete sentences

D       they are accompanied by grammatical information

E       don't know


15      Most learning of vocabulary used in oral communication tasks involves words


A       whose meanings are negotiated in the task

B       whose meanings are not negotiated in the task

C       which are in the written input to the task

D       which are not in the written input to the task

E       don't know


16      A 'book flood' involves


A       doing a lot of intensive reading in class

B       setting a lot of intensive reading outside class

C       replacing a large part of the class work with extensive reading

D       encouraging extensive reading outside class time

E       don't know


17      The Lexical Frequency Profile' is a way of


A         measuring productive vocabulary use

B         deciding what will be classified as high frequency words

C         comparing the  frequency of selected words

D         diagrammatically representing vocabulary growth

E         don't know


18         Quickly providing meanings for unknown words while listening or reading


A       has little effect on comprehension of the text

B       upsets comprehension of the text

C       greatly increases the amount of vocabulary learned

D       results in little vocabulary learning

E       don't know


19      About what percentage of the low frequency words of English comes from French, Latin or Greek?


A       20%

B       40%

C       60%

D       80%

E       don't know


20     How many closely related members does a typical English word family have?


A       3

B       5

C       7

D       9

E       don't know


21      During writing activities, learners use dictionaries most often to


A       check spelling

B       look up the meaning of a word

C       see if a word exists

D       find out about the grammar of the word

E       don't know


22         'Retrieval' involves


A         receptive learning

B         productive learning

C         recalling an item

D         recognizing that two given items go together

E         don't know


23     The sentence 'To be or not to be, that is the question' consists of ten


A       tokens

B       types

C       lemmas

D       word families

E       don't know


24     A 'lemma' is a base word and


A       all its derived forms

B       all its inflected forms

C       all its related forms

D       all its inflected forms which are the same part of speech

E       don't know


25     An 'Academic vocabulary' is made up of words that


A       are only used in academic texts

B       are only used in a specialised field

C       are found in a wide range of academic texts

D       are found in a wide range of academic and non-academic texts

E       don't know


26     How many chunks of information can be held in short-term memory at any one time?


A       one

B       about three

C       about seven

D       about ten

E       don't know


27     The General Service List of English Words is a list of


A       30,000 words and their frequencies

B       the commonest collocations

C       2,000 high frequency words

D       words that can be used to define other words

E       don't know


28     To test learners' productive knowledge of vocabulary we must get learners to


A         produce words in spoken or written sentences

B         produce spoken or written forms from a meaning cue

C         produce or recognize spoken or written word forms from a meaning cue

D         produce a first language translation of words

E         don't know





1D, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6D, 7A, 8A, 9D, 10A, 11A, 12C, 13D, 14A, 15B, 16C, 17A, 18C, 19C, 20C, 21B, 22C, 23A, 24D, 25C, 26C, 27C. 28 C.






Did you know that the Bard invented the word “ Bedroom” along with 1700 words we use everyday?  Read this revealing article that our dear SHARER, Emilce Vila from San Luis sent us. If you want to find more information about the words on the list   below ( e.g. links to the plays in which they first appeared) consult:




Shakespeare's Influence


The English language owes a great debt to Shakespeare. He invented over 1700 of our common words by changing nouns into verbs, changing verbs into adjectives, connecting words never before used together, adding prefixes and suffixes, and devising words wholly original. Below is a list of a few of the words Shakespeare coined :


academe, accused, addiction, advertising, amazement, arouse,assassination,

backing, bandit, bedroom, beached, besmirch, birthplace, blanket, bloodstained

barefaced, blushing, bet, bump, buzzer,

caked, cater, champion, circumstantial, cold-blooded, compromise, courtship

countless, critic,

dauntless, dawn, deafening, discontent, dishearten, drugged, dwindle

epileptic, equivocal, elbow, excitement, exposure, eyeball,

fashionable, fixture, flawed, frugal,

generous, gloomy, gossip, green-eyed, gust

hint, hobnob, hurried,

impede, impartial, invulnerable,


label, lackluster, laughable, lonely, lower, luggage, lustrous

madcap, majestic, marketable, metamorphize, mimic, monumental, moonbeam, mountaineer

negotiate, noiseless

obscene, obsequiously, ode, olympian, outbreak

panders, pedant, premeditated, puking

radiance, rant, remorseless

savagery, scuffle, secure, skim milk, submerge, summit, swagger

torture, tranquil,

undress, unreal,

varied, vaulting,




If you are looking for more words invented by Shakespeare be sure to read the wonderful book Coined By Shakespeare by Jeffrey McQuain and Stanley Mallessone. Each entry in the book comes with a history of the word.


Shakespeare also invented many of the most-used expressions in our language. Bernard Levin skillfully summarizes Shakespeare's impact in the following passage from The Story of English:


“ If you cannot understand my argument, and declare "It's Greek to me", you are quoting Shakespeare; if you claim to be more sinned against than sinning, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you recall your salad days, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you act more in sorrow than in anger, if your wish is father to the thought, if your lost property has vanished into thin air, you are quoting Shakespeare; if you have ever refused to budge an inch or suffered from green-eyed jealousy, if you have played fast and loose, if you have been tongue-tied, a tower of strength, hoodwinked or in a pickle, if you have knitted your brows, made a virtue of necessity, insisted on fair play, slept not one wink, stood on ceremony, danced attendance (on your lord and master), laughed yourself into stitches, had short shrift, cold comfort or too much of a good thing, if you have seen better days or lived in a fool's paradise - why, be that as it may, the more fool you, for it is a foregone conclusion that you are (as good luck would have it) quoting Shakespeare; if you think it is early days and clear out bag and baggage, if you think it is high time and that that is the long and short of it, if you believe that the game is up and that truth will out even if it involves your own flesh and blood, if you lie low till the crack of doom because you suspect foul play, if you have your teeth set on edge (at one fell swoop) without rhyme or reason, then - to give the devil his due - if the truth were known (for surely you have a tongue in your head) you are quoting Shakespeare; even if you bid me good riddance and send me packing, if you wish I were dead as a door-nail, if you think I am an eyesore, a laughing stock, the devil incarnate, a stony-hearted villain, bloody-minded or a blinking idiot, then - by Jove! O Lord! Tut, tut! for goodness' sake! what the dickens! but me no buts - it is all one to me, for you are quoting Shakespeare” . (Bernard Levin. From The Story of English. Robert McCrum, William Cran and Robert MacNeil. Viking: 1986).






Our very dear friend and Webmaster Bernieh Banega sends us this list of Murphy´s laws for teachers. A very abridged list, indeed! I guess you can think of many more to add to it. How about sharing them with all of us?
1.       Good students move away.
2.       New students come from schools that don't teach.
3.       The most dingy room in school is the faculty lounge.
4.       The less time you have to make copies, the more the machine will

5.       Disaster will occur when you have visitors to your classroom or when

you're being observed.
6.       The time you take to explain something is inversely proportional to the

information students retain.
7.       Open school night will fall on the night when the best shows are on

8.       The problem student will be a school board member's son or daughter.
9.       Students who are doing better are credited with working harder. If

children start to do poorly, the teacher will be blamed.
10.     The length of the faculty meeting will be directly proportional to how

boring the subject is.





Our dear friend and SHARER José Luís Morales, Academic Manager for Macmillan Heinemann ELT Argentina  sends us this invitation:


Macmillan Heinemann ELT in close collaboration with Asociación Cultural Argentino - Británica de Salta,  Asociación Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa, Colegio Nacional de Monserrat, I. E. S. "Lola Mora" and Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, invite you to shake off the cold, attend two presentations by Gabriel Mohr and meet your colleagues over a warm cup of coffee.




Monday 24th June 2002 – 18.30 to 20.30

Colegio Nacional de Monserrat, Obispo Trejo y Duarte Quirós

Registration: Librería  Blackpool

Dean Funes 395 - Tel. (0351) 4237172 /4246959


Academic Workshop/Presentation:

Teaching Young Adults: A Full Sweep Of the Language Learning  Skyline

New Publications : Presenting the Macmillan English Dictionary




Tuesday  25th June 2002 - 18.30 to 20.30

Sala de Actos, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Registration:  Centro Internacional del Libro

Lavalle 14 - Tel. (0261) 4205049/4201266 - E:mail.


Academic Workshop/Presentation:

Making Vocabulary Memorable: Tasks and Techniques that Can Make a Difference.

New Publications : Presenting the Macmillan English Dictionary




Wednesday 26th June 2002 – 18.30 to 20.30

Asociación Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa, Buenos Aires 1174

Registration: Librería Ameghino

Corrientes 868 - Tel. (0341) 4495637/4498906 -  E:mail


Academic Workshop/Presentation:

Making Vocabulary Memorable: Tasks and Techniques that Can Make a Difference.

New Publications : Presenting the Macmillan English Dictionary




Friday 28th June 2002 – 18.30 to 20.30

Asociación Argentino - Británica de Cultura, Caseros 131

Registration: Librería San Francisco 

Caseros 350- Tel. (0387) 431 8456/ 4310892 - E:mail

SBS - Lerma 45 - Tel. (0387) 4318868 - E:mail


Academic Workshop/Presentation:

Making Vocabulary Memorable: Tasks and Techniques that Can Make a Difference.

New Publications : Presenting the Macmillan English Dictionary




Saturday 29th 2002 – 10.00 to 12.00

Hotel Jardín, Laprida 463 

Registration:  Librería San Francisco

Corrientes 256 - Tel (0381) 4228822 - E:mail


Academic Workshop/Presentation:

Making Vocabulary Memorable: Tasks and Techniques that Can Make a Difference.

New Publications : Presenting the Macmillan English Dictionary




Teaching Young Adults:  Full Sweep of the Language Learning Skyline


Teaching a language to young secondary learners involves giving them opportunities for Accessing, Analyzing and Activating new language. Why not broaden your horizons with an exciting new approach? It may prove to be just what you and your students need!


Making Vocabulary Memorable: Tasks and Techniques that Can Make a Difference.


More often than not, our students find it difficult to recognize, use accurately and remember lexis.. This workshop provides various ways to teach vocabulary with different age groups and levels. Come and collect a selection of user-friendly techniques to make vocabulary learning and teaching a memorable experience.


Presentation of New Publication


Why not have it all?: Presenting the Macmillan English Dictionary

A Unique New Dictionary with a Unique New Concept.


The Macmillan English Dictionary successfully integrates special focus on the words that students need most, special help notes and a special language awareness section. This presentation will reveal how MED provides real help for real needs.


Gabriel Mohr


Gabriel Mohr has over 12 years' experience teaching EFL. He has taught general English to pre-adolescents and adults at prestigious language schools and in-company business English courses in Buenos Aires. Gabriel has also lectured on EFL methodology in various latin American countries in the past four years and is a Pitman qualifications and City and Guilds International examiner. He joined Macmillan Heinemann ELT Argentina as Academic Consultant very recently.






Our dear friend from UNNE  Magister Marta Susana Lopez sends  us this announcement on their forthcoming postgraduate course on Metodología de la Investigación Lingüística



Las Heras 727 - Resistencia - Chaco


Profesora dictante: Dra Maria Laura Pardo


Carga horaria: 30 horas teóricas presenciales

30 horas teórico-prácticas presenciales - 90 horas de estudio independiente

Carga horaria total del curso: 150 horas.


Destinatarios: graduados universitarios de disciplinas relacionadas con las Ciencias Sociales, especialmente aquellos que realizan investigaciones que incluyen textos o discursos como datos.


Coordinación: Sección Lingüística - Departamento de Letras




El propósito del Curso es el estudio teórico y la práctica del análisis lingüístico de textos (según el estado del área hoy) que constituye un método de investigación para la Lingüística y otras Ciencias Sociales. En efecto, el reconocimiento del análisis del discurso como herramienta metodológica al servicio de las disciplinas sociales se afianza progresivamente. De ahí que su conocimiento teórico y práctico sea fuertemente demandado por especialistas e investigadores de diversas disciplinas como la Sociología, la Antropología, la Psicología, las Ciencias de la Comunicación, las Ciencias Jurídicas, la Historia y otras, más específicas, como la Teoría Literaria,

la Lingüística y la Semiótica.




Módulo 1: Conceptos Generales

Metodología cuantitativa. Ciencia. Término. Concepto. Niveles de análisis. Hipótesis.

Metodología cualitativa.  Categorías conceptuales. Propiedades. Hipótesis teóricas.

Paradigma positivista. Paradigma interpretativo. Triangulación de datos.


Módulo 2: Análisis del Discurso como teoría y método Metodología de la investigación lingüística. Análisis del Discurso (AD) como teoría y método. El texto como herramienta heurística. La doble hermenéutica.

Multidisciplinas. Distintas aproximaciones cualitativas dentro del Análisis del Discurso. Las nociones de práctica discursiva, práctica social, texto, para método y

análisis de la investigación lingüística (Fairclough)


Módulo 3: Niveles

El nivel micro: el programa metodológico y de análisis del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (Ruth Wodak). Principios, estrategias y recursos. El nivel medio: Teorías de Medio Rango (Craig). El rol de la etnometodología.

El nivel macro: Teorías base. Ejemplificación y práctica.


Cronograma:          3 y 4 de julio de 2002. Inicio: 8 hs.

                            7 y 8 de agosto de 2002. Inicio: 8hs.


Mayor Información: Secretaría de Decanato - Departamento de Letras: Mgter.Marta S. López y Prof. Aldo F. Lineras. Av. Las Heras 727 (3500) - Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina. Telefax: 03722-446958 / 422257 - Int. 300 - 312

Direcciones electrónicas: - -






The following is a reproduction of a posting by Karen Stanley to the ESL List of the University of New York. In it she addresses the issue of the use of the newspaper in the ESL /EFL classroom. Here it goes:
I suggest trying out the New York Times "Learning Network"

It's a free website for teachers.  Although designed for teachers in the American public school system teaching grades 3-12, many  activities are highly adaptable to ESL/EFL students.
I tend to use the daily lesson plan archives the most. Each day there is a news article with a wide range of activities planned to accompany it.
One of my favorites is an article from December, 2000: "Be That As It Maya"
The article is about new discoveries at a Mayan ruin. There are warm-up activities and comprehension questions.  My favorite part comes next:  Students break into groups and each group is assigned a Mayan city.  They investigate the city via the internet (or other means), then write up a travel brochure as if the city were a current tourist destination.  They also make postcards with a picture from the internet (I imagine they could draw one if there's limited internet access) on one
side, and a message on the other mentioning something they might actually have done or seen.
There are also discussion questions, and "extension activities."
There are also archived lessons specifically for working with the newspaper.  For example, in one lesson, "students explore the function of letters to the editor for both a newspaper and its readers. Each student then selects a current event about
which he or she feels strongly, reads a related New York Times article and responds to it in the form of a letter to the editor."
The site also includes news summaries, a daily news quiz, the word of the day, the test prep question of the day, and more...

Karen Stanley
Central Piedmont Community College
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
<> <>






Our dear SHARER María José Bravo sends this message:

Estimado Omar:

En primer lugar, quiero felicitarlos por la publicación que hacen, que trae muchísima información para todos los interesados en el mundo de las lenguas.


Les mando información sobre un curso que puede ser de gran interés para profesores de inglés.

Desde ya muchas gracias. Cariños,

María José Bravo


Alpha centro de comunicación y cultura

Av. Córdoba 991, 2º "A" (1054), Buenos Aires, Argentina


TE: (54 11) 4322-8932 / 4393-1972

FAX: (54 11) 4322-8932


Curso Alpha de Iniciación a la Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE)


CAI-ELE julio/agosto 2002 de un mes de duración


Días y horarios: Martes y Viernes de 18:30 a 21:00.

Fechas: desde el martes 23 de julio hasta el viernes 16 de agosto.

Total: 20 horas de clase. Arancel del curso: $200 (pesos).


Para poder inscribirse, no necesita contar con formación ni experiencia previas. La inscripción cierra el día 19 de julio.

Charla gratuita: Martes 16 de julio a las 20:00 hs. Confirmar su asistencia por TE o por e-mail.


¿Qué es el CAI-ELE?

ELE es el nombre internacional de Español Lengua Extranjera.

Usted está pensando en enseñar español para extranjeros en el país o en el exterior o ya ha dado algunas clases. Es hablante nativo del español, tal vez es profesor de otras lenguas extranjeras, traductor, periodista, o se ha dedicado hasta el momento a otra profesión. Enseñar una lengua no es tarea simple: hay que saber sobre ella, sobre su cultura, hay que saber acercar esos conocimientos a un hablante de otra lengua, que irá aprendiendo, a la vez, la gramática, las pautas culturales y los códigos de una nueva comunidad.


CAI-ELE tiene 3 módulos:

Módulo de lengua: ¿Qué tengo que saber sobre el español para enseñarlo?

Módulo de cultura: ¿Qué tengo que saber sobre nuestra cultura y nuestras pautas socio-culturales?

Módulo de didáctica: ¿Cómo llevo esto al aula? ¿Con qué materiales? ¿Con qué estrategias?


CAI-ELE es un curso de iniciación. Con CAI-ELE no habrá hecho todo, pero será un excelente puntapié inicial. Luego, lo ayudaremos a continuar.

Además, Alpha (un centro dedicado al estudio y difusión del español en Buenos Aires) puede contactarlo con el mundo de la enseñanza del español para extranjeros y acercarle la información que necesite. A través de Alpha, puede entrar en contacto con instituciones que se dedican a esta área e intercambiar con otros futuros colegas experiencias, dudas e inquietudes.

Para saber más sobre nosotros y sobre nuestras actividades, recorra nuestra página web  y lea la revista "Idiomas y Comunicación", en la que Alpha publica un suplemento de español para extranjeros.

Puede escribirnos al e-mail  o llamarnos al teléfono 4393-1972. Estaremos esperando su respuesta.






Following last week´s posting by our dear friend Barry Henderson from Asunción, Paraguay, a dear SHARER from Olivos Jackie Lascano sends us this list of collective nouns for groups of animals. Jackie says she has found this and many other “delights” for word-lovers in Fun with Words :

Thank you, Jackie and keep on SHARING!



herd of antelope

army of ants, colony of ants, swarm of ants

shrewdness of apes

flange of baboons, tribe of baboons

culture of bacteria

cete of badgers, colony of badgers

sleuth of bears, sloth of bears, pack of bears (polar bears)

colony of beavers, lodge of beavers,

flight of bees, grist of bees, hive of bees, swarm of bees

congregation of birds, dissimulation of birds, flight of birds, flock of birds

volery of birds,

sedge of bitterns, siege of bitterns

herd of boar, singular of boar, sounder of boar

chain of bobolinks,

brace of bucks, clash of bucks

herd of buffalo

rabble of butterflies, swarm of butterflies

wake of buzzards

flock of camels

army of caterpillars

clowder of cats, clutter of cats, glaring of cats, pounce of cats,

dout of cats (house cats), nuisance of cats (house cats), kendle of cats (kittens)

kindle of cats (kittens), litter of cats (kittens), destruction of cats (wild cats),

drove of cattle, herd, of cattle, kine of cattle, team of cattle, yoke of cattle (two),

herd of chamois,

brood  of chickens, flock of chickens, peep of chickens, brood of chicks

chattering of chicks, clutch of chicks,

cartload of chimpanzees,

herd of chinchillas

bed of clams

quiver of cobras

rag of colts, rake of colts

bury of conies

cover of coots

flight of cormorants

band of coyotes

sedge of cranes, siege of cranes

congregation of crocodiles, float of crocodiles

storytelling of crows

murder of crows

herd of deer, leash of deer, parcel of deer, bevy of deer (roe deer)

kennel of dogs, pack of dogs, litter of dogs (puppies)

pod of dolphins

drove of donkeys, herd of donkeys, pace of donkeys

trip of dotterel,

bevy of doves, cote of doves, dole of doves, dule of doves, flight of doves

piteousness of doves

flight of dragons, weyr of dragons

wing of dragons,

brace of ducks, flock of ducks, flush of ducks, paddling of ducks, raft of ducks,

team of ducks, aerie of eagles, convocation of eagles

swarm of eels

herd of elephants, memory of elephants, parade of elephants

gang of elk, herd of elk,

mob of emus

business of ferrets, cast of ferrets. fesnying of ferrets

charm of finches

catch of fish, haul of fish, run of fish, school of fish, shoal of fish

swarm of flies

lead of foxes, leash of foxes, skulk of foxes

army of frogs, colony of frogs, knot of frogs

flock of geese, gaggle of geese, skein of geese (in flight),

wedge of geese (flying in a 'V')

horde of gerbils,

corps of giraffes, herd of giraffes, tower of giraffes

cloud of gnats, horde of gnats, swarm of gnats

herd of gnus, implausibility of gnus

drove of goats, herd of goats, tribe of goats, trip of goats

charm of goldfinches, glint of goldfish

band of gorillas,

skein of goslings

leash of greyhounds

covey of grouse, pack of grouse

colony of gulls,

group of guinea pigs

horde of hamsters

drove of hares, down of hares, husk of hares, leash of hares, trace of hares

trip of hares, warren of hares

aerie of hawks, cast of hawks, kettle of hawks

array of hedgehogs, prickle of hedgehogs

brood of hens,

hedge of herons, sedge of herons, siege of herons

shoal of herrings,

crash of hippopotami, herd of hippopotami, bloat of hippopotami

drift of hogs, parcel of hogs, passel of hogs, drift of hogs

nest of hornets,

harras of horses, herd of horses, stable of horses, team of horses, troop of horses

cry of hounds, mute of hounds, pack of hounds

charm of hummingbirds

clan of hyenas

band of jays, party of jays, scold of jays

smack of jellyfish

herd of kangaroos, mob of kangaroos, troop of kangaroos

deceit of lapwings,

ascension of larks, exaltation of larks

leap of leopards, leep of leopards, lepe of leopards,

pride of lions, sault of lions, sowse of lions, troop of lions

lounge of lizards

herd of llamas

plague of locusts

tidings of magpies

sord of mallards

stud of mares

richness of martens

horde of mice, mischief of mice, nest of mice

company of moles, labor of moles, movement of moles

cartload of monkeys, tribe of monkeys, troop of monkeys, troup of monkeys

herd of moose

barren of mules, pack of mules, rake of mules, span of mules

watch of nightingales

bevy of otter, family of otter, raft of otter, romp of otter

parliament of owls

drove of oxen, herd of oxen, span of oxen, team of oxen, yoke of oxen (two)

bed of oysters

company of parrots,

covey of partridges

muster of peacocks, ostentation of peacocks

colony of penguins, crèche of penguins, huddle of penguins, parcel of penguins

rookery of penguins

nest of pheasants, nide of pheasants (on the ground),

nye of pheasants (on the ground), bouquet of pheasants (when flushed)

flight of pigeons, flock of pigeons

drove of pigs, herd of pigs, litter of pigs, farrow of pigs (piglets)

sounder of pigs (wild pigs)

shoal of pilchards

congregation of plovers, wing of plovers

chine of polecats,

string of ponies

pod of porpoises, school of porpoises

passel of possum

coterie of prairie dogs,

bevy of quail, covey of quail,

bury of rabbits, colony of rabbits, down of rabbits, drove of rabbits, husk of rabbits

leash of rabbits, trace of rabbits, trip of rabbits, warren of rabbits,

nest of rabbits (young), wrack of rabbits (young)

gaze of raccoons,  nursery of raccoons

colony of rats, horde of rats, mischief of rats, pack of rats, plague of rats

swarm of rats

rhumba of rattlesnakes

storytelling of ravens, unkindness of ravens

crash of rhinoceri,

building of rooks, clamor of rooks, storytelling of rooks

run of salmon, school of salmon, shoal of salmon,

bob of seals, colony of seals, crash of seals, harem of seals, herd of seals

pod of seals, rookery of seals, spring of seals, team of seals,

school of shark, shiver of shark

down of sheep, drove of sheep, flock of sheep, fold of sheep, hurtle of sheep

trip of sheep

bed of snakes, den of snakes, nest of snakes, pit of snakes

walk of snipes, wisp of snipes

host of sparrows,

dray of squirrels, scurry of squirrels

murmuration of starlings,

muster of storks, mustering of storks

flight of swallows,

bevy of swans, herd of swans, wedge of swans (flying in a 'V')

flock of swifts, drift of swine, sounder of swine,

spring of teals

ambush of tigers, 

knot of toads

hover of trout

flock of turkeys, brood of turkeys (immature)

bale of turtles,

generation of vipers, nest of vipers

colony of vultures

mob of wallabees

herd of walruses

pod of walruses

pack of weasels, sneak of weasels

gam of whales, herd of whales, pod of whales, school of whales

plump of wildfowl

herd of wolves, pack of wolves, rout of wolves, route of wolves

warren of wombats

fall of woodcocks

descent of woodpeckers

herd of yaks

crossing of zebras, herd of zebras, zeal of zebras






Our very dear SHARER Alejandra Cacciabue from Comision Directiva Colegio de Traductores Públicos de Catamarca  sends us  announcement:


Estimados docentes, traductores e investigadores:


La Federacion Argentina de Traductores invita a todos los interesados a

participar de la Primera Jornada Argentina de Actualización Profesional para Traductores que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Córdoba entre los días 11, 12 y 13 de octubre de 2002.


Prestigiosos disertantes y especialistas de nuestro país abordarán distintos temas de interés comprendidos dentro de los siguientes Ejes temáticos:


* Tecnologías de la Traducción - Localización de Software

* Interpretación simultánea y consecutiva

* Peritaje Judicial

* Traducción Legal


En el mes de agosto informaremos los detalles de este importante encuentro,primero en su género y que dará formal inicio a las actividades de la entidad federada que busca entre sus objetivos auspiciar y organizar reuniones, conferencias, cursos y congresos conducentes al más amplio desarrollo académico, técnico, científico, cultural y social, en consonancia con las finalidades específicas de la profesión, en sus distintas disciplinas.






Our dear SHARERS from The Group write to us to announce the three plays they are staging to celebrate their 10th Anniversary:


In 1992, Santiago Salgado formed The Flywalk Group and produced "Puss in Boots",

Recent Productions

1997: Billy the Kid

1998: Robin Hood, a light in the dark

1999: Eliot Ness cleans up the mess

2000: Treasure Hunt + Apparitions, Supernatural Shakespeare

2001: Marco Polo, the travel adventurer + Anna and the Rainbow Serpent




Jack and teh Beanstalk

Based on the original story adapted to contemporary values

Musical for students of English up to 8 years old


Leonardo 'Da' Musical

A story inspired by the life of the incredible genius

Musical for students of English from 8 years old upwards


The Q Squad    Mission: Stop Dr. Techno!

A computer virus has the world in jeopardy. It's time for action. It's time for the... Q Squad. Screen Theatre comedy for students of English at EGB 1 & EGB 2 levels


All three plays with a free educational resource pack

Activity Book + CD / Songs and Lyrics / Pre- and  post-show activities for different levels


THE GROUP Entertainment Company

Martín y Omar 399 -  San Isidro - Buenos Aires - Argentina

 (011) 4743-9300         






Our dear SHARER Debora Schisler  writes to us with additional information about LAURELS Teacher Trainer Conference  and  a special offer for our SHARERS.


Dear Omar,


I'd like to ask if it would be possible to announce that this week we should be putting up information on our site ( ) related to the 4th LAURELS Teacher Education and Development Conference to be held in São Paulo July 11, 12, 13 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel ( speakers , other places to stay and much more). Those interested can get the registration form by clicking AGENDA, and locating JUL (July).

We can make a special deal for SHARE MAGAZINE readers: maintain the June 15th price until the end of the month (June 28). These people just have to write this information on their registration form before faxing it in. What do you think?



Debora Schisler






Our dear friend and talented playwright and director Celia Zubiri sends all our SHARES in Southern Greater Buenos Aires a special invitation:


Date:    Thursday 28th of June

Venue:   Theatre Colegio Inmaculada Concepción. Boedo 200 – Lomas de Zamora

The Buenos Aires Players will be performing:


14:00 hours - PETER PAN, the King of Neverland. Musical comedy for E.G.B. 1    Ticket: $4

18:00 hours - TO BE OR NOT TO BE, comedy for adolescents and adults

Ticket: $5

20:00 hours A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, comedy for advanced students  Ticket: $6


Reservations :

(011) 4812-5307 / 4814-5455




Time to say goodbye again. This time with a message that Father Bernardo Shanley published in his list. It´s all about the value of silence. So no more words now, let us hear him:  


Cuando callas, también hablas de ti mismo.
Cuando callas un secreto, conozco tu fidelidad de amigo.
Cuando callas tu propio dolor, conozco tu fortaleza.
Cuando callas ante el dolor ajeno, conozco tu impotencia y tu respeto.
Cuando callas ante la injusticia, conozco tu miedo y tu complicidad.
Cuando callas ante lo imposible, conozco tu madurez y dominio.
Cuando callas ante la estupidez ajena, conozco tu sabiduría.
Cuando callas ante los fuertes y poderosos, conozco tu temor y cobardía.
Cuando callas ante lo que ignoras, conozco tu prudencia.
Cuando callas tus propios meritos, conozco tu humildad y grandeza.

El Silencio es el tiempo donde el sabio medita,
La cárcel de la que huye el necio
Y el refugio donde se esconden los cobardes.
Siembra para ser tú mismo...

George Eliot (1819-1880)



Omar and Marina.


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VISIT OUR WEBSITE : There you can read all past  issues of SHARE in the section SHARE ARCHIVES.