An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 3                                   Number 70                    June 15th   2002



Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED





A long weekend. Cold but with a few rays of sun struggling their way through the bleak sky. How nice it is to feel you will be there sharing some time with us.

How incredible it is to know that we can renew this bond every now and then. And that some of these bonds become stronger as time goes by.

Let us begin with some heart-warming words by Robert Sexton that our fairy godmother Elida Messina sent us. They are about what we and you are ( or at least, what we want to become for you ) : partners in joy.


“Partners In Joy


With instinctive grace and natural ease the affection between them quietly spins, through sun-lit days and shining seasons and year after year of tender smiles.

Whether sisters or cousins or dearest friends, their lifetimes are joined by the spirit they share; the gentle fusion of simple love.”




Omar and Marina1







1.-    Multiple Intelligences and ESP – Second Round.

2.-    Words on Words: News from the British Council

3.-    Maestrías y otros postgrados para graduados terciarios.

4.-    Spectacular, Spectacular.

5.-    On the meaning of “ums”, “uhs” and “ers”.

6.-    APIBA´s Special Interest Groups.

7.-    Español como Lengua Extranjera.

8.-    A Collection of Collective Nouns.

9.-    The Drama Workshop in Montevideo. 

10-    On Line Congress.

11-    Laurels Conference for Teacher Trainers.

12-    Competition for Playwrights.




1.-         MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND ESP – SECOND ROUND                                 


Our dear friend and SHARER Ana María R. de Bergel sends this contribution as a reaction to Professor Douglas Andrew Town´s article on “Multiple Intelligences” that we published in our last issue. Thank you Ana Maria for your invaluable comments.


Dear Sharers,


I was overjoyed to read Prof. Town's comments on the application of the Multiple Intelligences theory to ELT and his analysis of the relevance of basing ESP course planning on learning styles. As a researcher in Learning Hypotheses and a very severe critic of the Multiple Intelligences epidemic, I couldn't agree more. Gardner wrote a book for psychologists, was given the cold shoulder and ... guess who greeted his theory enthusiastically? The media. And as a consequence, teachers, of course! So, he turned to teachers as his target audience (Gardner, 1993) It is also worth mentioning that he concentrated on evaluation, not teaching (Gardner,


As for learning styles, when I was a student in the Escuela Normal about to graduate as a Maestra Normal Nacional, in Rosario, in 1960, our Didactics teachers always told us that if we wanted knowledge to sink in we had to involve all the senses and the learners' manual and physical skills in the learning process as much as their intellectual capabilities. Considering I graduated forty-two years ago, it would have been a long time to wait until now to discover that people have different ways of taking in knowledge and that the whole person, body, mind, feelings, has to be addressed in the process of education. I would have also lived blindly, in a kind of drunken stupor, if I had not detected learning styles in myself and others by mere observation.


What is it with language teachers that they so easily fall prey to fads?  I am not surprised, either, about the teacher in Prof. Town's article who talks about research in a totally mistaken fashion. Research techniques are not taught to teachers, probably for fear they might seriously apply them and discover the number of frauds they have been made to ardently embrace and the truth of the adage "A little learning is a dangerous thing".


Sometimes, I believe teaching as an academic discipline still lacks identity. Because of this, perhaps we draw principles and theories from psychology, linguistics or other disciplines but do not adapt them to the needs and aims of teaching. Rather, we want to adapt teaching to other disciplines. Teaching is systemic and needs contributions from many fields, but it is also unique and stands on its own. We cannot talk about teaching according to the principles of other sciences but about which principles from other sciences contribute to teaching.


Thank you, Professor Town, for your enlightening article.


Ana María R. de Bergel


Bibliographic reference:

Gardner, H. (1993)  Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Basic Books






Our dear SHARER, Mary Godward from the British Council Argentina writes to us:


Dear All


The British Council  - Contemporary UK writing in Argentina


In September 2001, at the British Council, we started giving shape to this literature event. This is one of the major events of the year for us so I thought it would be a good idea to send you a short newsletter on a regular basis. I hope that this will enable you to keep up to date with all the developments that go taking place. If you prefer not to receive it, please let me know.


This is an outline of the event as it stands today.


Teaching materials


We commissioned teaching materials on the works of the two writers who will be visiting us in September. Claudia Ferradas Moi took on the co-ordination and has written materials on John Burnside and Beatríz Pena Lima on Benjamin Zephaniah. The results have been excellent and the materials are now available and I'm sure you will then share my enthusiasm over this aspect of the project. We hope many schools and teacher training colleges use them in their teaching of literature as a way of introducing contemporary writers. As well, we will all be better placed to appreciate both Zephaniah's and Burnside's writing, taking better advantage of their visit.


Pre-event courses


Some of the Words on Words events have already taken place. Claudia Ferradas Moi delivered the  course John Burnside: lyrical beauty, disturbing sensations to a large and enthusiastic audience of teachers at the Latin American Union of Registered English Language Schools in Montevideo. many of them have shown great interest in the events planned for September and hope to attend. This course was sponsored by LAURELS and the British Embassy in Montevideo.


Beatriz Pena Lima ran the first of her excellent courses on Benjamin Zephaniah, attended by 27 teachers from bilingual schools. Zephaniah's poetry led us down a path of mixed emotions through the use of humour, irony and empathy. His trademark irreverence caused surprise and captured everybody's attention. many thanks to ESSARP, who supported the organisation and promotion of this event.


The courses were repeated in May and June in Buenos Aires with the support of the ESSARP and SEA, as indicated below.


John Burnside: lyrical beauty, disturbing sensations

to be held on  26 June (17: 30-20: 00) at ESSARP .

Burnside's poetry and one of his short stories (Graceland) will be discussed. The British Council will be providing copies of the poetry and  ESSARP has a copy (which can be borrowed by teachers) of Burning Elvis, the book from which Graceland has been taken. Burning Elvis is also on sale at Librería Kel (Tel 4717 5603). If you are finding it difficult to get a copy of the story, please phone the British Council (Tel 4311 9814) to see if there is any way in which we can help.


John Burnside: lyrical beauty, disturbing sensations

Friday 31 May at the British Council. Though both Burnside's poetry and prose will be discussed, you do not need to read Graceland to attend the course.


Benjamin Zephaniah: a poet to be seen and heard

Friday 7 June at the British Council.


We are also planning to deliver these courses in Córdoba in June. We will send you full details as soon as the dates are confirmed.




A competition is in our plans. The basic idea is that schoolchildren will illustrate a poem by a contemporary British writer. We have been granted two ISC International Jubilee Scholarships (one  month at a summer school in the UK), which will be awarded to the two winners. Details will follow.


Teaching contemporary UK literature event in Buenos Aires


The event in Buenos Aires will be held on 14 and 16 September, with different audiences in  mind.

14 September
A one-day programme for teachers or students taking their last year at profesorados. Our four visitors (John McRae, Benjamin Zephaniah, John Burnside and a storyteller) will be presenting a full programme of lectures, performances, readings and workshops. Side events such as book and poster exhibitions are also planned.


16 September
This event is targeted at secondary school students and those taking their first years at the profesorado. The programme includes workshops, performances, storytelling and talks with the writers themselves.


Teaching contemporary UK literature events in Córdoba


The Buenos Aires September 14 event will be replicated in Córdoba as a FAAPI pre-conference event. Therefore, all teachers attending the FAAPI conference will have the option of travelling to Córdoba one day earlier to enjoy the full British Council programme. Events are also planned for school and profesorado students.


This is just a brief outline of the events planned around the  writers' visits in September. Do feel free to contact me if you have any doubts or something is not clear.


Literature Matters

We will be mailing issue 31 of Literature Matters to those of you on our Literature update. Please let us know if you don't receive it.

I hope to see many of you at these courses. In the meantime, of you have any doubts or questions about the event, do not hesitate to contact us.


I hope to see you at the courses or at the event in September!


Mary Godward

Information Services Manager

The British Council

Marcelo T de Alvear 590 - 4to

C1058AAF Buenos Aires


Tel:  +54 (0)11 43119814/7519

Fax: +54 (0)11 4311 7747



PS : For those of you with an interest in John Burnside. I thought you might like to read an article he published recently in the Guardian. In this article he gives his views on ecological movements and in particular on the last book published by Rachel Carson, Silent Spring.

If you would like to read it, please check this link:,4273,4415443,00.html







The following is a reproduction of an item of news published in La Nación on 9th of June 2002. This is no doubt very good news for a large number of our SHARERS. We will be on the alert for future developments and promise to keep you posted.



LA NACIÓN 9/6/2002


Media sanción a ley que permite acceder a posgrados a los terciarios


Tras recibir media sanción en la Cámara de Diputados, un proyecto de ley que permite acceder a estudios de posgrado a quienes tengan título terciario acaba de recibir luz verde en el Senado, pero ya tiene voces en contra.

La iniciativa reforma la actual ley de educación superior para que los egresados de carreras terciarias de por lo menos cuatro años de duración -típicamente los de carreras docentes- puedan realizar posgrados, actualmente reservados a graduados de carreras universitarias.

En una carta dirigida a la Comisión de Educación del Senado, que le dio dictamen favorable, la Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria (CONEAU) afirma que esta reforma podría "derivar en efectos no deseados", como hacer equivalentes de hecho títulos terciarios y universitarios, afectar la calidad de los posgrados y dejar sin sentido los 196 programas, en 47 universidades, que permiten a los egresados de profesorados completar licenciaturas tras uno o dos años de estudios.






Our dear SHARER David Cole,,  sends us all this invitation:


Dear theatre lovers,

I would like to invite you to this year´s St. George's North production, entitled, “Spectacular, Spectacular” . We have worked very hard to follow on from the success of last year and produce a high quality show that I am sure you'll enjoy.

Tickets are on sale for $10. Buy soon to avoid disappointment.

Hope to see you there,

David R Cole.


14, 21 y 22 June -8:30 p.m.


Further information and reservations: 4663-2494 ext 124






Our dear friend and SHARER   Gustavo Morelli wants to SHARE this article from “Nature” with all of you:


'Er' cautions listeners to stay on side.

'Ums' and 'uhs' contain meaning, say US psychologists.


by  John  Whitfield


Um ... there're these psychologists, right? And they've, uh, come up with, like, the idea that 'um' and 'uh' are really words, which speakers, um ... use to highlight their conversational problems. Ok?

'Uh' and 'um' send information to listeners just like proper words, say Herbert Clark of Stanford University, California, and his colleague Jean Fox Tree at the University of California, Santa Cruz. They analysed transcripts of conversations between academics and from phone conversations and answering-machine messages.

English speakers lob in 'um' before a long pause and 'uh' in front of a brief hiatus, the analysis revealed. People even create compounds such as 'the-um' or 'and-uh', says Clark, showing that speakers know that there is going to be a problem after the word even before they begin it.

The researchers believe that speech contains two streams of information, which speakers blend and listeners unravel. One strand contains the meaning. With the other - asides such as 'um', 'uh', 'like' and 'y'know?' - speakers comment on how smoothly their train of thought is running. "Remarkably, we do these things more or less simultaneously during conversation," says Clark.

'Uh' and 'um' are commonly thought just to fill a pause or prevent interruptions. But this doesn't explain how people use them, says Clark: "You see them in monologues as much as dialogues, and people also use them in Internet chatrooms," he points out.

Speech researcher Robin Lickley agrees that 'uh' and 'um' should be treated as genuine words. "People tend to think of these things as sloppy, whereas they're perfectly normal," says Lickley, who works at Queen Margaret University College in Edinburgh.

He also likes the idea that speech contains parallel strands. But he doubts that 'uh' and 'um' really perform the function that Clark and Fox Tree claim for them. "I don't think they're inserted to help the listener - about half the time people don't notice them," he says. "They just keep the flow of speech going."

Other studies have shown, however, that listeners process speech more quickly with the 'ums' and 'uhs' left in than when they are taken out. And beginning an answer with 'um' is interpreted as showing greater uncertainty than a silent pause of the same length.


Pause forethought


Different languages have their own gap-signalling words. The uncertain Spaniard says 'em' and the Swede 'hmm', whereas the Japanese have a raft of options, including 'anoo' and 'jaa'. A common feature is that the word's sound is easy to stretch out, and so adapt to the length of the pause for thought.

Public speakers learn to suppress umming and erring, hiding moments of uncertainty. For example, there's not a single 'um' or 'uh' in any of the recorded inaugural addresses made by US presidents between 1940 and 1996.

So has studying 'uhs' and 'ums' made Clark more conscious of his own hesitations? "If you aren't careful it's a killer, but I try and keep it from becoming one," he says.


28 May 2002



1. Clark, H. H. & Fox Tree, J. E. Using uh and um in spontaneous speaking. Cognition, 84, 73 - 111, (2002).



(c) Nature News Service / Macmillan Magazines Ltd 2002







Our dear SHARER Analía Kandel, APIBA SIGs Liaison Officer sends us this update:



We would like to announce that Professional Development SIGs Don Torcuato and Pilar have merged and will from now on continue meeting in Pilar . A new Professional Development SIG will soon hold its first meeting in Olavarría coordinated by Silvana Riccio de Bottino and Karina Elbey. We would like to encourage other APIBA members living and working in the province of Buenos Aires to contact the SIGs Liaison Officer with proposals to open new SIGs in various districts under APIBA's jurisdiction.



Professional Development SIG (Pilar, Prov. of BA)

Coordinators: Silvia Caporale - Gabriela Dominguez

Date: Thursday, June 20, 2002 -- Time: 17.15 - 19.15

Venue: Wellspring School - Las Camelias 3883 - Km 42,5 - Pilar - Prov. of B.A.


Workshop on William Blake's "Songs of Innocence and Experience". Group activity.

Selected poems: "Holy Thursday" (Innocence); "Holy Thursday" (Experience); "The Chimney Sweeper" (Innocence); "The Chimney Sweeper" (Experience); "London" (Experience).


Cultural Studies SIG

Coordinators: Paula Lopez Cano - Erika Navarro

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2002 -- Time: 9 - 10.30

Venue: SBS Palermo, Av. Coronel Diaz 1745, Buenos Aires


1. Exploration of the concept of "culture"

2. Presentation of the different areas of interest, bibliography and main representatives in the field of "Cultural Studies" by Paula López Cano.


Literature SIG

Coordinators: María Valeria Artigue - Susana Groisman

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2002 -- Time: 11 - 13

Venue: SBS Palermo, Av. Coronel Diaz 1745, Buenos Aires


1. The Gregarious Hero in Celtic Mythology. Presentation by Diana Schcolnicov.

2. Heroines in the Harry Potter series by  Marisa Villaseco.

3. Heroines in Lord of the Rings. Workshop to be led by Pamela Vassellati.

Background reading: The Harry Potter Series by J.K.Rowling and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R.Tolkien.


Business SIG

Coordinators: María Laura Fox - Gabriela Pezzi de Lozada

Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2002 -- Time: 10.30 - 12.30

Venue: Ex-Alumnos de Lenguas Vivas, Paraguay 1935, Buenos Aires


1. Discussion of chapters 3 and 4 from Managing in Turbulent Times, by Peter Drucker.

2. María Laura Speziali and Marisa Bilbao will focus on vocabulary from chapters 1 and 2 from Managing in Turbulent Times.


Computers SIG

Coordinators: Nora Lizenberg - Monica Pastorino

Date: Saturday, July 6, 2002 -- Time: 10 - 12

Venue: Academia Cultural Inglesa de Villa del Parque, Cuenca 2838

Agenda: SIG members will continue their research into virtual campuses and platforms for different e-learning students.


Phonology SIG 

Coordinators: Roxana Basso - María Isabel Santa

Date: Saturday, July 6, 2002 -- Time: 9 - 11

Venue: Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 1475, Buenos Aires


Language SIG

Coordinators: Maria Luisa Ghisalberti - Myriam Sosa Belenky

Date: Saturday, July 6, 2002 -- Time: 11.15 - 13.15

Venue: Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires, Viamonte 1475, Buenos Aires



Paid-up members of APIBA and FAAPI Associations and teacher trainees can participate free of charge. All others: $10 contribution per session.


To confirm attendance or for further information on APIBA SIGs, contact Analia Kandel, APIBA SIGs Liaison Officer, at






La Fundación Ortega y Gasset Argentina ofrece un curso de formación inicial para profesores de español como lengua extranjera, a cargo de la profesora Susana Chiappetti, los lunes y jueves, de 13 a 16.15. El programa, que comprende 40 horas lectivas, está orientado a profesores, docentes y graduados en carreras afines que deseen iniciarse en la enseñanza del español.

La Fundación Ortega y Gasset Argentina fue designada por el Instituto Cervantes como el único centro en el que se puede rendir el examen para obtener los Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera. Tiene su sede en el tercer piso del Centro Cultural Borges, Viamonte esquina San Martín.
Informes: 555-5452 y 4314-2809.






Our very dear friend Barry Henderson from Asunción, Paraguay  sent us this list of Collective Nouns which he accessed at . This very useful list is (c) Copyright Paul Vigay. All Rights Reserved.

Website enquiries? Email :



In all cases the name of the species is given first followed by a hyphen and the Collective Term ( the most usual first).


Mammals  (66 listed)


Antelopes - Herd

Apes - Shrewdness

Asses - Pace, Drove, Herd

Baboons - Flange, Troop

Badgers - Cete, Colony

Bears- Sloth, Sleuth

Boars - Sounder, Herd, Singular

Buffalo- Herd

Camels - Flock

Cats- Clowder, Cluster, Glaring

(kittens) Kindle, Litter

(wild cats) Destruction

Cattle - Herd, Drove

Chamois - Herd

Cheetahs- Coalition

Colts- Rake, Rag

Conies- Bury

Deer- Herd, Leash. Parcel

Dogs -Pack, Kennel

Dolphins -Pod, Flock

Donkeys- Herd, Drove

Elephants - Herd

Elk- Gang

Ferrets- Business, Cast, Fesnying

Foxes- Skulk, Lead, Leash

Giraffes- Tower, Corps

Goats- Trip, Flock, Herd, Tribe

Gorillas- Band

Hares- Drove, Down, Husk, Leash, Trace, Trip

Hedgehogs- Prickle, Array

Hippopotami- Crash

Hogs- Drift

Horses- Drove, Harass, Herd, Stable, Team

Hounds -Pack, Mute

Kangaroos -Mob (only correct terminology)

Leopards- Leap, Lepe

Lions - Pride, Sault, Sowse, Troop

Mares- Stud

Martens- Richness

Moles- Labour, Company, Movement

Monkeys - Troop, Cartload, Tribe, Mission

Mice - Nest

Mules- Barren, Pack, Rake

Otters - Family, Bevy

Oxen- Team, Yoke, Span

Pigs - Drove, Herd, Sounder

(Piglets) Farrow, Litter

Polecats- Chine

Ponies- String

Porpoises- School

Puppies- Litter

Rabbits- Colony, Bury, Nest

(young rabbits) Wrack

Racehorses- String

Rats -Colony

Rhinoceroses- Crash

Roe Deer- Bevy

Seals- Colony, Harem, Herd, Pod, Spring

Sheep- Flock, Drove, Fold

Squirrels- Dray

Stoats- Pack

Swine- Sounder

Tigers- Ambush

Walruses- Herd

Weasels- Sneak, Pack

Wild Cats- Dout

Wild Pigs- Sounder

Whales- School, Herd, Gam, Pod

Wolves- Pack

Zebra- Herd, Zeal


Invertebrates (4 listed)


Bacteria - Culture

Jellyfish- Stuck, Smack, Fluther

Snails- Walk

Worms- Clew


Insects & Aracnids (8 listed)


Ants - Colony, Army

Bees - Swarm, Grist, Hive

Caterpillars - Army

Flies- Swarm, Business

Gnats- Swarm, Cloud, Horde

Grasshoppers- Cluster

Locusts- Plague

Spiders- Clutter


Molluscs- (2 listed)


Clams- Bed

Oysters - Bed


Fish (18 listed)


Archer fish- Company

Barracuda- Battery

Bass- Shoal, Fleet

Butterfly fish- School

Dogfish- Troop

Dragonet fish- Swarm

Eels- Swarm

Fish- Shoal, School

Flying fish- Glide

Herrings-Glean, Army, Shoal

Minnows- Stream

Porcupine fish- Cluster

Rainbow fish- Party

Salmon- Bind

Sea Horses- Herd

Sticklebacks- Spread

Swordfish- Flotilla

Trout- Hover


Amphibians (3 listed)

Frogs- Army

Toads - Knot

Turtles - Dule, Bale


Reptiles (4 listed)


Crocodiles - Bask

Snakes - Den, Nest, Pit

Turtles- Turn

Vipers- Nest


Inanimate Objects (32 listed)


Aircraft - Wing

Arrows- Quiver

Asteroids- Belt

Bananas- Bunch

Beans- Hill

Books- Library, Pile

Borg- Collective

Bread- Batch

Brushwood- Bavin

Cards- Deck

Circles- Crop

Computers- Network

Eggs- Clutch

Flowers- Bed, Patch, Bouquet

Grapes- Bunch, Cluster

Hair- Lock

Homework- Slew

Information- Wealth

Islands- Chain, Archipelago

Jewels- Cache

Keys- Ring

Lorries- Convoy, Fleet

Money- Rouleau

Pearls or Beads- String

Peas- Pod

Poems- Anthology

Reeds- Clump

Satellites- Constellation

Ships- Armada, Flotilla

Stars- Galaxy, Constellation

Tasks- Agenda

Trees- Stand, Clump, Forest


People- (37 listed)

Academics- Faculty

Actors - Cast, Company

Angels- Chorus, host

Athletes- Team

Beauties- Bevy

Bureaucrats- Shuffle

Car Dealers- Lot

Car Mechanics- Clutch

Directors- Board

Employees- Staff

Experts- Panel

Hoodlums- Gang

Idiots- Thicket

Judges- Bench

Knights- Banner

Lawyers- Huddle

Lepers- Colony

Mathematicians- Number

Men- Band

Microsoft Programmers- Asylum, Bloat

Monks- Abomination

Natives- Tribe

Nudists- Hangout

Onlookers- Crowd

People- Crowd

Performers- Troupe

Philosophers- Ponder

Sailors- Crew

Senators- House

Soldiers- Squad

Students- Class

Thieves- Den

Tourists- Flock

Troops- Parel

Widows- Ambush

Witches- Coven

Worshippers- Congregation


Birds (66 listed)


Birds - Volery

Bitterns - Sedge, Siege

Bustards - Flock

Capercaillies -Tok

Chickens - Brood, Peep

Choughs -Chattering, Clattering

Coots - Cover, Raft

Cormorants - Flight

Cranes - Sedge, Siege

Crows - Murder, Hover

Curlews - Head

Doves - Flight, Dole, Dule, Pitying, Prettying

Ducks - Flush, Team

(diving) dopping

(in flight) team, plump

(on water) Paddling

(brood) Flush

(pair) Brace

Dunlin - Fling

Eagles - Convocation

Falcons - Cast

Finches - Charm, Trimming, Trembling

Geese -

(at rest) Gaggle, Flock, Nide

(in flight) Skein

Goldfinches - Charm, Chattering, Drum, Troubling

Goshawks - Flight

Grouse - Covey

(single family) Brood

(large group) Pack

Guillemots - Bazaar

Gulls - Colony, Pack

Hawks - Cast, Leash, Kettle

Hens- Brood

Herons - Sedge, Siege

Hummingbirds - Charm, Chattering, Drum, Troubling

Jays - Band, Party

Lapwings - Desert, Deceit

Larks - Exultation, Bevy, Ascension

Magpies - Tittering, Tiding

Mallards - Sord

(on land) Flush, Sute

(on water) Puddling

Nightingales - Match, Watch

Owls - Parliament, Stare

Parrots - Flock, Company

Partridges -Covey, Bew

Peacocks -Muster, Ostentation, Pride

Penguins -Colony, Rookery, Parcel

Pheasants - Nye, Bouquet

Pigeons - Flight, Flock

Plovers- Congregation, Leash, Wing

Poultry - Run

Quail- Bevy, Covey

Ravens- Unkindness, Conspiracy

Rooks- Parliament, Building, Clamour

Ruffs -Hill

Sea Fowl -Cloud

Sheldrakes -Dopping, Doading


(at rest) Walk

(in flight) Wisp

Sparrows - Host, Quarrel, Tribe

Starlings -Murmuration

Storks -Mustering

Swallows -Flight

Swans - Herd, Bank, Bevy, Game, Squadron, Wedge, Whiteness, Drift

Swifts - Flock

Teal -Spring, Coil, Knob, Raft

Thrushes -Mutation

Turkeys  -Flock, Dole, Dule, Raffle, Raft, Rafter

Turtledoves -Pitying

Vultures - Wake

Waterfowl- Plump

Widgeon -Company, Bunch, Coil, Knob

Wildfowl - Trip

Woodcock - Fall, Covey, Plump

Woodpeckers- Descent

Wrens – Herd 






Our dear SHARER Luis Charamelo from Montevideo, Uruguay sends us this message:


Dear Omar and Mariana,

I have been a Sharer for over two years and this is the first time I write to you

guys. You do a wonderful job and many of the issues have been very helpful for me and my colleagues. This is an invitation from THE DRAMA WORKSHOP to all our colleagues in Uruguay:


The DRAMA WORKSHOP announces the productions in English for 2002 :


BEAUTY AND THE WITCH, A play for children.

More than 3000 students and teachers in 2001.

An interactive play directed by Luis Charamelo



A mistery, for teenagers and adults.

Opening in 2002!

Directed by Luis Charamelo


Both plays at Teatro del Anglo or at Schools (will also travel).

Resource packs (before and after watching activities) available upon request.

Information and bookings  628 5288  Montevideo.


Thanks for your help!!

Lots of love,

Luis Charamelo







Our dear SHARER Joan Mayans from  Observatorio para la CiberSociedad, Spain

sends us this invitation for their forthcoming event:


En Septiembre del 2002 se celebrará, en el CiberEspacio, el I Congreso ONLINE del Observatorio para la CiberSociedad (, con el título descriptivo genérico de "Cultura & Política @ CiberEspacio".


Un primer listado de grupos de trabajo preeliminarmente aceptados consta de los siguientes títulos:



Análisis del discurso en la CMO e Internet en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, a cargo de M. Torres  & Mar Cruz (Universitat de Barcelona, Cat/Esp).

Ciberespaço e sociabilidade, a cargo de G. Alves (Universidade Estadual de Sao Paulo, Brasil) & V. Martínez (Universidade Estadual de Sao Paulo, Brasil) (En portugués).

Corporalidad, Virtualidad, Hibridación y Simulacro, a cargo de J.L. Anta (Universidad de Jaén, España), J. Palacios (Universidad de Jaén, España) & M.C. Astigarraga (Mondragón Unibertsitatea, Euskadi/Esp).

El ciberespacio, ¿un nuevo campo social para las identidades colectivas? , a cargo de R. Faura & J. Mayans (Universitat de Barcelona, Cat/Esp).

Periodismo y Comunicación digital, a cargo de J.L. Orihuela (Universidad de Navarra).

Psicología de/en Internet: un desafío a nuestros saberes, a cargo de R. Balaguer (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) & H.J. Figueroa (Universidad de Río Piedras, Puerto Rico).

Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación: desarrollo e integración territorial, a cargo de D. Toudert (Universidad de la Baja California, México).

Gestión de la Información, a cargo de I. Martínez (Universitat de Girona, Cat/Esp).

CiberCultura y Gestión Cultural, a cargo de N. Fuertes (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).


Esperamos vuestras propuestas y os rogamos difundáis esta información.



Joan Mayans

Observatorio para la CiberSociedad







Our dear SHARER Debora Schisler  sends us this invitation to a very special event of specific interest to lecturers at Colleges of Education.


Dear Omar,


Could you please announce LAURELS TEACHER TRAINER CONFERENCE. I'm enclosing our call for papers and "ficha de inscrição". What is important to say , is that this small conference is only for coordinators and teacher trainers. We already have the following names confirmed:

Michael Swan , Susan Bardhoun, Dr. Fernanda Liberalli, Marcelo Buzato , Kate Cory-Wright as master Trainers. Other participants: Gwyneth Fox, Mickey Rogers.







Call for papers -  proposal form - July 11, 12, 13, 2002



Crowne Plaza Hotel - R. Frei Caneca 1360 - São Paulo, SP

tel.: 253-2244 - fax. 284-1144



The origin of the LAURELS Teacher Trainers' Conferences goes back to 1998 when we first invited Master Trainers to present workshops and lectures as part of an ongoing project to train trainers for teachers of young learners. The tradition was carried on in Goiânia in 1999 and 2000 and is part of LAURELS continuing concern with quality language education in Latin America.  The number of participants is limited to 200 thus enabling each Master Trainer to present sessions to all conference goers and participants present workshops.  Master Presentations are 2 hours in length, and participant workshops 1 hour in length. All presentations should be aimed at experienced teacher trainers of ELT, and coordinators.  The Organizing Committee requires that all participants confirm their experience as teacher educators upon registration for the event. We also require that all presenters register for the event as participants, thus guaranteeing an opportunity to be in contact with fellow Master Trainers.


Theme: Preparing teachers for the new trends in language teaching


Please complete the following information:

Abstracts and proposals must be typed or done on a word processor (WORD preferred)


Contact Name

Contact Address

City / State / Post Code / Country

E-mail /  Contact phone /  Contact fax


Title of presentation: 

Presenter's name


Equipment needed

Flipchart (    )        OHP (    )        Video (VHS) (NTSC) (    ) Cassette player (    )

Other (Please specify)

* Note that equipment other than a flipchart will be charged for.  Details will be sent on notification of acceptance.


Summary of Presentation (maximum 50 words)



In no more than 350 words, describe the central points of the presentation you intend to make and how the presentation will be conducted.  Make two copies and send them both  to the LAURELS Academic Committee with your proposal form and a diskette formatted for WORD.  Be sure to keep a copy for your own records, since abstracts will not be returned.

Abstracts and proposal forms may also be sent by e-mail. 

Send  this form, together with your abstract, to:

Nancy Lake - LAURELS Academic Committee CEL-LEP

Avenida dos Tajurás 212

CEP 05670-000 - São Paulo, SP


e-mail:  (e-mail receipt of your proposal will be acknowledged)







Our dear SHARER, Cecilia Fernandez from the British Council Argentina, sends us this announcement:


Warehouse Theatre Company abrió su 17mo. Festival Internacional para Dramaturgos. La competencia está abierta para textos provenientes de todo el mundo siempre que sean en inglés, no se haya producido anteriormente y no dure menos de 90  minutos ni más de 120.

Para mayor información visite el website de Warehouse Theatre Company: 




Cecilia B. Fernández

Arts Officer - The British Council - Argentina


Telephone: +54 (0)11 4311 9814 Ext. 116




Time to say goodbye again. This time with a few words in Portuguese that our very dear friend and SHARER, Joice de Brito e Cunha sent us:


Melhores Coisas da Vida...


Receber cartas.

Escutar sua música preferida no rádio.

A praia.

Rir de você mesmo.

Toalhas quentinhas saídas da secadora.

Acordar e perceber que ainda faltam algumas horas para dormir.

Fazer novos amigos ou ficar junto dos velhos.

Uma longa conversa com um velho amigo.

Lindos sonhos.

Um carinho.

Chocolate quente.

Viagens com os amigos.

Ter calafrios ao ver "aquela" pessoa.

Ganhar um jogo difícil.

Ver os amigos sorrir ou rir.

Andar de mãos dadas.

Ter alguém que te sinta de um modo muito especial, e demostre isso.

Fazer feliz quem você ama.


Levantar todo dia e  pedir a Deus por outro lindo dia!





Omar and Marina.


SHARE is distributed free of charge. All announcements in this electronic magazine are also absolutely free of charge. We do not endorse any of the services announced or the views expressed by the contributors.  For more information about the characteristics and readership of SHARE visit:

VISIT OUR WEBSITE : There you can read all past  issues of SHARE in the section SHARE ARCHIVES.