An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©
Year 3                                   Number 68                    April  13   2002
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED
It´s great to be together again.
A million thanks for all the beautiful messages you sent us for Easter. We very well know (from our own experience) that everybody is  very busy these days, working long hours and extra hard so we really appreciate when one of you, dear SHARERS, sits down to write a few lines for us. To keep each other company, to make oneself available and, in turn,  to know there´s someone out there one can reach out to is invaluable these days. We truly believe that that is the right attitude we should all cultivate in the present circumstances. Nothing can be achieved by pitying oneself. and lamenting collectively twenty four hours a day seven days a week. We know it is difficult to be positive and  optimistic, but we have to. For our own good, for our family´s and for our students´. As our dear Bethina Viale quotes  from an old Irish proverb “ Get down on your knees and thank God you're still on your feet”.
We are still on our feet and we will be.
Omar and Marina.
1.-          Unisex Names.
2.-         FAAPI 2002 : Call for Papers.
3.-      Something to live by: 29 tips.
4.-         Dracula?
5.-         Teaching Resources for Y2000.
6.-         Bernieh´s Corner: Misunderstood Minds.
7.-         Fonetiks.
8.-         APIBA Special Interest Group.
9.-         Bullet points. 
10-        News from the Buenos Aires Players.
11-        An excellent On-Line Journal.
12.-       Workshops at TEL Center.
1.-         UNISEX NAMES
Our dear SHARER  Paul Deroiar  sends us this contribution which he says can be found at . A very interesting article indeed. Thank you Paul!
"You've got to peek into the diaper to determine the sex of many a baby these days, because their names are not going to give you a clue. Dylan, Dakota, Morgan, Jordan, Alex, Taylor - any of these trendy-named kids could be either a boy or a girl.
In Germany, the name code dictates that the gender of a child has to be recognizable from his first name. But in the U.S., anything goes, and this sort of one-name-fits-all unisex name grows only more popular every year.
Many states have begun tracking how many girls and how many boys receive each name. In Kansas in 1997, in what surely must be a name history first, Jordan stood exactly even in the count, with 19 boys and 19 girls given the name. In Kentucky the year before, there were 296 boy Jordans born to 133 girls, 371 female Taylors born to 90 males, 259 female Morgans to 24 boys, and 187 boy Logans to 16 girls.
Over time, most androgynous names shift girl-ward. One study that compared unisex names in 1960 and 1990 from Pennsylvania records found that in those 30 years, none shifted from a majority of girls to boys, but ten moved the other way: Morgan, Noel, Jaime, Kendall, Casey, Taylor, Shannon, Kerry, Jan. Names that were officially boys' names in 1960 but girls' names by 1990 include: Morgan, Noel, Jaime, Kendall, Casey, Taylor, Angel, Shannon, Kerry. Names that had been designated boys' names in the 40s but girls' by 1960 were Alexis, Robin, Jamie, Kim, Lynn, Kelly, Dana. None shifted the other way.
One linguistic study showed that people's preferred names - the names they like to be called as opposed to those they were given - are moving in the direction of male names, which are more likely than female ones to be monosyllabic, end in a consonant, and stress the first syllable. But another study analyzing most popular names over the years says names in general are becoming more feminine, with more syllables and softer sounds.
Linguists say names have gender markers, even when they're invented. The 'a' ending usually signals a girls' name, though recent favorites Joshua, Noah, Elijah, and Jonah are evidence of the softening trend in boys' names. Androgynous geographic names such as Dakota, Montana, and Sierra also often end in an 'a'. The 'd' ending - David, Richard - is almost always a boys' name, while the 'sh' beginning is most often used for girls.
Androgynous names are really all about gender identity, and if you're interested in this kind of name, it makes sense to think about what this says about who you hope your child will become. Parents who favor unisex or masculine names for their daughters may want to encourage their girls to take on characteristics typically thought of as male: strength, ambition, athleticism. And giving a son an androgynous name may signal that you don't want your boy to be a traditional male, that you would prefer that he be sensitive and creative rather than aggressive and macho.
Why today's boom in androgynous names? The new generation of feminist parents and working mothers is one reason. The fashion for surname-names, family names, place names and names with personal meaning is another. Plus androgynous names fit in with the burgeoning search for ever-more-unusual names. Naming your daughter Thomas or your son Avery will definitely make him or her stand out in a crowd, though perhaps not as positively as you wish.
The sexual shifts names are undergoing today are not unprecendented. Alice, Anne, Crystal, Emma, Esmé, Evelyn, Florence, Jocelyn, Kimberly, Lucy, and Maud all were originally male names. Christian was a feminine name in the Middle Ages, as was Douglas in the seventeenth century and Clarence in the eighteenth. A king of East Anglia in the seventh century was named Anna.
There is a long history of appealing heroines with boyish names: from Jo in Little Women to Lady Brett in The Sun Also Rises. Irene Dunne played a Ray, and Audrey Hepburn a Reggie; Bette Davis, Stanley; Olivia de Havilland, Roy; Janet Leigh, Wally; and Jane Russell, Nancy Sinatra, and Anne Baxter all Mikes.
Today, the stars themselves are more likely to have the boyish names: witness Glenn Close, Jodie Foster, Drew Barrymore, Meryl Streep, Sean Young, Whitney Houston, Daryl Hannah, and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Sometimes, a name that sounds tired for a boy, like Sydney, becomes fresh and crisp when applied to a girl. Names that can be wimpy for a boy, such as Brooke or Blair, can confer a brisk kind of strength on a girl.
But androgynous names often appeal more to parents than to children themselves. Little boys dislike having the same name as female playmates, and often find the androgynous name even more troublesome down the road. Little girls likewise tend to dislike unisex names in early childhood, when most children seem to prefer all things sexually distinct, from their clothing to their toys to their names. However, most grown-up women with androgynous names say that once they reached adolescence they began to appreciate the sexual ambiguity as well as the sex appeal of their names.
In the sixties, the big trend was toward cute nicknames that sounded just as right for boys as girls: Jody, Toby, Jamie. In the eighties, unisex nicknames for more sexually distinct proper names took center stage: Chris, Nicky, Alex. Today, the field has widened to include surname-names of all ethnicities, place names, and all-boy names - Gregory, Zachary - for girls."
2.-         FAAPI 2002 : CALL FOR PAPERS.
Our dear SHARER Dr.Liliana Anglada from the FAAPI 2002 Organizing Committee sends us the call for papers for the Federation Congress. This call for papers can also be obtained at  
For further information, you can send an e-mail message to
Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés
2002 FAAPI Conference
19 - 21 September 2002 - Córdoba
The 2002 FAAPI Conference aims to provide a forum for comparing experiences and sharing ideas of interest in the fields of EFL methodology, curriculum development and technology applied to EFL instruction.. Specifically, this year's conference will provide an opportunity to consider what has been achieved and what new directions are available on issues such as:
* EFL Methodology
* Schools curricula at the EGB and Polimodal levels
* Teacher Education curricula
* ESP curricula
* International examinations curricula
* Bilingual education curricula
* Literature and culture in the EFL curriculum
* The place of technology in the  EFL curriculum
FAAPI aims to link and support English Language Teaching professionals in Argentina and the annual conference is its most important event. This three-day event will promote the discussion of theoretical and practical issues related to the development of curricula favouring an integrated, interdisciplinary model.
It is important for us ELT professionals to avail ourselves of this forum for the reflection upon the multiplicity of aspects involved in curriculum design and the discussion of   the diversity of available models in order to critically select the best
possible options for our regional needs.
Renowned specialists in ELT will be giving plenary talks, leading workshops and delivering papers at this most important event.
For further information, please contact the Conference Office:
2002 FAAPI Conference
c/o Lic. Ma. Nieves Díaz Carballo
Av. Colón 951
5000 Córdoba / Argentina
Telefax 0351 - 427 0022
Guidelines for Submitting Proposals
The 2002 FAAPI Conference organizers invite teachers, teacher trainers, researchers and materials writers to submit proposals for presentations.  Submissions must follow one of the following types:
a) Type of presentation
* 40 Minute Papers: A paper tells the participants something about what presenters are doing or have done, in relation to theory and practice (classroom experience, research or reading). We strongly recommend that presenters use audio-visual aids during the session. The last 5 minutes at the end of the talk are reserved for questions and/or comments.
* 90 Minute Workshops: A workshop is a session in which there is active audience participation via the experiencing and discussing of tasks provided by the presenters.
* Poster Presentations: A poster is a visual presentation which contains an outline illustrating or summarizing a project, a feature of language or an area of research. Such a presentation allows both participants and presenters the opportunity to discuss ideas in a more relaxed and often more productive atmosphere. Posters provide an excellent means for presenters to get their message and information across to the maximum number of people.     
* 40 Minute Demonstration
A Demonstration should be a highly practical session focusing on classroom materials and/or activities. As the name suggests, most of the time available should be devoted to demonstrating materials or activities that have been developed and tried out by the presenter(s). Theoretical discussion is usually kept to a minimum, but time is built in for questions and comments from the audience.
b) Presenter's Form
Presenters should complete the Presenter's Form attached stating the type of presentation and listing the target audience, maximum number of participants, the title of their presentation, author(s), author affiliations (including FAAPI Association membership if applicable), contact address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and a 50-word paragraph about the presenter(s). Please find this form at 
c) The summary
Presenters should submit a one-page summary of approximately 350 words that provides a clear understanding of the presentation's content. The summary should outline exactly what presenters are going to talk about in the session and how the session will be structured. The summary will not appear in the conference programme. It should be clear from the summary exactly what you are going to talk about. The text of the abstract must NOT contain any reference to the presenter(s) or to their institutional affiliation(s). This is the only part of the proposal the referees will blindly review for acceptance.
d) The abstract
Presenters should also submit a 75-word abstract of their presentation. The abstract will appear in the conference programme. It should accurately reflect the content of what presenters are going to talk about as it is on the basis of the abstract that participants will choose whether they wish to attend the session. (Abstracts, which are over 75 words, cannot be considered for inclusion in the programme) Presenters should keep a copy of all the materials sent for their own records, since they will not be returned.
NB: Receipt of proposals will be acknowledged. If presenters do not receive acknowledgement within 15 days of having sent their proposals, they should re-send all materials. To avoid duplication of materials, presenters are encouraged to wait 15 days before resubmitting the materials.
Summaries, abstracts and proposal forms may be sent by regular mail or e-mail.
Summaries and abstracts must be typed on a word processor. If possible, use Word and send a diskette along with the hard copy.  This will be much appreciated if you are sending in your work via regular mail.
e) Topics:
EFL Methodology, schools curricula at the EGB and Polimodal levels, Teacher Education curricula, ESP curricula, International examinations curricula, bilingual education curricula, Literature and culture in the EFL curriculum, the place of technology in the  EFL curriculum
f) The Content of your Session
Your proposal will be considered for inclusion in the programme if it fulfils the following criteria:
* You have not given this session, or a version of this session, at a previous conference.
* It is clear from your summary that you have something new to say or that you plan to shed new light on a topic, which has been aired at other conferences, and in print. It should also be clear that you have respected the level of knowledge of your audience.
* Your session should be of practical use for the participants. If your talk is mainly theoretical, please ensure that you end with a consideration of the practical issues and implications that it raises.
* If your presentation relies heavily on a description of your local situation, ensure that you discuss either the implication for people working in similar contexts, or its general relevance.
Given equivalent academic merit, papers from members of FAAPI Associations will be given preference. Those wishing to propose panels or special sessions should contact the organizers.
Submission deadline: May 31, 2002
Submissions should be sent to: e-mail:
g) Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published. Editorial guidelines will be sent to presenters together with the letter acknowledging acceptance of proposal.
The organizers are working on the different methods of payments which will be available to the Conference attendees. Registrations details, methods of payment and forms will be sent shortly.
3.-         SOMETHING TO LIVE BY : 29 TIPS
Our dear SHARER Mara Ibarra sent us this collection of tips for healthy living. They are all very wise (though I have to admit that number 29 is my favourite.
1.    Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
2.    Memorize your favourite poem.
3.    When you say, "I love you," mean it.
4.    When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
5.    Believe in love at first sight.
6.    Never laugh at anyone's dreams.
7.    Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
8.    In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
9.    Don't judge people by their relatives.
10.    Talk slow but think quick.
11.    When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 
        "Why do you want to know?"
12.    Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
13.    When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
14.    Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility
        for all your actions.
15.    Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
16.    When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
17.    Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
18.    Marry a person you love to talk to. As you get older, his/her conversational
        skills will be as important as any other.
19.    Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
20.    Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
21.    Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll get
        to enjoy it a second time.
22.    A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a
         tranquil harmonious home.
23.    In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't bring
         up the past.
24.    Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
25.    Pray -- there's immeasurable power in it.
26.    Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.
27.    Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is 
         greater than your need for each other.
28.    Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
29.    Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

4.-         DRACULA?                  
Our dear SHARER  Ximena Faralla, Secretary of The Suburban Players sends us this information about the show by The Suburban Players Junior which opened last Saturday at The Playhouse.
-The classic tale with a twist in the tail.-
After centuries of eternal struggle, Dracula gets tired of drinking blood and meets the reencarnation of the love of his life in the year 2002. A decision needs to be made. Join us on this flashback trip to his childhood and adolescence to finally meet the Master of the Night, wrapped in everlasting life.
"Dracula?", a play for the whole family by The Suburban Players Junior. Written & Directed by Ximena Faralla. At The Playhouse, Moreno 80, San Isidro. Every Saturday and Sunday in April at 6 PM.
Tickets: $6-  Members of The Suburban Players Club: Free 
Reservations: 4747-4470
Our dear friend and SHARER Patricia Salvador writes to us :
The New England School of English offers the following Seminars on April 20 & 27
"BIG LAUGHS" a two-hour session to look into some of those casual expressions, catchphrases, idioms and phrasal verbs that will brighten your class. Get the latest list! Funny, imaginative, updated language to help your students cope with everyday modern English in sit coms, movies, mags etc.
"How to teach TOEFL and help your students get top scores" after describing the nature of the computer adaptive exam we will explore procedures . Bring your queries! A bonus track : Having passed with top scores, Matias M. will offer teachers at the seminar his first hand, full of common sense experience .Don't miss it!
"VIRTUAL AIDS" to help teachers use computers, e-mails, the Internet, Cable TV and other techno teaching aids with students of all ages. Let's share experiences in a friendly atmosphere.
All courses by Alicia López Oyhenart INSP J.V.González graduate with vast experience in teaching aids and international exams.
Venue : Av Santa Fe 5130 - Contact : 4782- 2582
Hello, dear SHARERS!
Perhaps you'll find this material useful to understand children with  learning problems ( or in more trndy language “ children with special needs”) better : Here's just the introduction. You can find the rest of the article at:
“Millions of American children struggle in school daily because of serious learning problems. The causes are often unknown, specific problems can be difficult to pinpoint, and the long-term effects hard to predict.
Research in the field of learning problems took off in the 1960s, when the first federal funds were earmarked to support children with specific learning disabilities. Experts know more now than ever before, but the evolution of that knowledge parallels the rise of standardized tests and
the current era of high-stakes testing. The tension between the demand for academic success and the reality of a problem makes learning difficulties one of the most contentious topics in education today.
It comes as no surprise that when a child can't read or write or pay attention -- and when the problem doesn't go away -- parents, educators, experts, and policymakers often collide in an earnest struggle to find answers.
The landscape of learning problems encompasses a range of expert opinions. Different approaches to terminology and treatment reflect that range. Some learning specialists use the phrase "learning differences" to describe cognitive strengths and weaknesses without labels that they believe may
erode children's self-esteem and motivation to succeed. Neurologists and other learning specialists prefer the phrase "learning disabilities" to describe specific neurocognitive breakdowns in otherwise bright children and to underscore the existence of disabling conditions.
In the middle of this landscape, there is common ground. Everyone agrees that disability is a term with legal ramifications; virtually all of the funding to support children with specific problems is tied to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. And while learning differences and disabilities don't go away, the research and work of learning experts in the last 40 years translates into effective strategies that help children succeed.
This site is a companion to the PBS special, Misunderstood Minds, profiling a variety of learning problems and expert opinions. It is designed to give parents and teachers a better understanding of learning processes, insights into difficulties, and strategies for responding”.
Bernieh. -  /
7.-         FONETIKS 
Our dear SHARER Olivia Sampayo from Santiago, Chile sends us this useful tip. Both Marina and I surfed it and found it really exciting ( we especially enjoyed the section on “Englishes” around the world. Give it a try!
“Are you learning a new language and hope to someday sound like a native speaker? Use to help with pronunciation. Spanish, French (and French Canadian), German (and Swiss German), Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese (Romanji), Indonesian, and Thai language pronunciations are listed. For English learners, American, British,Australian, Canadian, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh accents are available.” (from the homepage, check the link at the top called “language resources” )
Our dear SHARER Analía Kandel, APIBA SIGs Liaison Officer, sends us this update about APIBA´s SIGS:
Professional Development SIG (Pilar, Prov. of BA)
Co-ordinators: Silvia Caporale - Gabriela Dominguez
Date: Friday, April 26, 2002 -- Time: 17.30 - 19.30
Venue: Wellspring School - Las Camelias 3883 - Km 42,5 - Pilar - Prov. of B.A.
Literature SIG
Co-ordinators: To be announced
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2002 -- Time: To be announced
Venue: To be announced
Agenda: Heroes and Heroines in the Harry Potter Series and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Background reading: The Harry Potter Series by J.K.Rowling and  the Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R.Tolkien.
SIG members in charge: Pamela Vassellati, Marisa Vilaseco, Sergio Mobilia, Diana Talkowski and all those who would like to join them!
General enquiries  / APIBA SIGs 
9.-         BULLET POINTS
Ø      María Marta Suárez and the team of teachers and trainers that developed the holistic methodology ALL (Alternative Language Learning) announce that the next ALL English for babies® teacher training course which will be held on May 11 and 12 from 9 to 19 Hs. They also announce their new training courses in modules for  ALL English for pre-school®, kids®, juniors® and seniors® which start on May 17 and 18. They also want to invite you all to participate in their free presentation of the methodology on May 4th at 10.00 Hs. ALL trainings will take place at IACA, Holistic English Institute, Billinghurst 1741 (1425) Buenos Aires. Phone: 011-4821-0280 mailto:
Ø      Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires announces the Seminar: “Creativity and Innovation, A tool for life a must for teaching.” on  Saturday April 20th.
from 10 am.-1.00 pm. by Prof. Carlos Galizzi. INSP Joaquin V. Gonzalez.-
FLACSO - Belgrano University.
     Venue Viamonte 1475.  Enrolment :  4374-4643.
Ø      Liu Dambolena , productora ejecutiva ART informa del reestreno de "An Ideal Husband" que se representará los días jueves, viernes y sábados de abril y mayo a las 21hs, en el BAC, Suipacha 1333. La obra será representada por el grupo de teatro ART, Actors Repertory Theatre, dirigida por James Murray.
Para hacer reservas vía mail:  o comunicarse a los teléfonos 4832-8192 ó  4393-6941. / 4786-1550
Ø      Michael Hillyard announces his one-to-one or small group courses “Interesting English” with personalized content, based on your interests - Sports, Music, Video, Art, Magazines, Newspapers, Poetry, Current Affairs, Literature, Hobbies, etc. Mick is a highly experienced, qualified English teacher (Warwick University, U.K.) . At present, he is Head of the English Department at Nightingale School, Acassuso. Telephone: 4541-3010.
Ø      CAEP dicta la Carrera de Postítulo Docente a distancia con título oficial “Formación de Formadores” ( total seís módulos en dos años) para mayores informes : / / 4372-74-22
Ø      UNIVERSITY  OF EDINBURGH.  Esta  universidad  ofrece  becas  para  realizar investigación de posgrado durante un año (renovable)  Se dirige a graduados universitarios  o  estudiantes del último año. 
Ø      UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS.  Esta institución ofrece becas para realizar  estudios de grado y posgrado por un año (renovable hasta 3 años).El  cierre para presentar candidaturas para estudios de grado, es en marzo de cada año;  de posgrado, en junio de cada año.  Web:
10-         NEWS FROM THE BUENOS AIRES PLAYERS                                                                                            
Our dear friend and SHARER, Celia Zubiri sends us this information:
Previews – Play Season 2002
Teatro Regina - Av. Santa Fé 1235 /43 – free for teachers of English.
Martes 30/4 -20 hs. “A Midsummer Night's Dream”
Workshops at Teatro Regina
Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:00 hours. Fee: $20
20/4 –
Acting through games                                            by Patricia Gomez
27/4 (1ª parte) y 2/5 (2ª parte) –
How to stage a play.                                              by Celia Zubiri
11/5 –
Drama vs. Theatre. which one to choose
for my students?                                                   by Fernando Armesto
 15/6 –
Improvisation with fairy tales                                by Patricia Gomez
13/7 (1ª parte) y 20/7 (2ª parte) –
Story telling                                                         by Patricia Gomez
27/7 (1ª parte) y 3/8 (2ª parte)
How to turn a fairy tale into a script                      by Celia Zubiri
More information on the contents of the courses can be found at:
Funciones con descuento en abril : Las siguientes funciones tienen un descuento del 30%. Las entradas cuestan $4  únicamente en las siguientes fechas:
Comedia musical en castellano para niños de 4 a  8 años
Martes 23/4 -10 hs. - Viernes 26/4 - 14:30 hs.
Peter Pan
Comedia musical en inglés para niños de E.G.B.1
Jueves 25/4 -14:30 hs. - Viernes 26/4 -10 hs.
Comedia musical en inglés para niños de E.G.B. 2
Lunes 23/4 -14:30 hs. - Miércoles 24/4 -10 hs.
Radio Jam
Comedia en inglés para adolescentes
Miércoles 24/4- 14:30hs  - Jueves 25/4 -10 hs.
Las funciones son en el Teatro Regina -Av. Santa Fé 1235-
Para realizar las reservas pueden comunicarse al 4812-5307 / 4814-5455
An excellent refereed journal that covers ESL and ESL-related aspects of SLA is TESL-EJ.  One website where it can be accessed is:

To quote from their introduction:

"TESL-EJ began as the brainchild of a group of scholars who saw the need for a freely-distributed academic journal.  It has grown to become an internationally-recognized source of ESL and EFL information for people in scores of countries.
"Our first issue was published in the spring of 1994, and contains an overview article by Editorial Board member Roland Sussex.  Since then se have published a wide array of articles and reviews, linking authors and readers on an international scale.
"TESL-EJ is fully-refereed - each article undergoes a review by at least two knowledgeable scholars.  Our goal is to shorten the time from submission to publication significantly from what has become the norm in print journals. We aim for a decision in 6 weeks (although 'human factors' occasionally cause delays)."

Each issue includes articles, reviews of various types of texts (in December 2001, there were reviews of textbooks, teacher resource books, and language acquisition texts), media reviews, and two columns: The Forum, and On the Internet.

Karen Stanley
Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
<> <
12-         WORKSHOPS AT T.E. L.  CENTER
Our dear SHARER  Viviana Myslicki sends us this message with details on these forthcoming courses at TEL Center. All courses by Patricia Gómez, Lecturer in Children´s Literature at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional and at Instituto Superior de Enseñanza en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernandez”.
Have fun while learning with games
Saturday 27th April   10:00 - 12:30
Beyond Storybooks
Saturday 4th May   10:00 - 12:30
Using newspapers, magazines, catalogs and dictionaries... creatively
Saturday 18th May   9:30 - 12:30
Using big books with little children
Saturday 1st June   9:30 - 12:30
Venue for all courses: T.E.L Center - Thames 511 - Capital -  4856-0020
Enrolment:  . Fee for courses (1) and (2) $12 and for courses (3) and (4) $15
Time to say goodbye again. This time let us share with you this poem that our dear friend Patricia Gomez Abarzúa from San Nicolás sent us Thank you Pat and a big kiss for your daughter Sophie.  
Heart Prints
Whatever our hands touch-
We leave fingerprints!
On walls, on furniture
On doorknobs, dishes, books.
There's no escape.
As we touch we leave our identity.
Oh God, wherever I go today
Help me leave heartprints!
Heartprints of compassion
Of understanding and love.
Heartprints of kindness
And genuine concern.
May my heart touch a lonely neighbor
Or a runaway daughter
Or an anxious mother
Or perhaps an aged grandfather.
Lord, send me out today
To leave heartprints.
And if someone should say,
"I felt your touch,"
May that one sense YOUR LOVE
Touching through ME.
May we all leave our heartprints everywhere this week.
Omar and Marina.
SHARE is distributed free of charge. All announcements in this electronic magazine are also absolutely free of charge. We do not endorse any of the services announced or the views expressed by the contributors.  For more information about the characteristics and readership of SHARE visit: