An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©


Year 3                                   Number 61                    December 14th 2001



Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED





This has probably been one of the toughest weeks of very tough  year we are somehow trying to survive. The utter state of chaos of our economy and the consequent feelings of anger and impotence in our people have long been self-evident but what alarms us in the escalating violence in the public demonstrations of this week. Concern and even anger can be justified but we can never condone violence.


This message that a  dear SHARER from Rosario, Gabriela Pigliapoco, sent to us seemed very appropriate to us to start this issue of SHARE :


…Let me share with you a beautiful passage I read in a book some time ago. Shouldn't we read once and again things like this and reflect on what is happening to us in the world today? Here it goes:


“Según cuenta un antiguo relato japonés, un belicoso samurai desafió en una ocasión a un maestro zen a que explicara el concepto de cielo e infierno. Pero el monje respondió con desdén: "No eres más que un patán. ¡No puedo perder el tiempo con individuos como tú!"

Herido en lo más profundo de su ser, el samurai se dejó llevar por la ira, desenvainó su espada y gritó: "Podría matarte por tu impertinencia".

"Eso", repuso el monje con calma, "es el infierno".

Desconcertado al percibir la verdad en lo que el maestro señalaba con respecto a la furia que lo dominaba, el samurai se serenó, envainó la espada y se inclinó, agradeciendo al monje la lección.

"Y eso", añadió el monje, "es el cielo".


"La Inteligencia Emocional" Daniel Goleman (cap 4, pag 67)


Thank you, Gabriela and let us pray we may always be able to see the difference.




Omar and Marina.







1..-     For the Love of Words.

2..-    News from Universidad de Belgrano

3.-     A Lesson in the Chat Room.

4.-     Stories for Peace.

5.-         International Conference in Rosario.

6..-    What Gender is a Computer?

7.-      Workshops on Resourceful Leadership and NLP.

8.-     Web Journal for the Teacher of English to Adults.

9.-         Seminar on Introducing ELT to Young Learners.







The following is a selection from the postings (they are free!!) of  Wordsmith that I receive daily and enjoy enormously. 

( to subscribe: )

I know that we ,teachers and translators of English, love words so I thought you might enjoy a few of them too;


retronym (RE-truh-nim) noun


An adjective-noun pairing generated by a change in the meaning of the  noun, usually because of advances in technology.


When I grew up, there were only Coke, turf and mail. Nowadays, Diet Coke, new Coke, artificial turf, and email (electronic mail) have spawned the retronyms real Coke, Classic Coke, natural turf, and snailmail or hard mail. Once there were simply movies. Then movies began to talk, necessitating the retronym silent movies. Then came    color movies and the contrasting term black-and-white movies. Once there was television. Along came color television and the retronym black-and-white television. Then came cable television and the retronym on-air television.


And here are some other retronyms I pray will never come to pass -- graffitiless wall, nonelectronic book, teacher-staffed school, monogamous couple, and double-parent family.


aptronym (AP-troh-NIM) noun


A name that is especially suited to the profession of its owner.


Examples: Dan Druff for a barber, Felicity Foote for a dance teacher, and James Bugg for an exterminator -- all real monikers. More famously, we have William Wordsworth, the poet; Margaret Court, the tennis champion; Sally Ride, the  astronaut; Larry Speakes, the White House spokesperson,  Jim Kiick, the football star; and Lorena Bobbitt ("bob it") the you-know-what-er.



capitonym (KAP-i-toh-NIM) noun


A word that changes pronunciation and meaning when it is capitalized.


As in the following poems:


Job's Job


In August, an august patriarch

Was reading an ad in Reading, Mass.

Long-suffering Job secured a job

To polish piles of polish brass.


Herb's Herbs


An herb store owner, name of Herb,

Moved to a rainier Mount Rainier.

It would have been so nice in Nice,

And even tangier in Tangier.


heteronym (HET-uhr-uh-nim) noun


A word that has the same spelling as another word but with a different    pronunciation and meaning.


In the following poem, each end-word is heteronymic:


Listen, readers, toward me bow.

Be friendly; do not draw the bow.

Please don't try to start a row.

Sit peacefully, all in a row.

Don't act like a big, fat sow.

Do not the seeds of discord sow.


In a pure heteronymic pair, the two words must be etymologically  unrelated, as in bass, buffet, deserts, dove, entrance, lead, moped, unionized, wind, and wound.







Our dear SHARER and admired professor Aldo Omar Blanco writes to us :


University of Belgrano

School of Languages and Foreign Studies

BA in English Course


The BA (Licenciatura) in English course is a two-year course for English teachers and translators graduated in Colleges of Education (or Teacher Training Colleges). The BA course opens the possibility of having access to postgraduate courses (master’s courses) at universities. The BA in English course consists of 10 subjects or modules which include new topics, i.e. topics that have not been taught in teacher training colleges.


Classes are given on Saturdays only, from 9am to 4pm. The subjects (or modules) have no prerequisite relationships with one another, which allows a student to start her course with any subject at all. The teachers and the syllabuses are the same at the University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires as in the colleges in the suburbs of Buenos Aires which have signed an agreement with the University.


Each subject lasts 5, 10 or 12 weeks, depending on its contents. Promotion requires a term test towards the end of the module and a final exam on the last meeting of each module.  The term test usually consists of questions on the topics taught during the module, and the final exam is an academic paper on a subject dealt with during the module.


The basic objective of the course is to improve the academic level of the teachers and translators attending it, especially as regards various aspects of the English language. Classes are given in English except Comparison between English and Spanish and Terminology, which by their very nature have to be discussed in both languages. A special goal is to develop academic attitudes in the students, especially attitudes of critical approaches and creativity. The meetings are characterized by unlimited debate. In these debates the aim is to get teachers and translators to differ in their opinions with the teacher giving the course and with one another, and also with whatever they read and comment on. Differences in opinion on academic subjects are absolutely respected, in fact enthusiastically encouraged.


One entrance requirement is a four-year teacher’s or translator’s degree. Teachers and translators who have done a three-year course must take a bridge course previous to their enrolment in the BA course. This bridge course comprises four subjects: English Language, English Grammar, 20th c History and 20th c Literature. This bridge course will be taught for the first time in January 2002 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday, starting Monday, January 7 and finishing on Thursday, January 31. This bridge course will be taught again in February, March and April 2002. When the teacher or translator has passed these four exams, she can enroll in the BA Course in English, starting with any of the subjects whatsoever.


Please request a copy of the timetables of the bridge course and of the BA course.

José Hernández 1820, 1426 Buenos Aires, 4784-4010.  Secretary Mariana Cota: 

Aldo’s home:






Our very dear friend and SHARER , Susana Trabaldo sends us this brief report about

the first “lesson” taught in a chatroom at INSPT- UTN.

Susana is a teacher of English and teacher trainer and holds a Licenciatura in Administration of Higher Education. She also has a post-graduate Diploma in Educational Technology from Universidad CAECE and is finishing her thesis for the

M.A. in Distance Learning from UNED (Spain). Here´s her report:

I believe that last Wednesday 31st October was a very important day for the students attending Information and Communication Technology Applied to ELT at the teacher’s training course at the Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.  They had their
first virtual class in a chat room!


Since there are twenty two students,  they  were divided into two groups. The first session started at 9:00 and finished at 9:50 and the second one was from 10:00 to 10:50. After having gone through the experience of synchronous and asynchronous telecommunication for teaching / learning purposes and having read the latest research papers about the didactic use of e-mail and chat, we discussed these issues  actively in the virtual classroom.  I acted as a moderator and the students contributed their different points of view supported by their experience and reading.  Some of the students worked from their computers at home, others from the computers at the INSPT computer laboratory.  It was a very successful experience because it had been planned carefully and everybody knew what they were expected to do.

I want to share this innovative experience with you all, congratulate the students on their participation and encourage other teachers to become familiar with these new technologies which are here to stay!



4.-         STORIES FOR  PEACE


Our dear SHARER and neighbour Cecilia Vazquez Domeq from  Laboratorio de Idiomas Adrogué shares with us some hints to ,as Crosby, Stills , Nash & Young would say, “to teach our children well”

Celicia writes : Even in the face of violence we still must teach our children to resolve conflict non-violently in their personal interaction. Here are some metaphorical folktales to talk about:


On the Power of Gentleness:


The North Wind and The Sun

An Aesop's Fable


The North Wind boasted of great strength. The Sun argued that there was

great power in gentleness.

"We shall have a contest," said the Sun.

Far below, a man travelled a winding road. He was wearing a warm winter coat.

"As a test of strength," said the Sun, "Let us see which of us can take the coat off of that man."

"It will be quite simple for me to force him to remove his coat," bragged the Wind.

The Wind blew so hard, the birds clung to the trees. The world was filled with dust and leaves. But the harder the wind blew down the road, the tighter the shivering man clung to his coat.

Then, the Sun came out from behind a cloud. Sun warmed the air and the frosty ground. The man on the road unbuttoned his coat.

The sun grew slowly brighter and brighter.

Soon the man felt so hot, he took off his coat and sat down in a shady spot.

"How did you do that?" said the Wind.

"It was easy," said the Sun, "I lit the day. Through gentleness I got my way."


On the Self-Destructiveness of Violence:


The Lion & The Rabbit

A Fable from India


The animals of the forest made a bargain with a ferocious lion who killed for 

pleasure. It was agreed that one animal each day would willingly come to the ferocious lion's den to be his supper and, in turn, the lion would never hunt again. The first to go to the lion's den was a timid rabbit, who went slowly.

"Why are you late?" the lion roared when the rabbit arrived.

"I'm late because of the other lion," said the rabbit.

"In my jungle? Take me to this other lion."

The rabbit led the lion to a deep well and told him to look in. The lion saw his own reflection in the water and roared! The sound of his roar bounced right back at him as an echo.

"I alone am king of this jungle," he roared again.

His echo answered him, "I alone am king of this jungle."

With that, the lion became so enraged, he charged into the deep well with a great splash! The lion attacked his own reflection and was never heard from again.






Our dear SHARERS Laura and Jorge De La Torre  from Rosario invite all our SHARERS to participate in this coming event at UCEL:


Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano

Departamento de Lenguas 

Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas


First International Conference of  English Language and  Literature

to be held in Rosario, Argentina on April 25, 26 and 27, 2002


Guest speakers for the plenary sessions


Thomas Docherty, MA (Hons) First Class in English and French, University of Glasgow. D.Phil and MA, Oxford University (to be confirmed)

Rolando Costa Picazzo, Ph. D. Michigan State University. U.S.A.

Cristina Elgue, Ph.D.  Universidad Laval. Canada

Graciela Ricci, Lic en Filología Romanza y Lit Argentina y MD en Neurolingüística, Univ de Macerata, Italia.

Milena Savova, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Universidad de Sofia. Bulgaria

Leandro Wolfson, Tranlator





* Literature in English

* Comparative Literature

* General and Applied Linguistics

* New Trends in Literary Criticism

* Cultural Studies

* Education and Bilingualism

* The Problematic of Translation


Students Panel

There will be a special section in which students will have the possibility of making presentations. students' presentations should be supported by a specialist in the subject.


Organizing Committee


Fanny S. Godfrid, Head of the Language Department

Cecilia Acquarone,  U.C.E.L. Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas

María Adela Coccolo, M.Sc. in Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington

María del Rosario Fernández, MA in Theoretical Linguistics and Language Acquisition, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Mariana Stoddart, MA in English, California State University

Graciela Tomassini, PhD. D. in Modern Literature. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Information and Enrolment


I Jornadas Internacionales de Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, (UCEL)

FAX: 0054341 4261241 / 4499292






Our dear SHARER  and much missed friend José Luís Garcia sends us this drop of humour from Catamarca:



A language instructor was explaining to her class that in French, nouns unlike their English counterparts, are grammatically designated as masculine or feminine. "House," in French, is feminine- "la maison." "Pencil," in French, is masculine-"le crayon.

"One puzzled student asked, "What gender is computer?" 

The teacher did not know, and the word wasn't in her French dictionary. So for fun she split the class into two groups by gender, appropriately enough, and asked them to decide whether "computer" should be a masculine or feminine noun. Both groups  were required to give four reasons for their recommendation.  

The men's group decided that computers should definitely be of the feminine gender ("la computer"), because:

1. No one but their  creator understands their internal logic;

2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;

3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for possible later retrieval;

4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your pay check on accessories for it.


The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine ("le computer"), because:

1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;

2. They have a lot of data but  still  can't think for themselves;

3. They are supposed to help you solve  problems, but half the time they ARE the problem

4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you'd waited  a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.


The women won.






Our very dear friends and SHARERS Jamie Duncan and Laura Szmuch send this information to us:


In these days, heads and administrators of educational institutions need a wide variety of skills to deal with the demands of their work.  Neuro Linguistic Programming has numerous useful tools for handling the challenging situations involving students, teachers and parents that you may be facing.  It can also provide clear strategies for helping your institute function smoothly and efficiently.  To learn practical ideas and something of our NLP can help, enrol in the workshop!


Workshop:   Options for Resourceful Leadership

Target Audience: Heads, Coordinators, Institute owners, School managers, Private teachers

Date: Monday 18 February 9.30 -12.30

Venue: Capital Federal, Buenos Aires

Enrolment: For further details and registration please contact Laura Szmuch at  or on (5411) 4641-9068 or Jamie Duncan at


Summer Courses/2002 - NLP in Spanish


Do you know people who would like to learn about NLP but who would prefer to do so in Spanish rather than in English?  Inform them about the introductory course in NLP to be held in Capital Federal in January and February.  The meetings will be weekly and of a duration of two hours.  This series of workshops is open to anyone who wishes to develop in their lives or careers and will have a more general focus than purely education.

The special fee for this course  is $40 per month and they will be held on Thursdays at 8.00pm.

For more details please contact Laura Szmuch who is co-ordinating the workshops at   or on (5411) 4641-9068






TEFL Web Journal is a free, Web based forum for adult level teachers, teacher trainers and researchers world-wide. It is an inclusive journal that  aims to give English teaching professionals the opportunity to share their  research and teaching practices with the international, academic teaching  community. This peer reviewed quarterly publication  also provides the means for those same teachers to  access information about appropriate materials for classroom and research  use.


The target audience is the professional teacher of adults in either ESL or  EFL inclusive of all pertinent interest areas. The second issue of the   TEFL Web Journal is now available at:


Further information from: Kevin Schoepp -

403-244-6921 - Calgary AB Canada





Our dear SHARER Teresa Fernandez from the British Council Office I Buenos Aires sends us this information:


The Management of Introducing ELT to Younger Learners
17-22 March 2002 - York  - Directed by Annie Hughes

English is being introduced to younger learners in many countries world-wide. This introduction of the earlier learning of English raises serious issues in many pedagogical areas including: curriculum change; teacher development and training; materials development and publication; assessment and evaluation procedures and the management of transitional changes throughout any new programme.

This seminar will explore all of these issues through structured group focus sessions and presentations by well-known specialists in the young learner field. This seminar will be intensive and there may be one or two evening sessions.

The main topics will include:
* Managing changes in teacher development ·
* Managing changes in materials provision ·
* Exploring the field of TEYL: the issues arising from change ·
* Managing changes in teacher training ·
* Managing curriculum changes ·
* Managing changes in assessment and evaluation procedures

Each day, within the topic focus, the seminar will look at case-studies, compare participant situations, issues, problems & solutions and create strategies for addressing some of these issues.

This seminar will be of interest to senior decision and policy makers, budget-holders and those whose responsibilities may include the management of change within the ELT field, including members of education ministries, advisors, trainers, examiners and materials publishers and providers.

This seminar has been timed to end the day before the beginning of the annual IATEFL conference  which will be held in York from Saturday 23 March to
Wednesday 27 March 2002. For further Information please look at the website <>
Please note that a full prospectus is also available for this event at

For further information, please contact:
Diana  E. Delamer
Education Information Officer
The British Council - M. T. de Alvear 590 - 4° C1058AAF Buenos Aires
Tel  +54 (0)11 4311 9814  / Fax  +54 (0)11 4311 7747 /


Time to say goodbye. Again we we wanted to leave you a message which might accompany you through the week. It was sent to us by our dear SHARER , Mónica Silakowicz : 


Hasta hoy, Señor, he hecho bien. No he murmurado, no he perdido mi dominio propio, no he sido ambicioso, egoísta o travieso. Me alegro de esto.

Pero en pocos minutos, Señor, me voy a levantar de la cama, y de ahí en adelante, voy a necesitar mucha ayuda. Amen.




Omar and Marina.


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