An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac ©
Year 5                Number 124           March 28th   2004
6000  SHARERS are reading this issue of SHARE this week
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED
This is a special issue of SHARE and one that we had really been longing to publish. This issue contains the INDEX for all our previous issues counting as from SHARE 1 sent on the very last days of October 1999 to a handful of friends. At one time or another, over these  four years and five months of publication and very especially over the last two years, a number of SHARERS requested an INDEX to organize their search of material that they thought or remembered  they had read in SHARE. Some suggested a sophisticated system with hyperlinks to the relevant issues or topics in the different issues. This will have to wait (Four more years? More?): we have got the technology to do it but we do not have a budget or the time for it. Instead, what we proudly offer to you today is a simple Table of Contents for each issue over which we have been toiling for a couple of months.
We are also proud to offer to you today a renewed version of our Website:  where in the section SHARE ARCHIVES you can find all past issues of this magazine. Apart from “revamping” its appearance, we reorganized it for easier access. Special thanks go to our son Sebas who worked very hard at it.
All in all, both INDEX and Website meant a lot of work but we thought we owed you this and we are happy to have completed them and to SHARE them with you.
Omar and Marina
Issue 1 to Issue 124
In SHARE 1                           Undated
The message could have been sent between  October 28th and October 30th 1999
Halloween Greeting that was sent to the 68 e-mail addresses we had in our personal directory. A background called “Cloudy” was used.
There was only one section in this issue. The words of the riddle: “Trick or Treat”.
In SHARE 2                           Undated
(probably first week in November 1999)
The words SHARE are printed as a title and the denomination “An Ideas Page by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac (c)” is used for the first time.
The different parts are not numbered in the original. We have numbered them for this index.
1.-     If I had my life to live over by Erma Bombeck
2.-    Tips about how to use the poem in the classroom.
In SHARE 3                           November 1999
There was only one section in this issue. The words of this song.
The background “Cloudy” is used for the last time.
1.-    Singing in the Rain
In SHARE 4                           November 26th   1999
The different parts are not numbered in the original. We have numbered them for this index.
The expression “Dear SHARERS” is used for the first time.
1.-    A Message from Francisco Lozano
2.-    Remember To be Thankful For...

In SHARE 5                           December 3rd    1999
The different parts are not numbered in the original. We have numbered them for this index.
1.-    A Letter from Hebe Ramirez.
2.-    A Letter from Dick Duprat.
3.-    Do you want to learn some words of Welsh?
4.-    A Messege by Maria Isabel Santa.
5.-    A Message from Diana M. Englebert Moody.
6.-    A Message from Bethina Viale.
7.-    Hugs.
8.-    Livin´La Vida Loca.
In SHARE 6                           December 23rd    1999
Christmas Greeting Card. Text : What to do this Christmas by Omar plus the words of “Jingle Bells”.
In SHARE 7                           January 1st   2000
1.-    Virus Warning
2.-    A Visit and a Gift
4.-    Salta 2000
5.-    Tucumán 2000 -
6.-    Under the Boardwalk
(number 3 was skipped in the original issue)
In SHARE 8                           February 3rd    2000
1.-    Can we help you with your new year resolutions ?
2.-    Mail from from Lucky Annie !!!
3.-    Pep-up messages
4.-    First Congress on Professional Development for Teachers of English
5.-    English is a crazy language
6.-    CUP one-day Academic Seminar of 2000
7.-    Workshops for Teachers of English
8.-    Last minute news from Salta
9.-    See you in Santiago del Estero, too !
In SHARE 9                           February 14th   2000
Valentine´s Greeting Card. Photograph of a couple skating on the Rue des Ëcoles in Paris in 1930.
In SHARE 10                         February 21st    2000
1.-    Valentine´s Day 
2.-    St. Valentine  
3.-    Thank you for an unforgettable week  
4.-    A heart-warmer from a friend
5.-    Mail from Uruguay 
6.-    Teaching Teenagers and Polimodal English
7.-    Have you hugged anyone this week ?
8.-    Professional Development at SBS in B.A. 
9.-    News from Santiago del Estero  
10.-   OUP Workshops and Presentations  
11.-   Pearson authors hit the road  
12.-   Macmillan Heinemann Teaching Training Programme
Farewell: We are more than 900 SHARERS.
In SHARE 11                         February 27th    2000
Introduction:        Last week of Summer Holidays
1.-    A message from  wet Essex
2.-    Another week in paradise
3.-    San Luis: there we go !!
4.-    Street Guide of Buenos Aires
5.-    An Argentinian in New York
6.-    An Irish joke
7.-    To errar is very human ...
8.-    Say it now!
9.-    Play it again, Bernieh.
11.-  A Message from Pearson.
12.-   Sharing NLP with two SHARERS.
13.-   Back on the road again.
14.-   Quote of the Week.
In SHARE 12                         March 5th    2000
Introduction: A poem by E. Barquero from "Mimbre y Poesía"  
                The beginning of a new school year
1.-    A  nice story.
2.--   A message from dear old Richard.
3.-    URUTESOL 2000 and TESOL Academy.
4.-    FAAPI strikes back!
5.-    Little Johnny Jokes.
6.-    Remember your first day at school ?
7.-    Susan announces ...
8.-    Another very artistic teacher!
9.-    NLP at its  best.
10.-   A super friend warms our hearts.
In SHARE 13                         March 11th   2000
Introduction:  “Teach your children well”
1.-    Is it better to be a woman?
2.-    Masculine or Feminine?
3.-    Well Done, APIBA!
4.-    Some Reactions to Little Teddy Stoddard´s story
5.-    Susan has story to share with us
6.-    Meet Omar in San Juan and Pergamino this week
7.-    Little Teddy Stoddard and the Power of Choice
8.-    Like a Candle in the Wind ...
9.-    A poem from Sylvia
10.-   The Suburban Players present...
11.-   The Funny Side: This week from San Luis
12.-   New Electronic Publication
13.-   For Teachers interested in computers.
In SHARE 14                         March 17th   2000
Introduction: Silvina Reneé Faure on “Little Teddy Stoddard”
1.-    Long Hair: The Case for the Defense
2.-      Let´s meet in Resistencia!
3.-    Value Added Measurement (VAM)
4.-    A Message from St. Nick
5.-    Humour from Córdoba
6.-    More reactions on Little Tommy Stoddard
7.-    School Calendar and National Holidays
8.-    Academic Week at Macmillan Heinemann
9.-    Recommended Site for Teachers of Children 
10.-   No Wonder English is difficult to learn
11.-   First Brazilian Congress on History of Education
Farewell: Let´s make a circle of SHARERS
In SHARE 15                         March 25th   2000
Introduction:        More than 1,500 SHARERS today.
                      The Index for each issue is introduced.           
1.-   Little Teddy´s Father
2.-   St.Andrews Univerity announces
3.-   Humour from Rosario
4.-   Good News from Tucumán
5.-   A Little Rose in your life
6.-   The Rosario Congress
7.-   You´ll never make it ?
8.-   Trinity 2000
9.-   Jimena and the Puzzle-makers
10.- Apiba Language SIG
11.- A Sharer, a poet : we are all proud of you
12.- From Lawrence Paros: Nitwits
Farewell: On Laughter and smiles. A message by Cristina Druetta
In SHARE 16                         April 1st   2000
Introduction:        Thank you for recommending SHARE
1.- Jamie´s story
2.- A SHARER in Vancouver
3.- Teacher´s Certificate at ESSARP
4.- Children are smart !
5.- Messages : A little help from our friends
6.- Mail Pals requested 
7.- Father Pat´s Reminders 
8.- How to contact Lawrence Paros
9.- Jack Richards in Buenos Aires 
10- Roles and how we play them
11- Tools for Tomorrows
12- So you want to date my daughter ?
13- Oscars Night Again
14- New Teachers Centre
Farewell: A letter from Ana Heredia Herrera.
In SHARE 17                         April 8th   2000
Introduction:        Marina is the Queen.
1.- Your attitute to life makes a difference
2.- For Directors ( present and future! ) 
3.- Coisas Boias 
4.- From "our reporter" in Vancouver
5.- Adam and Eve
6.- Bernieh helps and tells a joke 
7.- Book Reviewed 
8.- Teaching Values : Workshops in Ramos Mejia
9.- Our Real Riches 
10- Are you coming to the Book Fair ?
11- Coincidences
12- New Committee for the Federation
13- Learner Independence
14- Apiba Methodology SIG
In SHARE 18                         April 15th  2000
Introduction:        Congratulations on Marina´s official birthday
1.- Official Resignation to Adulthood 
2.- The Latest Technology for Language Teachers 
3.- Rich Countries and Poor Countries : A question of Attitude ? 
4.- From "our reporter" in Thailand !!
5.- How about laughing for two hours ?
6.- Tendjewberrymud
7.- Calling all ESP Teachers !  
8.- Mail from a friend
9.- Reach for Rainbows 
10- Two New SIG´s at APIBA
11- God´s Boxes
12- ELT Marketing Seminars in Bahía Blanca
13- Carolina´s own site for teachers and students
In SHARE 19                         April 22nd   2000
Easter Greeting Card . Photograph “Deer Park, Copenhagen" by Henrik Pers.
In SHARE 20                         April 29th   2000
Introduction:        A Message from Norma Colaiuta
1.- 26 years of success : FAAPI´s Annual Congress
2.- Some Great Gardening.  
3.- APIBA in full swing !!  
4.- Official Resignation to Adulthood- Second Round, 
5.- Business English : A new magazine for teachers.
6.- A Good True Story.
7.- The Buenos Aires Players 2000 Season.
8.- April : Peace, Beauty and Harmony.  
9.- Moving House.
10- Erratum 
11- Change from Within: A Message from Susan Hylliard.
12- All Good News from Elida.
13- Getting Ready for FAAPI 2000.
14- More Nunsense.
15- Seminar on Appropriate Pedagogies 
16- Hurry up ! Registration Closing !
Farewell: SHARE feels like a big family.
In SHARE 21                         May 6th   2000
Introduction:        A Saturday at home
1.- Just an old fashioned song ?
2.- See you in September: XXVI FAAPI´s Annual Congress
3.- Start Tasting Patagonia: Visit CELI´s site on the Web.  
4.- I simply loved this joke   
5.- It warms the chockles of my heart 
6.- A Heartwarmer : Tiempo de Otoño.
7.- APIBA SIG´s : Meetings confirmed 
8.- From Montevideo : Music-Based Learning.
9.- News from the International Congress in Tucuman.  
10- Pensei em você
11- Santa Fé, there we go !
12- Virus Alert.  
13- Questions without an answer
14- Urgent European Spelling Reform
15- UNT : Maestria en Didáctica de las Lenguas
Farewell: Poem “ I asked God...”
In SHARE 22                         May 13th   2000
Introduction:        Letter from Cristina Araujo and all the teachers at IACI
1.- A Tale of Three Turtles
2.- Planning to go on a diet ?
3.- Laura´s Workshop on Discourse.   
4.- Cloud-Cuckoo-Land.   
5.- FAAPI 2000 : Heading South in Good Company
6.- Do Good anyway.
7.- Fifth Biennial Seminar in Paraná. 
8.- Don´t call me Dumb !
9.- A SIG for History anmd Civilization.  
10- A Message for the ELT Professional.
11- Two Wisecracks
12- Tel Center blows Twenty Candles.  
13- Values in Action
14- Winter Course in B.A.
Farewell: Poem “A letter from Your Father”
In SHARE 23                         May 20th  2000
Introduction:        On solidarity
1.- Tales for the Beholder
2.- Believe it or Believe it not 
3.- A Change is good as a rest    
4.- The unbearable Lists    
5.- S.O.S. from a dear SHARER
6.- Are Middle-Schoolers a blessing or a nightmare ?
7.- Well deserved success for APIBA SIG´s 
8.- Two Messages from Susan.
9.- Maestria in Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
10- Fifth Biennial Seminar in Paraná.
11- A "Linguistics" Wisecrack.
12- Martin Iron or Mr Second Shadow ?  
13- See you in Santa Fé !
Farewell: Poem “What do angels look like?”
In SHARE 24                         May 28th  2000
Introduction: Comments on the Santa Fé Congress.
1.- Paraguay TESOL 
2.- Omar "rocking" the country.
3.- When People come into your life 
4.- Test How Smart you are    
5.- The International Congress in Tucumán    
6.- Thank you for your humour
7.- Jornada de Traducción e Interpretación 
8.- Recommended Sites
9.- What is "Education for a Change" ?
10- From a dear SHARER : Something to think about 
11- Creativity Workshop in Montevideo.
12- Call for Articles  
13- Ana,You are my kind of SHARER.
14- NLP Course in dear old Lomas
15- Answers to "Test How smart you are"
Farewell: “Life is SHARING” a poem translated by Omar & Marina.
In SHARE 25                         June 3rd  2000
Introduction: Our Family of SHARERS gets bigger.
The original denomination “An Ideas Page by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac (c)” is replaced by “An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal and Marina Kirac (c)”.
1.- You are the Carpenter
2.- Workshops in ICANA.
3.- Bernieh´s Corner 
4.- A Logic Problem     
5.- ESP Interest Section at ARTESOL    
6.- Those Four Letter Words
7.- English as a Business 
8.- Some WWW News
9.- APIBA´s Seminar on International Examinations 
10- Let´s Go to Brazil !! 
11- The Full Monty  
12- Share Fair at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
13- The Unbearable Lists.
14- After Santa Fe
15.-Congratulations, Jamie ! 
16.-The International Congress in Tucuman.  
Farewell: Poem “Don't ever” by Laine Pearson.
In SHARE 26                         June 10th   2000
Introduction: “The Best Things in Life”
1.- From Jamie : "Passionfruit" for the Language Teacher
2.- A Woman´s Look in the Mirror.
3.- Workshops in the land at the end of the world.  
4.- From ETp : Looking at Students´Mistakes     
5.- ESP Interest Section at ARTESOL    
6.- For your children´s courses: Riddles from Uruguay
7.- Agnes of God 
8.- New Committee of the Bahía Blanca Association
9.- Bernieh´s Corner.  
10- Beyond Belief  
11- Kakistocracy  
12- Omar goes on "Rocking" the Country.
13- Information about Tests.
14- Omar makes an announcement.
15.-Many Ducky returns of the day ! 
Farewell: Poem “I am God”
In SHARE 27                         June 25th   2000
Introduction: Father´s Day and some mishaps sending SHARE.
1.- Every Sunday is Father´s Day. 
2.- Special Gifts for Father´s Day.
3.- Licenciatura en Inglés in Lomas de Zamora.  
4.- From ETp: Looking at Students´Mistakes (2nd Round)
5.- A reply to "Looking at Students´Mistakes"
6.- Omar "Rocks" Lincoln
7.- On the Lighter side : Jokes from Mar del Plata.     
8.- Teacher Development with Macmillan Heinemann.
9.- A Cowboy in New York 
10- News from URUTESOL 
11- The Answer to a Logic Problem  
12- Practitioner´s Certificate in NLP 
13- APIBA SIG´s in July. 
14- Training Courses for Women.
Farewell: A quotation by Norman Lear.
In SHARE 28                         July 8th   2000
Introduction: “24 Important Things to Remember” by Collin McCarty .
1.- Teenage Political Correctness. 
2.- Bernieh´s Corner.
3.- St Paul´s Calendar for the Winter Holidays.  
4.- Millions ? What for ? 
5.- A Lesson for Life.
6.- Come see the whales ... and much more ! 
7.- Aunt Gloria Calls.     
8.- Omar heads West with Rock ´n Roll. 
9.- Educational Technology. 
10- For Teachers of Business English  
11- Agnes of God : A Review.   
12- It was not a problem of Diction.
13- July 2000 Mini-Seminars in Montevideo 
14- Fame for Bluesberry Jam !
15- Coming Events
16- Argentina in URUTESOL 2000
Farewell:  A Letter from Analia Cicconi 
In SHARE 29                         July 8th   2000
Introduction:  Belated birthday greetings and Poem “I believe in God”
1.- A Piece of Americana. 
2.- Geetings from Porto Alegre.
3.- Hamlet 2000.  
4.- Erratum.  
5.- On the Value of Time.
6.- Update your records.   
7.- Omar in Paraguay TESOL
8.- The War of the Sexes, Marriage and Punctuation. 
9.- THe Guns ´n Roses in SHARE !!!
10- News from "The Performers". 
11- Apropos the Sex of Computers.  
12- Bernieh´s Corner.   
13- Very Real False Friends: Diplomatics.
14- A Message from Omar and Marina.
15- One small gesture can change a person´s life.
Farewell: Poem “I´m happy being me”
In SHARE 30                         July 15th     2000
Introduction:  Poem “The Hug”
1.- More News on Licenciatura in Lomas de Zamora.
2.- I´ve learned.
3.- Teacher and Author.
4.- A Trial of Strength ? 
5.- Courses at Interaction Language Studio. 
6.- Classroom Management in Difficult Circumstances.
7.- The Game of the 20 Differences.
8.- A CD-Rom on Advanced English for Finance and Business 
9.- The Power of Love
10- International Congress in B.A.
11- News from Stephen Krashen. 
12- Bernieh´s Corner.  
13- A List for Cinema Lovers.
14- A Nostalgic Argentinian in sunny Brazil.
15- Internet Search Service Offered.
16- Chicken Soup for the Teenager.
Farewell: What the Villarreals are going to do these winter holidays.
In SHARE 31                 August 5th     2000
Introduction:  Our Motto is published for the first time.
1.- Cats and Dogs.
2.- Good News from Pearson
3.- Education 2000.
4.- Business English at Universidad Siglo 21 
5.- In sickness and in health, for better and for worse till death do us part.  
6.- Chomsky 2000
7.- Wisdom from the Past.
8.- ARTESOL Convention in Tucumán. 
9.- Funny ?
10- More about Discipline.
11- APIBA SIG Update. 
12- Advanced Language Conference in Salta “La Linda”.  
13- Bernieh´s Corner.
14- News from Sea.
15- Cambios en la Escuela Secundaria.
16- Omar in Jujuy. 
17.- The UNL Licenciatura in Lomas
Farewell: Poem: “A Lifetime of Love”
In SHARE 32                 August 12th   2000
1.- Children´s Day  
2.- A Perfect Heart
3.- Continue this year with Inspiration !
4.- How to be a boring teacher  
5.- Seminar in Lomas de Zamora.  
6.- Children will be children.
7.- The Suburban Players re-present “Nunsense”.
8.- Argentine Teacher in Cambridge 
9.- Twenty-one Reasons
10- Pitman Event Announced.
11- A Play on Words. 
12- Dunn and Stapley hit the Road in September.  
13- Education for a Change : TTC in Córdoba.
14- Introducing C.E.L.E.X
15- Making ends meet.
16- ICANA Annual Seminar  
17- ELT Software for Business  
18.-Advanced Language Conference in Salta next week !!
19.-Dr Hector Ortiz Lira in B.A.
20.-Last week to enrol at UNL Licenciatura in Lomas
In SHARE 33                 August 19th    2000
Introduction:  Poem “Linked by the Heart”
1.- TESOL Distance Courses.  
2.- Rock ´n Pop at home and abroad
3.- Rebus
4.- News from Pearson : Longman Author Tours.
5.- Calling all Phoneticians and ELT Professionals
6.- Un Lenguaje Universal para comunicarse por Internet  
7.- Social Values and Music in Tucumán.  
8.- New Newsletter for the Teacher of English 
9.- Hear the Wolff ?
10- Implementing Curicular Changes. 
11- If I had my child to raise over again.
12- Visit the Bs As Players Website !  
13- Bernieh´s Corner.
14- Beware of those e-mails !
15- News from the "Wild" West.
16- Definitions and Self-styled Poetry.  
17- Silvia´s Corner  
18.-Lista Universo Internet
19.-Some interesting facts.
20.-SHARE DOCUMENTS : Issue 1.
Farewell:  A letter by Graciela Marchetti. 
In SHARE 34                 August 26th 2000
A Message from Omar and Marina.
An Invitation to the 7th National Congress for Teachers and Students of English.
In SHARE 35                 September 1st   2000
Introduction:  Poem: “You deserve the best” by Susan Polis Schutz
1.- Omar keeps on Rocking the Country
2.- Message from Brazil 
3.- Seminar on First Certificate Paper 2
4.- Bernieh´s Corner : Broken Telephones and Language Change
5.- Cards you´ll never see in Hallmark.
6.- Tomato or To/mei/to ?
7.- Macmillan Heinemann moves house 
8.- The SHARE Documents.  
9.- Estrategias de Lectura : Primera Lengua y Segunda Lengua. 
10- APIBA SIG´s : An Update
11- Overcoming Fear. 
12- Dunn  and Stapley announce.
13- Your opinion requested  
14- Who´s afraid of Doctors ? Linguists.
15- A Lesson for Life
16- A SHARER and a Story-teller.
17- Silvia´s Corner : The Spice of Life.  
18- Coming Events at Interaction   
19.-Laura Renart in San Pedro
Farewell: Poem “Remember”
In SHARE 36                 September 10th   2000
Greeting card for Teacher´s Day : “On the eigth day God created the First Teacher”.
In SHARE 37                 September 17th  2000
Introduction:  On the death of George Lewis
1.- The moral of the story.
2.- Workshops by Vic Richardson in Buenos Aires. 
3.- Social Values Seminar in Catamarca.
4.- Love Quotes from the Movies.
5.- "T.S.Eliot" announces Dave Allan.
6.- Special Interest Groups in Rosario
7.- Wise Crackers for Smart Cookies.
8.- Buenos Aires Players announce new production 
9.- Harán Cambios en los Institutos Terciarios.  
10.-Licenciaturas : A Waste of Time ? 
11- Academic Activities for Litoral.
12- Evenings of Theatre. 
13- Awful Authors.
14- Jeremy Harmer in Tucumán.   
15- An Invitation from Macmillan Heinemann ELT.
16- Business English Teaching Certificate.
17- Cambridge University Press Coming Events.
18- Cómo Aprenden los Adultos.  
19- Good News from Longman.    
20.-New Electronic Magazine : RT News
Farewell: A letter by Mercedes Miguel
In SHARE 38        DOG           September 23rd 2000
Introduction:   A poem by We-Men
1.- On Tennis and Love.
2.- A very Musical Invitation from "Friends". 
3.- Good News from APIBA.
4.- I´m a Blonde Bimbo Girl in a Fantasy World.
5.- Licenciaturas : A Waste of Time ? 2nd Round.
6.- III Congreso Latinoamericano de Traducción.
7.- Oxford University Press Update.
8.- More on Teaching Adults. 
9.- Examinations or Trials of Strength ? .  
10.-Traductores del Oeste Announce. 
11- Bernieh´s Corner.
12- Awful Authors.
13.-Necochea Congress.
14.-Scholarships for Teachers.   
15- October and November with Longman.
16.- Beware of Virus Alert  
17- Sailing on Rough SEA.
18- Our Teacher´s Day Message.  
Farewell:  Poem “For All that you do”
In SHARE 39                 October 28th  2000
Introduction: Tired but happy after Necochea Congress 
1.- Truth in Politics.
2.- Congreso de Didácticas Específicas. 
3.- Oh, The Good Old 90´s ! 
4.- New Translators Association.
5.- What does success depend on ?
6.- St.George´s Conference.
7.- Prescriptions for Happiness.
8.- Omar Villarreal in Azul  
9.- A question of perception.  
10.-New ARTESOL Committee. 
11- Your Mother Should Know.
12- News from Interaction Studio.
13.-Open up your heart to install.
14.-Lista de Interés : Educación de Adultos.   
15- An Honour for "SHARE".
16.-Two Pep Up Messages.  
17- Tongue in Cheek.
18- Bernieh´s Corner .  
Farewell: A message from Maria Patricia Raimondi
In SHARE 40                 October 28th  2000
Introduction: SHARE is one year old.
1.- Learning Strategies, Attitude and Motivation.
2.- The Buenos Aires Players Drama Festival. 
3.- A Beautiful Story.
4.- Omar in La Rioja.
5.- The Family Dictionary.  
6.- "Education for a Change" Seminars.
7.- Making a Difference.
8.- An Invitation from Brazil  
9.- Multimedia.  
10.-Coloured ? 
11- News from APIBA.
12- Bernieh´s (Halloween) Corner.
13.-Jornadas en la Universidad de Rio Cuarto.
14.-Tales from the script.   
15- Employment Offered.
16.-Ten Questions about Men.  
17- Omar in Vera, Santa Fé.
Farewell : Poem: “Monster Dance” celebrating Halloween
In SHARE 41                 November 18th  2000
Introduction: A letter and a poem to Omar and Marina by Maria Estela Torales
1.- The Winning Words.
2.- "From Babel to Internet". 
3.- A Sense of Humour.
4.- 4th Southern Cone TESOL Convention.
5.- Bernieh´s Corner.  
6.- News from APIBA.
7.- Ruckauf amplió el receso escolar.
8.- A Very Special "Invitation".  
9.- Talking Business.  
10.-2nd Convention on the Teaching of English in Higher Education. 
11- Worth to Remember.
12- TESOL Video Newsletter.
13.-To Whom It May Concern.
14.-1er Seminario Regional en Jujuy.   
15- Parataxis.
16.-Models for Classroom Interaction. 
17- Scholarships.
18.-Last APIBA SIG Meeting of 2000. 
Farewell : Poem “For Each & Every Day”
In SHARE 42                 November 25th  2000
Introduction: Marina´s recovers after surgery.
1.- A very private guide to the World of ELT.
2.- Photo Exhibit. 
3.- Count your Blessings.
4.- Distinction for The Bs As Players.
5.- A Sense of Humour.
6.- An Invitation from The Suburban Players.
7.- Macmillan Heinemann Calendar of Events.
8.- Bernieh´s Corner.  
9.- Congreso de Enseñanza Universitaria.  
10.-The Definition of a Friend. 
11- Notice of Revocation of Independence.
12- ARTESOL Professional Development Sessions.
13.-I am a teacher.
14.-A Message from Perú.   
15- Violencia en las Escuelas.
16.-Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. 
17- APIBA´s Call for Papers.
18.-Coordinating Successfuly. 
Farewell: An alphabet for Friendship
In SHARE 43                 December 4th  2000
Introduction: End of the school year and phrase by Mohandas K. Gandhi
1.- La mente del principiante.
2.- Teachers and Students Congress: After Necochea. 
3.- Popular Ideas about Language Learning.
4.- NLP in 2001 ? Planning Ahead.
5.- A Sense of Humour.
6.- Titularización en Provincia de Buenos Aires.
7.- Bernieh´s Corner.
8.- More on British and American English.  
9.- Utopia.  
10.-APIBA SIG´s for 2001. 
11- The Secrets of Writing.
12- Some People have all the Luck.
13.-What is a book?
14.-Human Commandments.   
15- Call for ESP  Articles.
16.-Fake Virus Warning : Beware of "Badtimes"  
17- Useful Internet Sites.
Farewell: Letter by Adriana Losinno 
In SHARE 44                 December 9th  2000
Introduction: Poem:  "Sharing Things" by Frank McGarry.
1.- These things I wish for you.
2.- No more fees for Licenciaturas ? 
3.- World Wide Words: "Right as Rain".
4.- At SEA again.
5.- Everybody & Co..
6.- Teorías Contemporáneas del Aprendizaje.
7.- Bernieh´s Corner.
8.- A "Serious" Warning from Bernieh.  
9.- Adventure Weekend in the Córdoba Hills.  
10.-Report on The Power of the Internet for Learning. 
11- Business English Training Programme on-line.
12- Erratum.
14.-Bilingual Education in State Schools in the City of B.A.   
15- A Poem for my Friends.
Farewell ; A letter by Mara Belingueres
In SHARE 45                 December 22nd 2000
Greeting card for Christmas: This Christmas…
In SHARE 46                 February 3rd 2001
Introduction: A Message by Susana Bosso
1.- Recipe for a happy new year.
2.- Peru TESOL 2001. 
3.- Your computer melted down? Great!
4.- New Teachers´Association.
5.- Buzzwords.
6.- Bernieh´s Corner : How the Queen has changed.
7.- ELE: Español como lengua extranjera.
8.- Attention Deficit Disorder ( ADD).  
9.- News from Universidad del Litoral.  
10.-I don´t want to sleep tonight. 
11.- Congress in Mexico.
12- Proverbs for the New Millennium.
13.-Courses in Uruguay.
14.-Omar´s Tour of the Litoral.   
Farewell:         An olde Irish blessing
In SHARE 47                 February 19th 2001
Introduction: A Message from Elsa and Susana Arévalo
1.- Bernieh´s Corner: On Manageable Books.
2.- An Invitation from Oxford University Press. 
3.- What Tree did you fall from?
4.- Longman Calendar for February.
5.- The Jewish Museum of Buenos Aires.
6.- The Longest Place Name.
7.- The Challenges of Educational Technology.
8.- Course at the Creative Learning Centre.  
9.- News from Cambridge University Press.  
10.-A little bit of Humour. 
11.- Marketing for English Institutes and Schools.
12- Postgraduate Studies at UNQUI
13.-Multiple Intelligencies in Padua.
14.-Professional Development in Lomas
15.-Omar´s Tour of the Litoral.   
16.-Omar and Annie´s Tour of Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Farewell: My Oath to you
In SHARE 48                 March 18th 2001
Introduction: Back after a long absence.
1.-    To Be a teacher.
2.-    It´s FAAPI Time again. 
3.-   All in a School´s Day.
4.-   The West goes wild.
5.-   Staying Alive.
6.-   Organizing Professional Development at School    
7.-   Tristes Noticias.
8.-   22nd April: Earth Day.  
9.-   A New year with The Suburban Players.
10.-  Bernieh´s Corner: Letter Writing made easy.  
11.-  8th Argentine Congress for Teachers and Students of English.
12.-  News from OUP
13.-  D & S Adventure Weekend.
14.-  Fullbright Scholarships.
15.-  Courses at Universidad de San Andrés.   
16.-  Walda Sanden Trejo: an appreciation.
Farewell: “For You” a poem by Maria Ester Valdés
In SHARE 49                 March 25th 2001
Introduction: “Lessons of Life” a poem dedicated to our family by Elisabet Sandra Guber.
1.-    I believe.
2.-    M.A. in Applied Linguistics online. 
3.-    July in Uruguay with our Alianza friends.
4.-   Bernieh´s Corner: Language- dependent Memory.
5.-   ELT Fair in the West.
6.-   Chat Acronyms.    
7.-   First Apiba SIG Meetings 2001.
8.-   (Already longing for) Leisure.
9.-   An Invitation from "The Performers".
10.-  Storytelling in Bariloche.
11.-  The International Phonetic Alphabet Handbook.
12.-  Calling all private language schools.
13.-  Translators and Interpreters : Courses in the West.
14.-  One for me, One for you.
15.-  Interaction Training Programme.
16.-  Cambridge University Press Seminar.
17.-  Management Lessons for Beginners.

In SHARE 50                  April 1st 2001
Introduction:        A reflection on the nature of SHARE
1.-    A message from a founding SHARER.
2.-   April Fools´Day
3.-   Argentina TESOL Annual Convention.
4.-   Bernieh´s Corner : The Personality Factor
5.-   Resorceful Teaching.
6.-   A Strong Woman Vs. A Woman of Strength.
7.-   Great News from APrIR.
8.-   Licenciatura and Congress in Resistencia.
9.-   Licenciate Diploma in Applied Drama for TESOL.
10.-  Good Vibes to a Poet and a SHARER.
11.-   Chomsky: Ideas and Ideals - A Review.
12.-  Cheap Philosophy and Rubber Shoes.
13.-  A Course on Effective Communication.
14.-  Courses at the Creative Learning Centre.
15.-  Kill them with kindness.
16.-  Mar del Plata, here we go!
Farewell: A Riddle.
In SHARE 51                
There was never a SHARE 51. We jumped from 50 to 52.
In SHARE 52                 April 14th   2001
Easter Greeting card : “God above us”
In SHARE 53         April 29th 2001
Introduction:  SHARE 51?
A Message from Maria del Carmen Anzulovich
1.-    Good News from Urutesol.
2.-   Lady Windermere´s Fan.
3.-   Brainteaser.
4.-   Bernieh´s Corner: On Constructivism. 
5.-   July in Montevideo.
6.-   Trinity Tour of Argentina. 
7.-   Metathetic Forms of Former Words.
8.-   Argentina TESOL : Reaching out for Knowledge.
9.-   New Technologies in ELT: A Must.
10.-  A Very Simple Poem.
11.-   Ingreso a la Docencia 2002.
12.-  ARTESOL Call for Nominations.
13.-  Web site recommended.
14.-  Shirley Valentine.
15.-  Our Heavenly Master in EGB.
16.-  Cultural Activities at ICANA
17.-  An Invitation from Oscar Wilde School.
18.-  News from Acuarell.
19.-  Celebrating Animal´s Day.
20.- Holistic Teaching and Holistic Health.
Farewell: Words of the song: “So Long, Farewell”
In SHARE 54                 June 23rd 2001
Introduction: Poem: “If I could catch a rainbow”
1..-  10th Seminar of English Phonetics.
2..-  Lessons of Life.
3..-  Activities at Schools of English Association.
4..-  19 Things that it took me 50 years to learn.
5..-  APIBA´s Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
6..-  Congratulations, dear SHARER!
7..-  A very short story: “A Wish”
8..-  II Encuentro de Lenguas Aborígenes y Extranjeras
9..-  Bernieh´s Corner.
10.-  Marketing for English Institutes and Schools.
11.-  What to write on a student´s report card.
12.-  SHARE and “The Parable of the Geese”
13.-  Drama Techniques in ELT.
14.-  Trayecto Formativo en Inglés para agentes sin título
15.-  The Suburban Players back…with a baby.
16.-   English in The Attic. 
17.-  Announcing a new device : The BOOK
18.-  Teaching English for International Business.
19.-  6th Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos Conference.
20.- Regional URUTESOL Conventions 2001.
Farewell: A Letter from Silvina Roitman.
In SHARE 55                         June 30th 2001
Introduction: New SHARE Website
1..-   A Reminder from a Fairy Godmother.
2..-   New Title on Language Testing.
3..-  Seminar at Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires.
4..-  Very Technological Quotes.
5..-  Congreso Internacional en Arica, Chile.
6..-  Teacher Required in Bello Horizonte.
7..-  An Update of APIBA SIGs.
8..-  Brainteaser (with answers !)
9..-  An Invitation from the HERALD
10.-  Joining ARTESOL.
11.-  Care for some tongue-twisters?
12.-  Muestra de Cine y Video del Mercosur para Niños y Jóvenes.
13.-  Theatre in Good Company.
14.-  Seminar on Contemporary and Colloquial English in Santa Fé
15.-  Evolución de la Enseñanza?
16.-  FAPPI 2001 Congress in Buenos Aires. 
17.-  The best is yet to come.
18.-  Segundo Congreso del MERCOSUR sobre la enseñanza de lenguas
19.-  Business English in Rosario.
20.- Omar´s next presentations.
Farewell: Simple vs. Real
In SHARE 56                 September 11th  2001
Greeting card for Teacher´s Day  with the poem in Spanish “El maestro bueno y el Buen Maestro” .
In SHARE 57         September 31st 2001
Introduction: Poem “Don't Ever Stop Dreaming Your Dreams”
1..-   Professor Couthard in Rio Cuarto.
2..-   Doctorado en Educación.
3..-  Bernieh´s Corner: Radio Days are back.
4..-  FAAPI Conference in Buenos Aires.
5..-  Now you know where that came from.
6..-  SOS University : News from Conadu (histórica).
7..-  Good News from the Bs.As. Players
8..-  Omar in Neuquén.
9..-  Student Bloopers.
10.-  IV Feria del Traductor e Intérprete 2001.
11.-  ARTESOL : ESP Interest Section.
12.-  Political Science made easy.
13.-  Literature Matters
14.-  IV Jornadas de Traducción y Terminología de la Universidad de Tucumán.
15.-  Seminar on Contemporary and Colloquial English in Santa Fé
16.-  TESOL Spain 2002.
16.-  A Cry in the Night 
17.-  APIBA´s SIGs in September.
18.-  Electronic Learning Conference.
19.-  Wisdom in Proverbs.
20.-  Third Writing Contest in English.
21,-  Longman Third Annual Conference and Author Tours
22.-  Evaluación en el Tercer Ciclo de la EGB.
23.-  Teacher Development Courses in Buenos Aires.
Farewell: A letter by Ana Pérez Moreno.
In SHARE 58                 November 24th 2001
Introduction: SHARE to be sent through Yahoo! Groups
1..-  Things to do each day.
2..-  Planning Lessons and Courses.
3.-   Second International Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
4..-  News from the Schools of English Association
5..-  The Final Exam.
6..-  APIBA´s SIG Meeting and a special event.
7..-  A message from Uruguay
In SHARE 59                 December 1st 2001
Introduction: Let us pray that this a good and sunny weekend
1.-   Coming Events in Chile.
2.-   Assaults upon the English language.
3.-   The Meaning of ASAP.
4..-  Special Issue of “Quaderns Digitals”.
5.-   The 100 most common words in English.
6..-  Licenciatura at St. Trinnean´s
7..-  News from The Suburban Players.
Farewell: Two perfectly silly poems
In SHARE 60         December 6th 2001
Introduction: SHARERS without a face?
1..-   Appropriate Pedagogies in a Global Age.
2..-   English Speaking Scholastic Association of the River Plate.
3.-    A Day in Mom´s life.
4..-   Literature for Young People.
5.-    The Tale of the Little Gray Rock.
6..-   BRAZTESOL 2002.
7..-   Epistemology and the Teaching Profession.
8.-    Workshop on Teaching English to Children.
Poem: Poem "¡ Dios, habla conmigo!"
In SHARE 61         December 14th 2001
Introduction: A passage from "La Inteligencia Emocional" by Daniel Goleman.
1..-   For the Love of Words.
2..-   News from Universidad de Belgrano
3.-    A Lesson in the Chat Room.
4.-    Stories for Peace.
5.-    International Conference in Rosario.
6..-   What Gender is a Computer?
7.-    Workshops on Resourceful Leadership and NLP.
8.-    Web Journal for the Teacher of English to Adults.
9.-    Seminar on Introducing ELT to Young Learners.
Farewell: A message from Mónica Silakowicz
In SHARE 62         December 24th 2001
Introduction: The meaning of Christmas
1.-    A Christmas Story : Christmas Love.
2.-    Three Wise Men or Three Wise Women?
3.-    A Tale of Two Christmases.
4.-    Spanglish Santa.
5.-    Some Silly Christmas Humour.
Farewell : “ Nochebuena”- Un cuento breve de Eduardo Galeano.
In SHARE 63         January 9th 2002
Introduction: Wishes for the new Year and Poem “Padre, agranda la puerta!”
1.-    The Sound and the Fury.
2.-    News from Universidad CAECE.
3.-    Management Courses for Teachers in the summer.
4.-    Multiple Intelligences : The Theory behind the Myths.
5.-    Well Done, APrIR !
6.-    I wish you enough.
7.-    SONAPLES ; International Congress in Chile.
8.-    Listen to the Experts: What is Love?
9.-    Would you like to teach English to babies?
Farewell: A message from Patricia Groeting.
In SHARE 64         February 6th 2002
Introduction: There is no room for politics in SHARE.
1.-    The Changing World of ELT in a Nutshell.
2.-    Phonetics and Phonology Course at Centum.
3.-    Pretentious Language Bores.
4.-    Curso de Postgrado en Educación a Distancia.
5.-    Three Tiny Drops of Humour
6.-    How to help a Dyslexic Student.
7.-    The Bs As Players 2002 Play Season.
8.-    Bernieh´s Corner : Children´s Literature.
9.-    A Back to School Course in Saavedra.
10-    February Courses at ABS International.
Farewell: two quotations
In SHARE 65         February 14th 2002
Introduction: SHARE is the second biggest list in E & R in Yahoo! Groups.
1.-    Reasons for Using Songs in the ESL/EFL Classroom.
2.-    Postgraduate Course for Translators.
3.-    Alfresco.
4.-    I have learned…
5.-    Free Tuition on Web Design
6.-    TESOL degrees through Distance Learning.
7.-    The Wooden Bowl.
8.-    Teenagers and cats.
9.-    International Congress in La Pampa University.
10-    New Members Meeting at The Suburban Players.
11-    Omar´s Tour of Litoral .
Farewell: A passage by Mario Casalls
In SHARE 66                 March 23rd 2002
Introduction: A letter by Nicolas Ridley
1.-    Maestría en Inglés.
2.-    God is under the bed.
3.-    Book News:  Stephen Krashen´s “Three Arguments …”
4.-    Bernieh´s Corner: Discover your own Learning Style.
5.-    Especialización en Filosofía del Lenguaje.
6.-    Licentiate Diploma in Applied Drama.
7.-    Nexus : Call for Submissions.
8.-    Roger, Wilco!
9.-    II  Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación
10-    2002 FAAPI Conference.
11-    Forthcoming Courses.
Farewell: Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark.

In SHARE 67         March 30th 2002
Easter Greeting Card :  Psalm “The Lord's my shepherd”
In SHARE 68         April 13th 2002
Introduction: Being Positive and Optimistic
1.-    Unisex Names.
2.-    FAAPI 2002 : Call for Papers.
3.-    Something to live by: 29 tips.
4.-    Dracula?
5.-    Teaching Resources for Y2000.
6.-    Bernieh´s Corner: Misunderstood Minds.
7.-    Fonetiks.
8.-    APIBA Special Interest Group.
9.-    Bullet points. 
10-    News from the Buenos Aires Players.
11-    An excellent On-Line Journal.
12.-   Workshops at TEL Center.
Farewell: Poem: “Heart Prints”.
In SHARE 69         May 25th 2002
Introduction: An Irish Prayer “Remember to forget”
1.-    Multiple Intelligences and ESP.
2.-    When children learn…
3.-    FAAPI 2002 : Latest News.
4.-    On the Sex of Nouns.
5.-    Vocabulary Wise: Fashion from the 80´s.
6.-    Course on Legal English.
7.-    Workshops in Bahía Blanca.
8.-    Tips for Storytelling.
9.-    London Exams and OUP Competition. 
10-    ALL for Young Learners.
11-    APIBA´S SIGs .
12-    English & Fun Seminar
Farewell : A letter by Bettina Engelmann.
In SHARE 70         June 15th 2002
Introduction: Message “Partners In Joy”
1.-    Multiple Intelligences and ESP – Second Round.
2.-    Words on Words: News from the British Council
3.-    Maestrías y otros postgrados para graduados terciarios.
4.-    Spectacular, Spectacular.
5.-    On the meaning of “ums”, “uhs” and “ers”.
6.-    APIBA´s Special Interest Groups.
7.-    Español como Lengua Extranjera.
8.-    A Collection of Collective Nouns.
9.-    The Drama Workshop in Montevideo. 
10-    On Line Congress.
11-    Laurels Conference for Teacher Trainers.
12-    Competition for Playwrights.
Farewell: Message : “Melhores Coisas da Vida”
In SHARE 71         June 21st 2002
Introduction: Poem “Healing Rain”
1.-    Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: A Self Test.
2.-    Bedroom? Shakespeare invented it!
3.-    Murphy´s Laws for Teachers.
4.-    Macmillan Heinemann Back on the Road again.
5.-    Metodología de la Investigación Lingüística.
6.-    Using Newspapers in the Classroom.
7.-    Español como Lengua Extranjera : Curso para Profesores.
8.-    Collective Nouns (Second Round).
9.-    Jornadas Nacionales para Traductores. 
10-    The Group : Blowing their first ten candles.
11-    Laurels Conference: Special Offer.
12-    Stop Press: The Bs As Players in Lomas.
Farewell: Message “Cuando callas”
In SHARE 72         July 6th 2002
Introduction: Pyjama Weekend
1.-    Between “Hello” and “See you later”.
2.-    Tercer Encuentro de Lenguas en Salta.
3.-    The Performers at Universidad de Morón.
4.-    Will fix your accent in two sessions (?)
5.-    More about Accents.
6.-    The Lord of the Rings.
7.-    Primera Jornada de Traducción e Interpretación.
8.-    Jubilee.
9.-    Bags of Ideas for the EFL Teacher. 
10-    Congreso Internacional sobre la Argumentación.
11-    Hey, You!
12-    Stop Press: Q-Squad on 9th of July.
Farewell: Poem “El Gran Mantel” by Pablo Neruda
In SHARE 73         July 13th 2002
Introduction: Weather forecast-like openers
1.-    Grammar and Power.
2.-    Semióticas de la Vida Cotidiana.
3.-    An Interactive Online Teacher Community.
4.-    Language Challenge. 
5.-    Traductores: Fortalezas y Desafíos.
6.-    An Invitation from The Suburban Players.
7.-    Gangster Slang.
8.-    The Buenos Aires Players Winter Season.
9.-    Hey You: Bernieh comes to our rescue. 
10-    TEFL Web Journal : Call for Papers.
11.-   Free Seminars in Southern Greater Buenos Aires.
Farewell : Message “Hacé como el perrito”.
In SHARE 74         July 20th 2002
Friend´s Day Card : excerpt from the lyrics of "I will always love you" by Dolly Praton from the album "The Bodyguard".
In SHARE 75         August 10th 2002
Introduction: On Children´s Day
1.-    Emotion and Cognition work together.
2.-    Teaching Pronunciation: A Tip.
3.-    The British Council Forthcoming Activities.
4.-    Call for Reviewers. 
5.-    David Beckham : He-ro / She-ro.
6.-    An Invitation from UTN and English & Fun.
7.-    The Jane Austen Society of Buenos Aires.
8.-    Healthy Advice?
9.-    Argentin@ e-news.
10-    The Unseen Playmate.
11.-   Peru Tesol.
12.-   Reforma muy resistida.
13.-   APIBA Special Interest Groups.
14.-   Licenciatura at St.Trinnean´s.
15.-   The Buenos Aires Players Tour
Farewell: “Far” a poem by María Martha Espíndola.
In SHARE 76         August 17th 2002
Introduction: All in the family.
1.-        Grappling with Grammar.
2.-        Frisbee.
3.-        Pronunciation Games.
4.-        Cambridge University Press announces.  
5.-        News from the British Council: IATEFL Scholarships.
6.-        Universidad Nacional del Litoral : Nuevas Licenciaturas.
7.-        Starting Over.
8.-        Jornadas sobre Práctica y Residencia Pedagógica.
9.-        An Invitation from “The Group”.
10-        Korea TESOL Journal : Call for Articles.
11.-       Language Gene Found.
12.-       Pierre Stapley strikes again.
Farewell: Las Bienaventuranzas según los chicos especiales
In SHARE 77         August 30th 2002
Introduction: “Zorro”
1.-    To be, and to be not.
2.-    A Message from the Herald Education News.
3.-    Icebreakers : Facilitating Introductions.
4.-    Seminar in Lanús.  
5.-    Book Review : Discourse Intonation in L2.
6.-    Good News from Longman.
7.-    Interpersonalities.
8.-    “Aim high and stay focused”.
9.-    E- teaching on line !
10-    Using “Friends” for Register Analysis.
11.-   CUP Seminars for Primary Teachers.
12.-   Butterflies are free.
13.-   Seminar at Universidad Tecnológica.
14.-   From TESOL Greece
Farewell: Poem “Tater People”
In SHARE 78         September 8th 2002
Introduction: “Get well” cards.
1.-    Livin´ la lengua loca.
2.-    Teaching at University level.
3.-    Mega-evento para Traductores y Profesores.
4.-    What you always wanted to know about Affixes.  
5.-    APIBA SIGS in September.
6.-    Pronunciation Software.
7.-    Moving Upward.
8.-    Understanding Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
9.-    New Website for Teachers of English : E- teaching on line.
10.-   When Children Learn.
11.-   FAAPI 2002 The Final Countdown.
12.-   New Book by an Argentinian Author.
Farewell: Message by Mother Therese of Calcuta
In SHARE 79         September 11th 2002
Teachar´s Day Card: The lyrics of the song "The Circle of Life" by Elton John and a quotation from Incoglia, Gina.1994.The Lion King .New York: Disney Press.
In SHARE 80         September 14th 2003
Intoduction: Three big events this morning
1.-    Decade of the Brain.
2.-    5th Southern Cone Regional TESOL Convention.
3.-    How we learn to talk.
4.-    Information from The British Council.
5.-    Historical Novels for Teens.   
6.-    El Nacimiento del Lenguaje.
7.-    In Remembrance of 11th September 2001.
8.-    Centum and Trinity College Certificate TESOL.
9.-    English & Fun, A Website for Teachers of English.
10.-   Amazing English.
11.-   Seminar in Paraná.
12.-   Taller de Traducción.
Farewell: Message “On People and Life”
In SHARE 81         September 21st 2002
Introduction:  Spring Day
1.-    Intonation Acquisition.
2.-    International Phonetics List.
3.-    Holistic English Workshops.
4.-    Recent Coinages.     
5.-    Good News from the Bs As Players.
6.-    20 Years of Emoticons.   
7.-    On the Road.
8.-    Phonetics Seminar at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
9.-    Writing Workshop.
10.-   An e-mail from Brazil.
11.-   Writing Project on-line.
12.-   Brits abroad.
13.-   Dr Edward De Bono and his Six Thinking Hats.
14.-   Maestría en Docencia Universitaria en la UBA.
Farewell: “After Autumn” a poem by María Martha Espíndola
In SHARE 82         September 29th 2002
Introduction: On FAAPI 2002 in Córdoba
1.-    Flexibility in Teacher Education.
2.-    The Access Certificate in ELT.
3.-    Red Marbles.
4.-    Cooked.      
5.-    Working and Studying Abroad.
6.-    Our Children and the Media in a Digital Age.   
7.-    Research Query.
8.-    Taller de Oratoria at UTN.
9.-    Teaching position in China.
10.-   The Cambridge Primary Seminar.
11.-   News from APIBA.
12.-   To a Teenage Son.
13.-   Courses for Translators and Interpreters.
14.-   Workshop on Generating Rapport.
Farewell: Message “No te detengas”
In SHARE 83         October 5th 2002
Introduction : No Saturday night fever tonight
1.-    Issues in Distance Learning.
2.-    Teaching English with Technology.
3.-    Educación Superior y Nuevas Tecnologías
4.-    Course on Phonology and Discourse Intonation.   
5.-    The Buenos Aires Players on line.
6.-    Quotations: Teachers and Computers.   
7.-    A Basic Menu of Call Activities.
8.-    Jornadas Nacionales para Traductores e Interpretes.
9.-    Training Teachers to work in Companies.
10.-   For Word Lovers: Pangram.
11.-   Gran Festival Celta “Halloween”.
12.-   Two Camels: A joke and a Moral.
Farewell: “To love the world passionately”
In SHARE 84         November 19th 2003
Introduction: The boys´Sports
1.-    Homographs.
2.-    Palindromes.
3.-    Workshop on Teaching Business English at UTN.
4.-    Drama, Creative Play and the Internet: A Call for participation. 
5.-    Planning an outing with your students?
6.-    Workshops: An invitation.   
7.-    Authentic Material for Advanced Students.
8.-    Listen to me.
9.-    APIBA SIGS: October and November.
10.-   NLP for the Teaching of English.
11.-   The Suburban Players announce: Flicker
Farewell: A thought by Li-Shin
In SHARE 85         November 26th 2002 
Introduction: We´ll sleep tight tonight
1.-    “True” Homographs.
2.-    Is Halloween a Catholic celebration?
3.-    Seminars in Quilmes.
4.-    Patriotism?   
5.-    Cyberloafing.
6.-    Jornadas on Creativity in ELT at CAECE.   
7.-    Radio Programme by Students of English.
8.-    Macmillan Heinemann announces.
9.-    The Original Little Red Hood.
10.-   Applying NLP in the Classroom.
11.-   Don´t argue with children.
Farewell:  Poem “A Family”
In SHARE 86         November 2nd 2002
Introduction: The SHARE family
1.-    Taboo English in the ESL/EFL Classroom.
2.-    E-Learning & Distance Learning: An On-line Course.
3.-    Marketing for Teachers and Translators.
4.-    Patriotism? : The Caesar´s quote.
5.-    Call for Articles.     
6.-    Jornadas sobre Español para Extranjeros.
7.-    My Wish for my grandchildren.   
8.-    Websites Recommended.
9.-    Language and Literature Workshops in Banfield.
10.-   School Year 2003 in Buenos Aires.
Farewell: Quotation from Martin Luther King Jr.
In SHARE 87         November 15th 2002
Introduction:  Weather and cyberspace
1.-    Taboo English in the ESL/EFL Classroom (2nd part).
2.-    Beating the Wrong Drums.
3.-    Professors at University.
4.-    Maturing.
5.-    News from the British Council.      
6.-    Classifieds
7.-    Titularización de Agentes sin título.   
8.-    Think on!
9.-    2002 Closing Meeting for APIBA SIGS.
10.-   Nuevo Sistema de Formación Superior Provincial
11.-   Sing a song for Christmas.
Farewell: Message “A wish for you” by Bethina Viale.
In SHARE 88         November 22nd 2002
Introduction: Recapitulating on the school year which is almost over.
1.-    Promoting L2 Vocabulary Learning.
2.-    Our brain´s response to humour.      
3.-    News from the British Council: Literary Awards.      
4.-    My List.  
5.-    International Business, Language & Technology Conference.
6.-    Who´s Hu?   
7.-    NLP Newsletter for Teachers and Head teachers.         
8.-    Interpretación Simultánea.  
9.-    Dedicación Exclusiva en la Universidad
10.-   From a Dancer´s Heart.
11.-   Congresses in Spain.
Farewell: A quotation: “Love by love”
In SHARE 89         November 30th 2002
Introduction: Early morning at home
1.-    Learning Strategies.
2.-    Book Review: Practise writing.       
3.-    An Irish Friendship Wish. 
4.-    NLP Workshops in the Summer. 
5.-    Jujuy Teachers´Association: New Committee.
6.-    Demanda de la Enseñanza del Español en Europa.       
7.-    Jornadas Internacionales de Lengua Española.         
8.-    Teaching positions in the USA.
9.-    A Joke in Three Colours.
10.-   News from The Suburban Players.
Farewell: Message: “Everything happens for a reason”.
In SHARE 90         December 7th 2002
Introduction: Omar gets tough on criticism to our introductions
1.-    Learning Strategies – Second Round.
2.-    In Simple Pronouns.     
3.-    Websites Recommended.
4.-    5th Southern Cone Regional TESOL Convention in Montevideo
5.-    Convenio entre la UB y el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Bs. As.
6.-    Santillana Workshops Announced.   
7.-    CEPA 2003: Cursos Gratuitos de Verano.           
8.-    Crocodile Tears.
9.-    Intelligence Testing.
10.-   IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Traducción e Interpretación.
Farewell: Poem “I wish for you”
In SHARE 91         December 15th 2002
Introduction:  After meeting with old Molinos´boys.
1.-    A Journey into Constructivism – Part 1.
2.-    Exam Action: Coping with cheaters.       
3.-    Exámenes con Tribunales destruyen neuronas.     
4.-    11th PERUTESOL Convention – Call for Papers.
5.-    Calling all Translators.
6.-    ASEREJE: An Explanation for a Mystery.       
7.-    Quotable Quotes by Mark Twain.      
8.-    English Speakers: 2003 Conference.
9.-    Linguistics and Contrastive Linguistics: A recommendation.
10.-   Tecnología Educativa: CONTEC 2003
Farewell: A letter from Mary Meyer.
In SHARE 92         December 21st 2002
Introduction: Omar gets everybody busy.
1.-    A Journey into Constructivism – Part 2.
2.-    Can Learning and Language influence colour perception?   
3.-    Doctorado Universidad de Morón.    
4.-    The Ig Nobel Prizes.
5.-    Programa de Normativa Española para Traductores.
6.-    Overheard at GCSE Examinations.
7.-    Web Portal for Teachers of English.          
8.-    Pancho Santa.
9.-    APIBA SIGs Symposium.   
10.-   University Degree for Translators from Tertiary Education.
11.-   Stop Press: First Annual Conference of Applied Drama.
Farewell: Joke “lobster and SHARING”
In SHARE 93         December 24th 2002
Christmas Card: Lyrics of "Do they know it´s Christmas" by Band Aid (slightly adapted).
In SHARE 94         December 29th 2002
Introduction: Looking back on a hard year that is ending
1.-    Metacognition and its development.
2.-    Piaget and Vygotsky in Heaven.    
3.-    Happy New Year! Nothing to Fear. 
4.-    El Origen del Lenguaje.
5.-    Position Vacant.
6.-    26th of December: Boxing Day.  
7.-    Segundo Encuentro de Gramática Generativa.       
8.-    Summer Course at T.S.Eliot Institute.    
9.-    The Ig Nobel Prizes (second round).       
10.-   Welcome 2003 with Bluesberry Jam.
Farewell: Short Story: “La Estrella”
In SHARE 95         January 12th 2003
Introduction: Holidays at home
1.-    Thematic Literature and Very Young Learners.
2.-    After Harry Potter, What?        
3.-    Shakespeare for Young Learners.
4.-    Electronic Village Online Sessions 2003.
5.-    In Your Own Write.
6.-    Call for Teachers of English Writing Skills.
7.-    Maestrías en la UBA.      
8.-    Correction and Hypercorrection.         
9.-    The Art of Achievement. 
10.    From an Argentinian Sharer in the States.
Farewell: Quotations from Martin Luther King´s speeches
In SHARE 96         January 26th 2003
Introduction: Spring Cleaning in Summer
1.-    Learning Vocabulary, Strategies at Work.
2.-    After Harry Potter, What? (Second Round).       
3.-    An Introduction to Applied Drama.
4.-    Tests for Young Learners: How to make them less scary.
5.-    First Seminar on Professional Development in Paraná.
6.-    What are you laughing at? Taking jokes seriously.
7.-    A Holistic Dimension to Language Learning.     
8.-    Job Opening in Chubut.          
9.-    The “ise” and “ize” endings.      
10.-   Interpretación Simultánea: Velocidad y Resistencia.
11.-   Spanish as a Foreign Language.
Farewell: Message: “God Boxes”
In SHARE 97         February 8th 2003
Introduction: Classes are about to begin
1.-    The Benefits of Extensive Reading (Part One).
2.-    Are you looking? The Importance of eye contact. 
3.-    Licentiate Diploma in Applied Drama.
4.-    News from Oxford University Press.
5.-    Words of the Year 2002.
6.-    News from Pearson Education.
7.-    Scholarships Announced.   
8.-    First Annual Symposium in Cali, Colombia.           
9.-    News from Cambridge University Press.
10.-   Advice Summer Seminar.
11.-   Seminar on Motivation and Rapport.
12.-   News from Macmillan.
13.-   Programa de Metodología Innovadora.
14.-   Conference on Applied Drama: An update.
Farewell:  A Joke : King Solomon
In SHARE 98         February 26th 2003
Introduction: About SHARE subscribers
1.-    The Benefits of Extensive Reading - Part Two.
2.-    A Recipe for Disaster in your Classroom.    
3.-    Youthspeak.
4.-    FAAPI 2003 in Salta.
5.-    Mabel Gallo elected to TESOL Board of Directors.
6.-    You got some marbles?
7.-    Distance Education and e-learning.      
8.-    E- Teaching Online.    
9.-    On Chomsky (2002).       
10.-   Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés en la UCALP.
11.-   Seminario para Directores y Coordinadores.
12.-   News from Advice Corrientes.
13.-   Job Opportunities at home and abroad.
Farewell: Two Quotations from Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa
In SHARE 99  March 8th 2003
Introduction: The Tragedy of War
1.-    Internet Reading-based Material in the Classroom (part 1).     
2.-    How the brain works: One Intelligence or More?
3.-    Good News from APRIR.
4.-    An Invitation to Write On!
5.-    An Argentinian at the Hornby Summer School.
6.-    A Message from Stephen Krashen.      
7.-    To throw in the towel and other boxing idioms.    
8.-    The Bs As. Players Previews.     
9.-    London Exams.       
10.-   Rhymes and Fingerplays.
11.-   On the Road Again!
12.-   Courses at Resourceful Teaching.
13.-   Job Opportunity.
14.-   What women think.
Farewell: Short Story “Las Tres Rejas”
In SHARE 100        March 22nd 2003
Introduction: On our Issue Number 100
1.-    To SHARE on its 100th Edition!
2.-    Down the dark Corridor there´s a ray of light!
3.-    A Learner Centered Approach: Implications for Syllabus Design.
4.-    Globalization, English and Professional Preparation.
5.-    Teaching English to Babies.
6.-    Old “facts” and Proverbs.     
7.-    News from the British Council.   
8.-    ARTESOL 2003.     
9-     APIBA SIGS Opening Event at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.     
10.-   Job Opportunity at University in San Luis.
Farewell: A Message from Elida Messina
In SHARE 101        April 6th 2003
Introduction: Further Reflections on the War
1.-    Internet Reading-based Material in the Classroom (part 2).     
2.-    Noam Chomsky: “Rebel without a pause”.
3.-    A Most Expected Comeback.
4.-    Echoes from the First Annual Conference of Applied Drama.
5.-    Tips for your first business classes.
6.-    The Passing of Common Sense.
7.-    Previews of On The Road Theatre Company.   
8.-    E-Teaching online in April.        
9-     Krashen link.  
10.-   Talk on the Language of Advertising.
11.-   Course on Translation into English.
Farewell: A message from the OUP staff.
In SHARE 102        April 17th 2003
Introduction: Breakfast with the family
1.-    The Non-Native Teacher of English.
2.-    How the brain processes emotional speech.
3.-    ARTESOL Convention makes a difference.   
4.-    Internet Reading-based Material in the Classroom (part 3).     
5-     International Conference in Arica, Chile
6.-    Good News from APrIR.
7.-    Third Issue of “Lenguas Vivas” Magazine.
8.-    The London Tests Website.     
9.-    Invitation from Academia Nacional de Educación.   
10.-   Feria del Libro: Justificación de Inasistencias.
11.-   Courses for Translators.
12.-   Course on Distance Learning.
Farewell: Poem “The Secret of Living”
In SHARE 103                May 1st 2003
Introduction: No Easter Card this year
                How to donate to Santa Fé
1.-    Why can they speak and cannot talk?
2.-    How babies think.
3.-    Jornadas at Filosofía y Letras UBA.
4.-    Regional Conference in Rio Cuarto, Córdoba.     
5-     II Encuentro de Gramática Generativa.
6.-    Not so great titles for “The Great Gatsby”.
7.-    Seminario Internacional en Paraná, Entre Ríos.
8.-    Talk on Contrastive Analysis.     
9.-    Changing Students´Attitudes : A Workshop.   
10.-   News from The Buenos Aires Players.
11.-   How many dogs does it take?
12.-   APIBA Special Interest Groups.
13.-   Storytelling in your School.
14.-   VenTESOL 2003.
Farewell: An Easter Message to Omar and Marina  from María Rosa Ghione
In SHARE 104        May 18th 2003
Introduction: Projects, lousy weather and the coming week.
1.-    E-mail and the acquisition of English (Part One).
2.-    Say the Word: Vocabulary on Elections.
3.-    One Intelligence or several?
4.-    A Spa for the Soul.
5.-    Course on Educational Psychology and the Teacher of English
6-     Why did the chicken cross the road?
7.-    Reference Books for free.
8.-    Talk on “Catchphrases” in Banfield.  
9.-    Seminar on Family Law and Successions.   
Farewell: A Handful of proverbs
In SHARE 105        May 28th 2003-07-06
A Message from Omar and Marina on the 9th National Congress of Teachers of English.
In SHARE 106        June 1st 2003
Introduction: Organizing the 9th National Congress of Teachers and Students
1.-    Minimal Pairs: Some funny stories and an invitation to further research.
2.-    Harper Lee or the art of keeping quiet after “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
3.-    E-mail and the acquisition of English (Part Two).
4.-    The British Council: Translating from Latin America.     
5.-    Lecture on Introduction to Corpus Linguistics at UTN.
6-     Talleres de Narración Oral: Stories that sound.
7.-    Position Vacant in Bahía Blanca.
8.-    The Thinking Approach.    
9.-    News from “On the Road”.   
10.-   Diseño Didáctico para la Web.
11.-   New English Website.
12.-   Workshops at the Buenos Aires Players.
Farewell: Words of Wisdom from a Child
In SHARE 107        June 21st 2003
Introduction: On the Primer Encuentro de Profesores del Conurbano Bonaerense
1.-    Case Studies in Content-based Programmes in Argentina.
2.-    Becoming a better Web surfer.
3.-    You name it! A Short Glossary on Trees.
4.-    2003 ARTESOL Convention: Ready for Tandil.
5.-    Who´s afraid of Story-Telling?
6-     Looking at “Rebecca” with expert eyes.
7.-    Why is the Personal Pronoun “I” capitalized?
8.-    Speech Clinic with Clem Durán.
9.-    APrIR´s Workshop on the Use of Chat.   
10.-   Electronic Village TESOL 2003: An Experience.
11.-   BEWNETWORK calls all independent teachers.
12.-   The Importance of being Earnest.
Farewell: Message: “A Truly Motivated Person”
In SHARE 108        July 6th 2003
Introduction: Omar and Sebas´s Birthdays
1.-    Story Telling: Heart and Soul of Education.
2.-    Extending Vocabulary Knowledge with Computers.
3.-    Words of the Year 2002.
4.-    II Encuentro de Gramática Generativa.   
5.-    Professional Development with “English & Fun”
6.-    E-teaching online.
7-     APIBA SIGs.
8.-    Why God never got tenure at a university.
9.-    We teach who we are: Judy Lloyd Yero in Argentina.
10.-   Seminar on Developing Literacy.  
11.-   The Buenos Aires Players on tour.
12.-   Just a way of saying.
13.-   Winter Promos by “On the Road”
14.-    Cambridge University Press: Very Active Winter Holidays.
Farewell: “Life” a poem by Daniel Colombini
In SHARE 109        July 12th 2003
Introduction: SHARE gets distributed in Perú by ELTeCS PERU
1.-    An Introduction to NLP: Presuppositions.
2.-    Reasons for using songs in the EFL Classroom.
3.-    One Intelligence or Many?
4.-    2003 TESOL Southern Cone Regional Convention.   
5.-    Yes: The TV Programme for Teachers and Students of English.
6.-    New Spoken English Test for Business.
7-     John Osborne: An Angry Young Man.
8.-    Politically Correct Statements for Young People.
9.-    APrIR SIGS and Monthly Activities.
10.-   The FAAPI Convention this year.  
11.-   Serenity and Tranquility.
12.-   Courses for Translators.
Farewell : Message “Three different kinds of teachers”
In SHARE 110        July 31st 2003
Introduction: Report on the 9th National Congress
1.-    An Introduction to NLP - Part 2.
2.-    Habit Formation: A Tribute to L.G. Alexander.
3.-    What is a question?
4.-    FAAPI 2003 : A letter. 
5.-    Curso ALPHA: Español como Lengua Extranjera.
6.-    Witches!
7.-    Jornada para Traductores: Capital Markets.
8.-    Bernieh´s Tip for Better Classroom Management.
9.-    APIBA Subsidies.
10.-   Hope.  
11.-   Course on Value-Based Literature.
12.-   Story-Telling Workshop.
Farewell: Pesimism and Optimism
In SHARE 111        August 8th  2003
Special Issue devoted to the 2003 FAAPI Congress.
In SHARE 112        August 30th 2003
Introduction: Very Good News
1.-    Teaching English to a Blind Child.
2.-    An Introduction to NLP - Part 3.
3.-    Lab chimp speaks his own language.
4.-    I Congreso Regional de Capacitación para la Enseñanza del Inglés. 
5.-    Teacher Update and Development Modules.
6.-    VII International Congress of Teachers of English in Chile.
7.-    Erratum
8.-    International Business Communication- A Repeat in Rafaela.
9.-    An Invitation from The Buenos Aires Players.
10.-   2003 English Speakers Mega Event.
11.-   Moving House.  
12.-   Business English for Teachers.
13.-   Living Lab of Drama and Communication.
14.-   The Importance of Being Earnest.
15.-   Position Vacant in Bariloche.
Farewell : A poem by Hamlet Lima Quintana in translation.
In SHARE 115                November 1st 2003
Introduction: Omar visits Chile
1.-    The Impact of Oral Narrative in the Classroom.
2.-    Word Formation Processes.
3.-    Teaching English to a Blind Child – Part 4.
4.-    The Keepers. 
5.-    Segundo Encuentro de Profesores y Traductores en la UCA.
Politically Correct Terms for “Stupid”.
7.-    Capacitación en Español como Lengua Extranjera.
8.-    On-line courses for Teachers of English.
9.-    Becoming an effective presenter.
10.-   Teacher Training Courses in Bahía Blanca.
11.-   “Little Women” at The Playhouse.
12.-   Course on how to use the Web in the Classroom.
13.-   “Stories that sound” Farewell Workshop.
14.-   “Little Shop of Horrors” in Venado Tuerto.
Farewell: Definition of Success
In SHARE 116        November 8th  2003

Introduction: Omar crashes his car and takes part in the UCA Seminar
1.-    What is Applied Drama?
2.-    Spanglish: when two languages become one.
3.-    The Impact of Oral Narrative in the Classroom – Part 2.
4.-    My Nanny speaks Spanglish. 
5.-    Macmillan Educational Update Courses in La Plata.
Tea for Heads of Department in La Plata.
7.-    APIBA´s end-of-year activities.
8.-    Yes! The TV Programme for Teachers of English.
9.-    Moving House.
10.-   “A Spa for the Soul” in Rafaela.
News from Pitman Qualifications- City & Guilds.
12.-   The November Issue of e-teaching online.
13.-   “A Day of Language” in Buenos Aires.
14.-   Auditions for 2004.
Farewell: A Message of congratulations from Ruth Rapaport from Brazil.
In SHARE 117                November 22nd 2003
Introduction:          SHARE figures again
1.-    Who´s afraid of exams?
2.-    Bilingualism and Bilingual Education.
3.-    “Inglés abre Puertas”: Por un Chile Bilingüe.
4.-    Whole Language wasn´t the problem. 
5.-    News from the British Council.
6.-    First Forum on Educating for Peace.
7.-    Vocabulary Development Discussion Group.
8.-    Jornada: El Traductor frente a los adelantos tecnológicos.
9.-    Giving the finger.
10.-   Escuela de Verano en Lingüística Formal.
11.-   961 On-line Dictionaries for free.
12.-   Is it possible to enjoy learning English?
13.-   “Chain of Favours”.
Farewell: “Dreams” a poem by Mariana Mussetta.
In SHARE 118                November 30th  2003
Introduction:        SHARE sponsors the Second Annual Conference on Applied Drama.
Information about the Conference.
In SHARE 119                December 7th 2003
Introduction:  Martin graduates from Secondary School and
                   Christmas Celebrations commence
1.-    Education: Handle with care!
2.-    Motivation and Second Language Learning.
3.-    Metacognition in Second Language Teaching and Learning.
4.-    Down at the Chalkface: Song + Activities 
5.-    It happened in a classroom.
6.-    ADVICE Summer Seminar 2004.
7.-    International Brain and Education Congress in Buenos Aires.
8.-    Acting Out songs.
9.-    E-Teaching Online Special Xmas Edition. 
10.-   Job Opportunities 
11.-   Chatting with Jem.
12.-   Yes! in December.
13.-   “Licenciatura” in ELT.
14.-    Calendario Escolar 2004 for Buenos Aires.
Farewell: “My Path” a Poem by Daniel Colombini.
In SHARE 120                December 24th 2003
Christmas Card: Reproduction of naïf painting “Just round the corner” and original message by Omar, Marina, Martin and Sebas.
In SHARE 121                February 16th 2004
Introduction: Back from our summer holidays
1.-    Florence Chaudet: A Tribute.
2.-    The Thinking Approach.
3.-    TPRS: Total Physical Response Storytelling.
4.-    On Language: Necking it down. 
5.-    What Professors really mean.
6.-    Macmillan Teacher Development Courses.
7.-    Third OUP Back to School Seminar.
8.-    APIBA´s New Executive Committee.
9.-    Job Openings. 
10.-   Centros de Idiomas: Estrategias de Promoción y Ventas.   
11.-   The Buenos Aires Players: Previews 2004.
12.-   Tools for Teachers: Two Seminars.
13.-   Acting out songs Workshop.
14.-   On the Road: Season 2004.
15.-   Internet Courses on Language and E-learning.
Farewell: Phrase by Joseph Addison.

In SHARE 122                March 9th   2004
Introduction: Omar ´s “Top Teens“ Tour.
1.-    The Thinking Approach – Part 2.
2.-    French Vocabulary in English.
3.-    On the nature and role of stories. 
4.-    How to memorize a poem.
5.-    Second Regional Conference in Rosario.
6.-    A Teacher on the Radio.
7.-    Conference in Santo Domingo.
8.-    Simposio Internacional de Bilingüismo.
9.-    Congreso sobre Educación, Lenguaje y Sociedad.   
10.-   YeS is back.
11.-   Curso de Interpretación Simultánea.
12.-   A Message from Resistencia.
13.-   Traductorado Público en Lomas de Zamora.
14.-   News from Macmillan.
Farewell: Prayer by St.Teresa of Avila
In SHARE 123                March 20th 2004
Introduction: A technological week.
1.-    La Incidencia de la Lengua Materna en el Aprendizaje del Inglés – Parte 1.
2.-    What is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?
3.-    A Head of School for our Time. 
4.-    Something works – Nothing doesn’t.
Maestría en Traducción at Universidad de Belgrano.
6.-    Fullbright Scholarships.
7.-    Feria del Libro: Ciclo Internacional sobre Lenguas Extranjeras.
8.-    Courses for Translators.
9.-    First Forum on Educating for Peace.   
10.-   University Diploma and ELT Courses On-line.
11.-   Talleres de Interpretación Consecutiva y Simultánea.
12.-   Eighth Regional Conference in Paraná: Call for Papers.
13.-   Teatro Colón: Guided Tours in English.
14.-   News from The Buenos Aires Players.
Farewell: A Message from Mariela Gomez
In SHARE 124                March 28th  2004
SHARE Index for issues 1 to 124.

We would like to finish this issue of SHARE with this message befitting the occasion of the publication of this INDEX: 
"If a person asks you where you are going, you tell him where you've been. That way you neither lie nor reveal your secrets."
Old saying quoted by American writer Maya Angelou.
Well, we have told you where we have been and we are sure you can now figure out where we are going.
Omar and Marina.
SHARE is distributed free of charge. All announcements in this electronic magazine are also absolutely free of charge. We do not endorse any of the services announced or the views expressed by the contributors.  For more information about the characteristics and readership of SHARE visit:
VISIT OUR WEBSITE : There you can read all past  issues of SHARE in the section SHARE ARCHIVES.