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An Electronic Magazine by Omar Villarreal, Marina Kirac and Martin Villarreal ©

21,970 readers - YEAR 20 - ISSUE 340 - 7th July, 2020

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

Happiness never decreases by being SHARED

A Word from the Editor

The All-Remote Schedule: No Risk to Health, High Risk to Learning

Writing Prompts, Lesson Plans, Graphs and Films: 150 Resources for Teaching About the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Carlos Skliar: "Volver a la escuela va a ser complicado por cómo están chicos y educadores"

Many Students Will Be in Classrooms Only Part of the Week

El Coronavirus ha exacerbado las desigualdades educativas en el mundo

Aprueban el protocolo nacional para la vuelta a la escuela en parte del país

The impact of the coronavirus on e-learning

Covid 19 has also brought about an explosion of new words and phrases

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