Big ideas for teaching English to little kids
Teaching the little ones requires patience and a sense of fun and playfulness. In this interactive talk, we will share the essentials to provide our demanding young learners with optimal conditions for learning in an appropriate environment.
Prof. Eugenia Dell´Osa.
Eugenia Dell’Osa graduated as Profesora de Inglés from Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. She has been a Whole Language facilitator and an English in Action teacher, teaching English to SEN students through Process Drama. She is currently an Educational Consultant and Material Designer for The Buenos Aires Players®; and an Alternative Language Learning® Teacher Trainer and Material Designer. She ran her own language school for babies and Very Young Learner. She founded Plan Up, to provide teachers with practical hands-on tools and strategies from real experience and has delivered workshops and talks in Argentina and Chile. She is Deputy Head at Glasgow Kindergarten, a Bilingual Kindergarten in Greater Buenos Aires.
A round trip to the world of Phonics
When I was asked to teach Phonics, some years ago, I thought it was just another trend that would last just a few years... I complained! I needed to change my methods, which worked well, and adapt the material I was using. Today, I understand it is a 'must.' Phonemic (and Phonological) Awareness is the way to teach to read and write, and also to pronounce better, the way to teach all, including our students with Specific Learning Differences. Join me to enjoy the HOW and easily put the method into practice!
Lic. Ricardo Spizzo
Ricardo Spizzo is a ‘profesor de inglés’ graduated from ‘Instituto Superior de Formación Docente y Técnica Nº 52’. He holds a degree as ‘Licenciado en Lengua Inglesa’ from Universidad del Salvador and the Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. He has been a teacher for more than twenty years at
kinder, primary, secondary and university levels. He is currently working as teacher and facilitator at Colegio Los Molinos, Assistant Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires and Director of ‘The English House’ Institute. Former ‘Linguistics’ Teacher for Universidad del Salvador and Profesor de ‘Práctica Docente para nivel Inicial’ for Centro Cultural Italiano. He has specialized in Teaching students with Specific Learning Differences and Phonological Awareness.
Let´s get out of the classroom and play in the playground
Prof. Esp. Fabiana Parano
Fabiana Parano is Profesora en Inglés from Instituto Superior Argentina 2000. Especialista en El Juego en Contextos Educativos from Escuela Normal Superior N°4 “Estanislao Severo Zeballos¨, an actress and a storyteller. She has majored in Storytelling at Estudio de Narración Oral Ana María Bovo. She has done intensive training as Clown, the Art of Mimicry (Mimo teatro Escobar-Lerchundi), Physical Theatre and the Use of Masks on Stage (Estudio Belisario, Marcelo Savignone).
She teaches Storytelling in the Classroom at Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Dr. Juan Ramón Fernández” and at Escuela de Maestros (ex CePA , Ministerio de Educación, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Games for the Classroom that your kids will love
Lic. Nylia Monté
NyliaMonté is a Psychologist (USAL), an English Teacher (I.N.S.P.T., U.T.N.), has studied Applied Neuropedagogy (U.B.), has done Postgraduate courses in Neurosciences and Education (U.C.A. and Univ. San Andrés), and has studied Brain-Based Learning in the USA. She is currently the Head of the Primary School EnglishDepartment at Nueva Escuela Argentina 2000, and is an English teacher at ICANA. She was co-founder and Director of Studies in a language institute for 10 years. She is co-author of the recently published resource book Games Galore! A Treasury of Useful Ideas for Teachers.
Prof. Natalia Carbonell
Natalia Carbonell is an English teacher (I.N.S.P.T., Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.) She has been teaching English in primary and secondary schools for 19 years. She also works as a translator and proofreader for School Publishing Group, translating texts and designing activities for educational books in the USA. She was an assistant teacher in Didactics for EGB at UTN. She is co-author of the recently published resource book Games Galore! A Treasury of Useful Ideas for Teachers
Books become alive In storytime!
How can we tell stories keeping eye contact with our students and showing them the book at the same time?
In this session you will get lots of practical ideas on how to use picture books and illustrated books when telling a story to your students.
Using the book as a visual aid helps children in their understanding of the story, it fosters their love of language and books and it also encourages children to make connections between the stories and the world around them. In the case of young and very young learners, it also helps increase their attention spans and it provides learners with positive group experiences.
Prof. Alejandra Alliende
Alejandra Alliende is Profesora en Inglés from Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr.Joaquín V. González”. She is a graduate Actriz from Escuela de Arte Dramático de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. She holds a Diplomatura en Infancia, Pedagogía y Educación and a Curso en Educación Inicial y Primera Infancia from FLACSO.Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. She is a bilingual storyteller and performs in book fairs, storytelling festivals, theatres and schools. She has work experience as a teacher, storyteller, speaker and as a workshop facilitator. She belongs to Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos and she is a co-founder of Casa Cuna Cuenteros, a volunteering storytelling programme at Hospital de Niños Pedro Elizalde.
Stories to sing and dance, action songs, and other gems for your kids.
Magíster Claudia De Martin.
Claudia is a Profesora en Inglés e Inglés Técnico from Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesora Técnico de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. She is also Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa from the same institution and has a Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TESOL) University of Jaén, Spain. At the moment she is Maestranda en Gerontología from Universidad Iberoamericana de México and Maestranda en Gerontología Social from Universidad Europea del Atlántico. She taught Didactics (JTP) at INSPT-UTN for more than fifteen years and has also specialized in teaching very young learners. At the moment she occupies a position in a governmental welfare department in Greater Buenos Aires working with older adults.