XIV Congreso Nacional de Desarrollo Profesional para Profesores de Inglés
All the material contained in this publication is protected by copyright and is the property of their respective authors. It can not be reproduced by any means without prior consent of its authors.
The contents of the handouts or the decision not to publish the material of their presentation is the sole responsibility of the lecturers. SHARE EDUCATION cannot be held responsible for the contents of the material or the material missing in this publication.
Mgter Silvana Carnicero
How to make the most of a perfect match: new technologies and project-based learning
Prof y Trad. Gilda Pinciroli
How to motivate your students by bringing the outside into the inside of the classroom.
Prof. Lucía Soriano
How to implement Growth Mindset, the New Psychology of Success for students and teachers
Lic. Clara Dadourian y Lic. Magdalena Elcoro
Charla 1 : ¿Cómo es un Aula Consciente? Programa Aulas Conscientes: Mindfulness, Educación emocional y Psicología Positiva
Charla 2: ¿Qué recursos de Educación Emocional podemos utilizar en el aula? Programa Aulas Conscientes