The SHARE awards are granted annually to educators for distinguished performance in the field of ELT in particular, and of education in general. The SHARE awards recipients will be educators whohave made a commendable contribution to the profession in the particular areas specified for each year.



The awards set for this year are: LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD This award aims at honouring a professional career that the Academic Committee has deemed to be meritorious and praiseworthy, not necessarily one that has met with extraordinary success, but one which deserves the profound respect of the ELT community. Profesora Clemencia Durán INNOVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The recipient of this award will be an educator who has preferably created, or otherwise introduced a new methodology in our country which has been regarded as highly valuable by the Academic Committee. Susan Hillyard B.A.(Hons) SCHOLARSHIP AND ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The Academic Committee will bestow this award on an educator who has given evidence of extraordinary dedication to systematic study and the promotion of knowledge and learning. Doctora Ana María Rozzi de Bergel